
Full Post List

Jul 26, 2024: The US is increasingly on its own with Israel. Britain drops …

Jul 26, 2024: The Majority Report discusses Kamala Harris' response to the …

Jul 25, 2024: War criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, met with a standing ovation …

Jul 25, 2024: The Kamala Harris Campaign launch video is so good: The …

Jul 25, 2024: Electing Kamala Harris is essential but we can’t stop …

Jul 25, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - Photos from a foggy morning sunrise.

Jul 25, 2024: Truthout reports on a potential Polio Outbreak in Gaza: …

Jul 24, 2024: Another summer of uncontrollable wildfires, another year …

Jul 24, 2024: On Mastodon, Joshua Holland shares the current state of …

Jul 24, 2024: Earth just set its hottest days on record in thousands of …

Jul 24, 2024: US policing is broken and out of control. “Tragic Beyond …

Jul 24, 2024: Inviting a war criminal to speak to Congress was a mistake. …

Jul 24, 2024: YES. THIS. This is everything. We are the solution we need. …

Jul 22, 2024: How Kamala Harris and Donald Trump compare on climate change …

Jul 21, 2024: I just felt a sting on my arm and looked down to see this …

Jul 21, 2024: Really hoping for a Harris/Buttigieg ticket. That would …

Jul 21, 2024: I’m not a Democrat but will vote for whatever Democrat …

Jul 21, 2024: Navigating Another False Binary - ZNetwork To my old fuzzy …

Jul 21, 2024: World Court Finds Israel Responsible for Apartheid | Human …

Jul 20, 2024: CrimethInc. : Ahead of Another Summer of Climate Disasters, …

Jul 20, 2024: Unlawful occupation and apartheid: The ICJ rules in favor of …

Jul 19, 2024: Dancing in my tiny house to Footloose and various other …

Jul 18, 2024: Yes, they knew. And most US law makers also knew but denied …

Jul 18, 2024: The sooner the better. When is the global population …

Jul 18, 2024: I’m pretty sure these people have lost their minds. If …

Jul 17, 2024: The Only Antidote To Election Anxiety Is Training To …

Jul 17, 2024: Mesmerizing! Tinged with Fantasy, Phyllis Shafer’s …

Jul 17, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - On my morning walk with Cosmo I stopped …

Jul 17, 2024: "Americans tend to think about the loss of electricity …

Jul 17, 2024: A deeply disturbing and truly dystopian story playing out in …

Jul 16, 2024: Don’t mourn, Organize! This is how it’s done. …

Jul 15, 2024: Truthout reports that Israel Has “Flattened” UNRWA HQ in …

Jul 15, 2024: From the very beginning US political institutions …

Jul 15, 2024: A brief video with Ari Berman on the constraints built into …

Jul 15, 2024: Blue Maga: we need to talk about the cult-like turn of the …

Jul 14, 2024: The US is a circus of white supremacy. The violence of today …

Jul 14, 2024: The US is a circus of white supremacy. The violence of today …

Jul 14, 2024: The Real Gaza Death Toll - Susan Abulhawa - YouTube While …

Jul 14, 2024: “The scope of the problem is vast.” Even that is …

Jul 13, 2024: Brutal truth. Listen to this conversation with Saul Williams …

Jul 13, 2024: Brutal truth. Listen to this conversation with Saul Williams …

Jul 13, 2024: “I think people just really have no idea what is coming, …

Jul 13, 2024: In the South, Sea Level Rise Accelerates at Some of the Most …

Jul 12, 2024: Living and surviving in the climate emergency will become …

Jul 12, 2024: Living and surviving in the climate emergency will become …

Jul 12, 2024: Possibly 186,000 dead. Factoring in a possible ratio of four …

Jul 12, 2024: Mother Jones reports on the July 5th Lancet report on the …

Jul 11, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - My mornings start with a dog walk …

Jul 11, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - My mornings start with a dog walk …

Jul 11, 2024: How Science Fiction Can Inspire Environmentalism and Climate …

Jul 11, 2024: "It would seem like a heavy-handed metaphor if it …

Jul 11, 2024: CrimethInc. : Why Stop at Removing Biden? : The Center …

Jul 10, 2024: The war crimes and genocide continue with another school …

Jul 10, 2024: The war crimes and genocide continue with another school …

Jul 10, 2024: "Because Trump is widely loathed, beating him should …

Jul 10, 2024: Sarah Kendzior: Last Chance, USA Because Trump is widely …

Jul 10, 2024: "It’s about survival" - Mayor of Athens, Greece …

Jul 10, 2024: Our new reality is constant adaption to extreme heat and …

Jul 9, 2024: What a fucking joke. Shameful. "Pier, which has …

Jul 9, 2024: What a fucking joke. Shameful. US Gaza aid pier to be …

Jul 9, 2024: A well articulated, sobering assessment of the motivations …

Jul 9, 2024: A well articulated, sobering assessment of the motivations …

Jul 9, 2024: Apple’s marketing of the iPad as a general computing …

Jul 9, 2024: A sorry, screwed up situation on so many levels. A lot of …

Jul 9, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - In my woodland garden, two of my …

Jul 9, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - In my woodland garden, two of my …

Jul 9, 2024: When a recognized animal like the polar bear goes extinct, …

Jul 9, 2024: Sadly this won’t register as a problem for most …

Jul 8, 2024: Researchers Estimate True Gaza Death Toll at 186,000 | …

Jul 8, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - A morning dog walk is the start of my …

Jul 8, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - A morning dog walk is the start of my …

Jul 8, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - How I’m surviving summer without taking …

Jul 8, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - How I’m surviving summer without …

Jul 8, 2024: Equally predictable: the 10% of the Global North will keep …

Jul 7, 2024: Pearls and Irritations have an excellent post about The …

Jul 7, 2024: The hard truth that needs to be confronted by America today: …

Jul 7, 2024: How the 1990s broke politics - Vox If you were to write the …

Jul 4, 2024: The “Land of the Free” Has Been the Enemy of Freedom Around …

Jul 4, 2024: On July 5, 1852 Frederick Douglass' speech: “What to the …

Jul 4, 2024: Freedom isn’t free • Missouri Independent You can’t …

Jul 4, 2024: “The developed countries, the major emitters, are not taking …

Jul 3, 2024: “You know in The Handmaid’s Tale flashback …

Jul 3, 2024: The Community Organizing Guide aims to empower people to …

Jul 3, 2024: Let’s talk about how we organize for the preservation and …

Jul 2, 2024: Let's talk about how we organize for the preservation and expansion of democracy

I often post about my belief that Americans are too …

Jul 2, 2024: Tragic. The devastation is hard to comprehend. This is the …

Jul 1, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - On a short evening walk with Cosmo we …

Jul 1, 2024: Mother Jones was 83 years old when she confronted a militia …

Jul 1, 2024: This seems like a problem the Republican Governor of Florida …

Jul 1, 2024: Liberals, Dems, whatcha gonna do about it? Yeah, that's what …

Jul 1, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - Waste Reduction

Over the past few years I've been making an effort to …

Jun 30, 2024: Oh, well, if Biden's family thinks he's the best candidate, …

Jun 30, 2024: The 2024 election is an opportunity for democracy

Following the first debate many Democrats are in a panic …

Jun 29, 2024: Karachi heatwave: Hundreds dying every day in financial hub …

Jun 29, 2024: The Government Broke Its Promise to Freed People. There’s a …

Jun 29, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - I've been seeing a lot of smallflower …

Jun 28, 2024: A rare, non-dramatic, measured take on the iPad. A Serious …

Jun 28, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - My morning walk with Cosmo was, as …

Jun 28, 2024: A year ago Jeremy described our current crisis very well: …

Jun 28, 2024: The way forward in the US is not about a party or candidate …

Jun 28, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - Laundry day! I don't wash clothes …

Jun 28, 2024: The problem with American "democracy" is not the terrible …

Jun 27, 2024: Comfortable, well-to-do middle class guy talking about …

Jun 27, 2024: Tiny Life Journal - The first blackberries of the season …

Jun 27, 2024: Filing this under Siri is better than pundits will admit. …

Jun 27, 2024: Tiny Life Journal I've been pondering a change in what I …

Jun 26, 2024: We're not even trying to slow down. We're accelerating to …

Jun 26, 2024: An excellent introduction to Noam Chomsky's work on mass …

Jun 26, 2024: So, to summarize, the State Department does not care and …

Jun 26, 2024: This is what happens when people are not paying attention to …

Jun 26, 2024: This tells you how broken we are. This is white supremacy …

Jun 26, 2024: Wealthy white people are happy to destroy the planet. No …

Jun 25, 2024: In a field of grass and wildflowers, Queen Anne's Lace and …

Jun 25, 2024: Lots of Republican Governors making disaster declarations …

Jun 25, 2024: In front of our eyes, and yet the vast majority in the US …

Jun 24, 2024: Just one more effect of the climate emergency we are now in: …

Jun 24, 2024: Anyone can make this kind of easy lifestyle change …

Jun 24, 2024: File this under another iPad user has not bothered to make …

Jun 23, 2024: Over at the Mac Power Users forum iPad user and enthusiast …

Jun 23, 2024: Exhibit 3,249 of jumping to the wrong conclusion about …

Jun 23, 2024: Apple has added another important utility feature to iPadOS …

Jun 22, 2024: They're really showing the world who they are. They're proud …

Jun 22, 2024: Pundits in 2023-2024: Siri is terrible and must be fixed. …

Jun 22, 2024: ‘Multiple disasters all in one day’: New Mexico’s brutal …

Jun 22, 2024: UN Human Rights Commission: Israel's is among most Criminal …

Jun 22, 2024: Youth Activists Score Huge Climate Win in Hawaii – Mother …

Jun 21, 2024: Mehdi Hasan's latest is important for anyone that may not …

Jun 21, 2024: Climate activists, Stonehenge and art: it's about protecting …

Jun 21, 2024: The plump seed heads of a grass meadow and a dew covered …

Jun 21, 2024: More than 1,000 hajj pilgrims die amid temperatures …

Jun 21, 2024: Show Your Stripes

Jun 21, 2024: Well Beyond the U.S., Heat and Climate Extremes Are Hitting …

Jun 21, 2024: LOL, you think it's costing a lot now? Just wait. Climate …

Jun 20, 2024: The sights and sounds of a morning walk. Birds songs …

Jun 20, 2024: A beautiful yellow slime mold! I love the details of the …

Jun 19, 2024: Louisiana to require the 10 Commandments displayed in every …

Jun 19, 2024: There's a lot of confusion and contradiction in the recent …

Jun 19, 2024: Multimedia exploration of Juneteenth: Juneteenth | National …

Jun 19, 2024: Up First briefing: Why Juneteenth is for all Americans : NPR …

Jun 19, 2024: A practical guide to building community resilience. Ordered. …

Jun 19, 2024: "Everyone has seen, this can actually undo everything else …

Jun 18, 2024: Just a glimpse of the incredible suffering that is already …

Jun 17, 2024: Israel's plan: Bomb Gaza into rubble Continue the violence …

Jun 17, 2024: 50,000 Children in Gaza Need to Be Treated for Acute …

Jun 17, 2024: It's getting much worse and will keep getting worse. A war …

Jun 17, 2024: Excellent practical advice for the necessary adaptions to …

Jun 16, 2024: Democrat Khanna: Biden is ‘running out of time’ with young …

Jun 16, 2024: Watching the world burn. A fast-moving wildfire spreads …

Jun 16, 2024: Despite huge PR push, is US plan for Gaza doomed to fail? | …

Jun 16, 2024: When it comes to confronting the white supremacy that the …

Jun 15, 2024: Apparently Apple's new design for tabs in iPadOS 18 app …

Jun 15, 2024: Apple Matches Donations to IDF and Illegal Settlements, …

Jun 15, 2024: An inspiring, somewhat comforting episode of The Great …

Jun 14, 2024: Let me clue you in if you have any delusions about this: …

Jun 14, 2024: Yesterday’s Majority Report includes an interview with …

Jun 13, 2024: Is Applebot a problem?

I generally don't agree with Federico Viticci's post at …

Jun 13, 2024: Chides? The NYT headline of this story trivializes it: …

Jun 13, 2024: Florida then: We don’t need no stinkin' climate …

Jun 13, 2024: Texas then: We don't need no stinkin' environmental …

Jun 12, 2024: Mac Nerds: It’s time for you to move on It’s …

Jun 12, 2024: The clever, cynical, self-satisfied snark at 12:38 (in the …

Jun 11, 2024: I’m watching Origin and in the current scene at 48 …

Jun 11, 2024: An excellent 2 part interview with Swiss historian Vincent …

Jun 10, 2024: Guessing I missed out on all the snarky bullshit the Apple …

Jun 9, 2024: UN: Israel-caused Famine to encompass all Gaza by July, …

Jun 9, 2024: After Israel’s massacre in Nuseirat … when will the world …

Jun 9, 2024: Susan Kaye Quinn: I've been thinking that climate fiction …

Jun 9, 2024: Went to bed disgusted with this nation. Woke up disgusted …

Jun 9, 2024: Another day of US/Israel war crimes and protests. Reportback …

Jun 8, 2024: The intention is to dismantle what little "democracy" we …

Jun 8, 2024: I don't usually post here about movies I've watched but I'm …

Jun 8, 2024: I have deep sympathy for non-human species and for the …

Jun 8, 2024: Caturday morning coziness with Rosie.

Jun 7, 2024: Our climate reality in 2024 is already starting to look and …

Jun 7, 2024: For anyone fed up with Adobe and their latest shenanigans …

Jun 7, 2024: Today's news: Netanyahu will be addressing Congress in July …

Jun 6, 2024: Finally, more reporting on famine in Northern Gaza. As …

Jun 5, 2024: UN chief António Guterres urges global fossil-fuel …

Jun 5, 2024: Hamas wants a permanent ceasefire, Netanyahu and the Israeli …

Jun 5, 2024: The intensification of the climate emergency by tech, …

Jun 4, 2024: Regardless of an accelerating climate emergency the entitled …

Jun 3, 2024: Against a world without Palestinians – Mondoweiss When I …

Jun 2, 2024: Explainer for the middle class white people who are confused …

Jun 1, 2024: Imagine this being worse because it will be. Why? …

Jun 1, 2024: A good take on the iPad and iPadOS for computing. …

Jun 1, 2024: We don’t really have a choice but sadly we’re …

Jun 1, 2024: The myth of the over-powered iPad

I came upon iPad enthusist Riley Hill’s website Slate …

Jun 1, 2024: We Need to talk about Zionism | The Listening Post - YouTube …

Jun 1, 2024: Alex Smith, US Agency for International Development senior …

May 31, 2024: We are making our planet uninhabitable. How long before we …

May 30, 2024: Biden is Alone Amid Global Demand for Gaza Ceasefire | …

May 30, 2024: There is no red line for Biden. Mehdi Hasan on the lack of …

May 30, 2024: My Siri Confession

Amongst the Apple nerds and pundits, Siri is one of the most …

May 29, 2024: Thousands in the streets of London rally for Gaza - YouTube …

May 29, 2024: Many Americans still pretend that the US is a democracy. And …

May 29, 2024: America: Founded in genocide and violent settler …

May 29, 2024: The Democratic Party should be scrambling right now to …

May 29, 2024: Biden has no red line. He is a war criminal. The ICC should …

May 28, 2024: Netanyahu’s deflection and Biden’s complicity in Israel’s …

May 27, 2024: The iPad is the touch first computer for the rest of us

Well, now, this is an interesting iPad headline and …

May 27, 2024: Fast forwarding to oblivion. Humanity’s survival is still …

May 27, 2024: Seems appropriate to post this again. MACKLEMORE - …

May 27, 2024: Because allowing humanitarian aid is counterproductive to …

May 27, 2024: While Americans enjoy our long holiday weekend our …

May 27, 2024: Fuck Trump Fuck Biden Fuck the Supreme Court Fuck the US …

May 27, 2024: FUCK YOU JOE BIDEN. Israel’s war on Gaza live news: ‘People …

May 25, 2024: If I’m in the cabin my favorite place to work is the …

May 25, 2024: As reported by The Forward, the background story of Theodor …

May 25, 2024: In violation of international law Israel will continue the …

May 24, 2024: An excellent interview with anarchist and historian Sophie …

May 24, 2024: During a typical day my attention turns over various aspects …

May 24, 2024: The US and Israel continue war cimes, ordered to stop by …

May 24, 2024: Lou Plummer has a beautifully written post reflecting on his …

May 23, 2024: I just had one of my favorite meals. Relatively climate …

May 23, 2024: Biden Should Oppose US Sanctions on ICC | Human Rights Watch …

May 23, 2024: Related reading: Carl Sagan’s The Demon Haunted World …

May 23, 2024: Semafor recently posted a story suggesting that Apple News …

May 22, 2024: Due to intense heat and drought in Mexico howler monkeys are …

May 22, 2024: Damnnnnnn. Video posted by Nando161 on Mastodon, Original …

May 22, 2024: The US, as always, blocks progress and justice while the …

May 22, 2024: Ireland, Norway and Spain recognise Palestine as independent …

May 22, 2024: I enjoyed reading this post by Apple Annie, a reflection on …

May 21, 2024: Democracy Now! interview with Lily Greenberg Call, First …

May 21, 2024: Biden’s continued statements in support of Israel and …

May 21, 2024: The World Is Ignoring the Other Deadly Kind of Carbon | …

May 20, 2024: No, they’re not equivalent. Israel has done, is now …

May 20, 2024: Arrest warrants sought for Hamas and Israel leadership: …

May 20, 2024: Today’s headlines: Joe Biden continues to arm Israel …

May 20, 2024: Missourians must remain vigilant to protect our initiative …

May 18, 2024: ZNet reports on the extreme heat wave covering some of the …

May 17, 2024: Concerning the state of iPadOS and a very tired Federico Viticci

Federico Viticci’s recent post, Not an iPad Pro …

May 17, 2024: America remains the best “democracy” money can …

May 17, 2024: Microsoft’s Emissions Spike 29% as AI Gobbles Up …

May 17, 2024: The Guardian sent a survey to 843 of the world’s top climate …

May 16, 2024: What American Fascism Would Look Like | The New Republic It …

May 16, 2024: Jewish Biden appointee resigns, accusing US president of …

May 16, 2024: Israeli Human Rights Lawyer Attacked While Documenting …

May 16, 2024: This is what democracy looks like. You won’t believe …

May 15, 2024: Joe Biden and those in Congress that continue to support …

May 15, 2024: After WWDC 2022 Federico Viticci was very loud in his …

May 15, 2024: Life in the woods: I’m sitting on my futon writing …

May 15, 2024: Middle class Americans don’t care much about the …

May 15, 2024: Today is Nakba Day - Wikipedia . Nakba Day ( ‘Memory …

May 15, 2024: The Majority Report discussion of a clip of Zbigniew …

May 15, 2024: What This Jewish Professor At Columbia Wants You To Know - …

May 14, 2024: The perception of the iPad is stuck in a rut created by the Apple enthusiast community

I’ve been thinking about the dynamics of the Apple …

May 14, 2024: I rearranged and refreshed the hugelculture beds in my …

May 14, 2024: It’s been clear for months that Israel is carrying out …

May 14, 2024: Army Major and Pentagon Officer Resigns Over US Support of …

May 14, 2024: This comment from a thread at MacRumors about Joanna …

May 13, 2024: Democracy Now! Interview with Pulitzer Winning author and …

May 12, 2024: USA & Israel Defy World in Vote To Make Palestine Full …

May 12, 2024: “We Are Going to Rally an Army”: Christian Zionists and …

May 12, 2024: UN Officials Describe “Absolutely Catastrophic” Conditions …

May 12, 2024: How Zionism became a synonym for violence and oppression | …

May 12, 2024: Canada continues to burn Canada wildfire: Thousands evacuate …

May 12, 2024: More than 800 faculty and staff at UCLA call for …

May 12, 2024: Apple’s iPad Pro Marketing Failure — They don’t even try

Discussing Apple’s recent iPad marketing on his …

May 11, 2024: Currently Apple’s iPad playlist on YouTube has 4 …

May 10, 2024: The Aurora in Missouri is looking spectacular.

May 10, 2024: Nature’s Oldest Mandolin: The Poetic Science of How Cicadas …

May 10, 2024: An important step forward for the Palestinians. UNGA votes …

May 10, 2024: Doc Rock on the May 7th episode of MacBreak Weekly is the …

May 10, 2024: Exploring how others use and view the iPad

Buckle in, this is a longer post based on a couple of very …

May 9, 2024: Mehdi Hasan on the Majority Report last week on the media …

May 9, 2024: World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to …

May 9, 2024: Not surprising. We continue to move in the wrong direction. …

May 9, 2024: Student Journalists Face Storm of Campus Protest …

May 8, 2024: The US is propping up gas while the world moves to renewable …

May 8, 2024: Why is Jason Snell so confused about the iPad use case?

In the latest Upgrade Jason Snell’s just a broken …

May 8, 2024: Hey tech guy, just because some devices aren’t built …

May 7, 2024: A few thoughts on Apple's

While most are focused on the new iPad hardware I’ll …

May 7, 2024: Damn. Some Rage Against the Machine Energy here. Macklemore …

May 6, 2024: The next month of iPad punditry is going to be unbearable. …

May 6, 2024: Romney Admits Push to Ban TikTok Is Aimed at Censoring News …

May 6, 2024: The wealthy 10% of the over-developed nations are wondering …

May 6, 2024: Khürt Williams over at Island in the Net has a wonderful and …

May 6, 2024: Vox has an excellent story on annual global food waste. The …

May 6, 2024: Cicadas 2024: Brood XIX and XIII will impact our ecosystems …

May 5, 2024: The iPad Pro is its own thing and should never be a Mac

My M1 iPad Pro is only three years old so I won’t be …

May 4, 2024: Mehdi Hasan interview on the Majority Report digging into …

May 4, 2024: I’ve seen several blog posts uncritically sharing the …

May 4, 2024: FULL BLOWN FAMINE in northern Gaza Senior UN official says …

May 4, 2024: It’s frustrating (though not surprising) to see the …

May 4, 2024: The scene around my tiny house in the woods yesterday was …

May 4, 2024: Fascinating. A Clockwork Orange, White Supremacy, and …

May 4, 2024: Christiane Amanpour’s interview with Bernie Sanders is …

May 3, 2024: Meet Hala Rharrit, First U.S. Diplomat to Quit over Gaza - …

May 3, 2024: Soft light and morning raindrops

May 3, 2024: A speckled king snake cozied up in a rotting log in a …

May 3, 2024: Divesting from an apartheid state actively engaged in land …

May 3, 2024: Mass die-offs and constant crisis will define the brutality …

May 2, 2024: A War Against Humanity Itself | Common Dreams Amidst the …

May 2, 2024: It has begun! I found this year's cicadas in my garden this …

May 2, 2024: Salt Marsh Caterpillar found in my garden this morning.

May 1, 2024: Violence AGAINST Anti-War Student Protesters Escalates …

May 1, 2024: U.S. Hypocrisy Laid Bare as Biden Admin Claims ICC Can’t …

May 1, 2024: The Preacher and the Slave - Wikipedia “The Preacher …

May 1, 2024: There comes a time when the operation of the machine is so …

May 1, 2024: We in the US have forgotten so much about our own history. …

Apr 30, 2024: Some don’t seem to understand the connection between …

Apr 30, 2024: Biden is in danger of losing the election because of his …

Apr 30, 2024: Mehdi Hasan providing important context on the media’s …

Apr 30, 2024: Why hasn’t the US called for an investigation into mass …

Apr 30, 2024: And yet cities in the Southwest are still growing. The …

Apr 30, 2024: Americans have long described their government as being …

Apr 29, 2024: They’re committing war crimes and genocide so yes, …

Apr 29, 2024: Land Back: Indigenous Environmental Stewardship and the Path …

Apr 29, 2024: I deeply appreciate this post by Ben Werdmuller explaining …

Apr 29, 2024: World Central Kitchen says it will resume operations in Gaza …

Apr 28, 2024: Israel Has Already Imposed Unavoidable, Exponential Famine …

Apr 28, 2024: Yesterday Manton shared a recent post by Manuel Moreale The …

Apr 28, 2024: And it will get much, much worse. We are in the earliest …

Apr 28, 2024: Also US misdeeds in Iraq, 1990-91, pre-2001: Thomas Fuchs: …

Apr 28, 2024: People are rightly disgusted by the puppy killer Kristi …

Apr 27, 2024: Anyone paying attention the past 7 months is not surprised …

Apr 27, 2024: Project 2025, the policy substance behind Trump, reveals a …

Apr 27, 2024: It's only been a couple weeks since I decided to do all of …

Apr 27, 2024: A brief exploration of alternative browsers on iPad

A few months ago I started encountering a bit of bugginess …

Apr 26, 2024: The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a …

Apr 26, 2024: I’m guessing White House statements on the recent …

Apr 26, 2024: Excellent commentary on recent White House statements on …

Apr 25, 2024: Klein is lighting the way forward. Naomi Klein: Jews Must …

Apr 25, 2024: Human solidarity. “Seder in the Streets to Stop Arming …

Apr 24, 2024: I first watched Koyaanisqatsi sometime around 1990 and I was …

Apr 23, 2024: Pro-Palestinian Campus Encampments Spread Nationwide Amid …

Apr 23, 2024: Great to see these protests gaining momentum. CrimethInc. : …

Apr 22, 2024: According to a UN report published in September 2023 settler …

Apr 22, 2024: ‘Children won’t be able to survive’: inter-American court to …

Apr 22, 2024: Religious extremists do not accept or respect boundaries. …

Apr 22, 2024: Most nations have resumed funding to UNRWA which is the main …

Apr 21, 2024: Alt headline: Israel expects the US to indefinitely and …

Apr 21, 2024: 2024-04-21 07_22 I never noticed that when magnified some of the Calyptra …

Apr 20, 2024: I posted earlier today that I’d seen a drop off in …

Apr 20, 2024: After more looking I’m still finding little in the way …

Apr 20, 2024: Media reports of famine in Gaza have dropped to near zero in …

Apr 19, 2024: Earth’s record hot streak might be a sign of a new climate …

Apr 19, 2024: We need to support social justice in tech. Solidarity. An …

Apr 19, 2024: The US is isolated in its support of Israel, a state …

Apr 19, 2024: Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its …

Apr 18, 2024: We could do with far more worker activism like this. …

Apr 18, 2024: Arctic permafrost is now a net source of major greenhouse …

Apr 18, 2024: Democrats Question U.S. Claims That Israel Isn’t Violating …

Apr 18, 2024: Documenting Six Months of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza Over …

Apr 18, 2024: Is text editing on the iPad a problem?

Posting on Mastodon Scott Jenson suggested that text editing …

Apr 17, 2024: Breaking it down by the numbers. Damning but not surprising. …

Apr 17, 2024: UN Report Describes Abuse and Dire Conditions in Israeli …

Apr 17, 2024: A quick follow-up to my post earlier this morning about …

Apr 17, 2024: It was 85°F here yesterday (mid-Missouri). Forecast to be …

Apr 17, 2024: Nerd Note! In early February I decided to experiment with …

Apr 16, 2024: The big idea: are we about to discover a new force of …

Apr 16, 2024: “Borrowed time”: As we shatter temperature …

Apr 16, 2024: Protestors Against Gaza Genocide Block Roads, Commerce in 50 …

Apr 16, 2024: Meanwhile, in Gaza, the genocide continues, famine grows. As …

Apr 16, 2024: Sounds of the natural world are rapidly falling silent and …

Apr 16, 2024: Something to be aware of. Bird flu spread: The dairy and …

Apr 14, 2024: A few spring 2024 iPad thoughts

In the first months of 2024 the story of the iPad being told …

Apr 14, 2024: The footage of the Nazi youth camps along the east coast is …

Apr 14, 2024: ‘The doom sits on your shoulders’: Farmers share …

Apr 14, 2024: The first episode is very well done. Another chapter in the …

Apr 13, 2024: How do you define self? Back around 1991 I co-organized and …

Apr 13, 2024: An excellent episode of Solarpunk Now! podcast: Episode 18 – …

Apr 12, 2024: A state execution just 40 minutes north of me. Dispatch From …

Apr 12, 2024: Just another day in the climate emergency as the reservoir …

Apr 11, 2024: Continuing genocide. Aid ‘still not reaching Gaza’, as top …

Apr 11, 2024: “We’re Responsible for This”: American Surgeons Return from …

Apr 10, 2024: The climate emergency is the long emergency that will have …

Apr 10, 2024: Gaza Is Unlike Anything I’ve Ever Seen, Says NGO …

Apr 10, 2024: Who has the right to self-defence, the occupier or the …

Apr 10, 2024: Impact of climate change on marine life shown to be much …

Apr 10, 2024: Farmers warn ‘crisis is building’ as record rainfall …

Apr 8, 2024: Clear skies for the 2024 Solar eclipse: totality. …

Apr 8, 2024: Clear skies for the 2024 Solar eclipse! #SolarEclipse …

Apr 8, 2024: Stickers, soap and legal help: the rise of Mexico City’s …

Apr 6, 2024: The ‘human shields’ lie has been conclusively, …

Apr 6, 2024: Lavender & Where’s Daddy: How Israel Used AI to Form …

Apr 5, 2024: Recommended podcast episode: Millennials Are Killing …

Apr 5, 2024: More grassroots anti-war activism in the US: Walkouts, …

Apr 5, 2024: A carefully presented and well researched video by Randahl …

Apr 5, 2024: UN Human Rights Council calls for halt to weapons shipments …

Apr 5, 2024: Evidence that grassroots, progressive activism in the US is …

Apr 5, 2024: The Perserverance of Dignity – Abolition Media The …

Apr 4, 2024: ‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree …

Apr 4, 2024: Schools close and crops wither as ‘historic’ heatwave hits …

Apr 4, 2024: Biden is not passively funding the slaughter of …

Apr 3, 2024: In this Majority Report clip about Israel’s recent …

Apr 3, 2024: War Crimes: “Sniper shots to the brain. They were …

Apr 3, 2024: Delusions at the United Nations | Al Jazeera We have now …

Apr 2, 2024: Is the US status as a war criminal just being accepted by …

Apr 2, 2024: The case for paying ranchers to raise trees instead of …

Apr 1, 2024: 1 in 5 Wisconsin Democrats Said Gaza War Will Impact Their …

Apr 1, 2024: Not a surprise that the Fascist Party in attempting to limit …

Apr 1, 2024: Big surprise. Nations Are Undercounting Emissions, Putting …

Apr 1, 2024: Lots of planning for November and post election: How Viktor …

Mar 31, 2024: Not only will the cost of food contiune to rise, but an …

Mar 31, 2024: I’ve seen it suggested that American billionaires …

Mar 31, 2024: The GOP is Fascism now. GOP Congressman Tim Walberg calls …

Mar 30, 2024: ‘Obscene’: Biden Quietly OKs More 2,000-Pound …

Mar 30, 2024: Gaza starvation could amount to war crime, UN human rights …

Mar 30, 2024: In the US we’re just beginning to pay the price for …

Mar 29, 2024: ‘Ecocide in Gaza’: does scale of environmental destruction …

Mar 29, 2024: For those of us in the US acknowledging the truth of our own …

Mar 28, 2024: ICJ orders Israel to take action to address famine in Gaza: …

Mar 28, 2024: The US and Israel continue partnership in war crimes. As …

Mar 28, 2024: I Could Not Stay Silent: Annelle Sheline Resigns from State …

Mar 28, 2024: Israel: Above the law? | Featured Documentary - YouTube A …

Mar 28, 2024: Seen on the trail today, a zebra swallowtail! Saw a red spot …

Mar 28, 2024: This is the kind of response I get when I email or call "my" …

Mar 27, 2024: I’m glad I avoid posting hot takes. Yesterday, Serif, …

Mar 27, 2024: Pondering a white supremacy that is so deeply embedded in …

Mar 27, 2024: The tide of public opinion in the US has finally turned …

Mar 27, 2024: Listening to the current episode of the Politically …

Mar 26, 2024: Extreme heat could trigger the worst global financial crisis …

Mar 26, 2024: War on Gaza: UN special rapporteur accuses Israel of acts of …

Mar 26, 2024: Ex-U.N. Official Craig Mokhiber: Israel Must Be Held …

Mar 26, 2024: Israel’s attempt to destroy Unrwa is part of its starvation …

Mar 26, 2024: Study documents slowing of Atlantic currents While …

Mar 25, 2024: UN Security Council passes resolution demanding immediate …

Mar 25, 2024: I opened photos to look for a photo and ended up at some …

Mar 25, 2024: Yes, and the US is complicit. Half of Gaza’s population is …

Mar 24, 2024: Does Israel need to be forced by the US to end the war in …

Mar 24, 2024: One of these men has spoken to US Congress and is currently …

Mar 23, 2024: Engaging in land theft, forced famine and genocide, Israel …

Mar 23, 2024: “A Failure of Humanity:” IRC’s David …

Mar 22, 2024: What unfolding genocide looks like: “If you want to know …

Mar 21, 2024: Floods, Wildfires & Hurricanes: US Home Insurance …

Mar 21, 2024: Again, look to the US as a root cause. ‘The Greatest …

Mar 20, 2024: Chuck Schumer warned that Israel risks becoming a pariah. …

Mar 20, 2024: With no progress to reduce driving or flying it would seem …

Mar 20, 2024: Climate researcher on what’s causing the record rise …

Mar 19, 2024: I’ve never been more disgusted and ashamed to be a …

Mar 19, 2024: If food does not get in NOW 100,000+ will die of starvation …

Mar 19, 2024: The US transition to Green Energy is going well. United …

Mar 19, 2024: Heartbreaking and predictable. Also, the response is an …

Mar 17, 2024: So good. An Honest Chevron Ad - YouTube Did you know …

Mar 17, 2024: The climate emergency is just getting started. Homeowners …

Mar 17, 2024: People living this close to the ocean are still in denial of …

Mar 17, 2024: It’s been three weeks since Aaron Bushnell set himself …

Mar 16, 2024: Climate activists across Europe block access to North Sea …

Mar 16, 2024: Rachel Corrie Gave Her Life for Palestine This day in 2003, …

Mar 15, 2024: Donated! World Central Kitchen | Operation Safeena: WCK aid …

Mar 15, 2024: Mehdi Hasan Debunks 7 Israeli Myths About UNRWA - YouTube …

Mar 15, 2024: A review/check-in after 19 months of hosting on It's a mixed bag

After many years of using WordPress for my blogs I decided …

Mar 14, 2024: Love in the time of genocide | Israel War on Gaza | Al …

Mar 13, 2024: Human-caused climate change fuels hottest February on …

Mar 13, 2024: Moving in the wrong direction on climate. Amid explosive …

Mar 12, 2024: 20 albums that stuck

Lou Plummer: List 10 albums that have stayed with you over …

Mar 12, 2024: A perfect afternoon visiting the bees as they collected …

Mar 11, 2024: A variety of bees, flys and butterflies were busy …

Mar 11, 2024: Famine in Gaza

Is there famine in Gaza? | Reuters

The United Nations said …

Mar 10, 2024: Pro-Palestinian protesters block roads leading to Oscars …

Mar 10, 2024: A male relative today made a sexist, stupid comment, not for …

Mar 10, 2024: See the USA in your Chevrolet!

Mar 8, 2024: YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) Central Headquarters …

Mar 7, 2024: This is a crazy good deal if you want or need an alternative …

Mar 7, 2024: Linked: Climate Emergency

This chart of ocean temperatures should really scare you …

Mar 7, 2024: An 11 minute clip that clearly explains the current crisis …

Mar 6, 2024: The always evolving iPad set-up (and speculations on the iPad's future)

It's March of 2024 and we're expecting new iPad and likely a …

Mar 5, 2024: America is built on settler colonialism, slavery and white …

Mar 5, 2024: The March 4 episode of The Majority Report features an …

Mar 3, 2024: I see a lot of white middle class Democrats on social …

Mar 3, 2024: Thinking of to Aaron Bushnell and his self-immolation to protest genocide

Over the past week my mind went often to Aaron Bushnell and …

Mar 1, 2024: Via Mastodon: StillIRise1963… People who’ve …

Feb 29, 2024: Linked: Palestinian and Gaza News

For Israel, violence is inherent in its colonial DNA: Marwan …

Feb 29, 2024: The Smokehouse Creek Fire, now the largest in Texas history …

Feb 29, 2024: A deeply broken country

This morning Starrwulfe wrote :

The enshittification of my …

Feb 28, 2024: “Uncommitted”: Over 100,000 Cast Protest Vote …

Feb 28, 2024: Linked: Climate Emergency

The climate emergency is all around us.

Smokehouse Creek …

Feb 27, 2024: Israel and the US, partners in land theft, genocide and …

Feb 27, 2024: Support Palestinian resistance to genocide and settler …

Feb 27, 2024: In a recent thread about Israel’s ongoing atrocities …

Feb 27, 2024: “My name is Aaron Bushnell. I’m an active duty …

Feb 26, 2024: Republican House Rep. Andrew Ogles on Gaza: “We Should Kill …

Feb 26, 2024: HunterNP: Rest in power, Aaron Bushnell… “Many of us …

Feb 26, 2024: Suicide vs genocide: Rest in power, Aaron Bushnell On …

Feb 25, 2024: Nancy MacLean, “The Pre-History—and Likely Sequels—of the …

Feb 25, 2024: DrAlJones on Mastodon: Conservative Political Action …

Feb 23, 2024: Linked: Palestinian and Gaza News Mhairi Black’s incredible speech demanding a ceasefire in …

Feb 21, 2024: On Mastodon ninavizz writes: Today Adobe announced its …

Feb 21, 2024: Linked: Palestinian and Gaza News Not a surprise but with the latest UN Security Council Veto …

Feb 19, 2024: The Apple pundit club strikes again

Hey hey, look, the Apple pundit club have gotten together to …

Feb 19, 2024: Linked: Palestinian and Gaza News Palestine awakens the revolution… Since Israel began …

Feb 18, 2024: Finished reading: The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi 📚 …

Feb 18, 2024: The iPad Pro, Mac and Vision Pro can all co-exist

It’s been a couple weeks since Apple released …

Feb 16, 2024: Linked: Climate Emergency Skyrocketing ocean temperatures have scientists scratching …

Feb 14, 2024: Apple getting weird? Jason Snell wants Apple to get weird. Here’s my pitch …

Feb 14, 2024: Ongoing link round-up of events in Gaza Bombs, Disease, Starvation: Canadian Doctor Describes the …

Feb 13, 2024: Jon Stewart Tackles The Biden-Trump Rematch That Nobody …

Feb 12, 2024: Photos: Superb Owl Sunday VIII - The Atlantic A special …

Feb 12, 2024: Kimberley Rose - The definition of antisemitism that has …

Feb 12, 2024: As millions in the US entertained themselves with the Super …

Feb 11, 2024: An easy hack for an ever present clipboard history for iPad! This is fairly easy and straightforward though it requires …

Feb 10, 2024: 2021 Remaster “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” …

Feb 10, 2024: Linked: Palestinian Gaza News Chris Hedges “The Genocide in Gaza”… …

Feb 9, 2024: For activists or anyone following the current situation in …

Feb 9, 2024: I’ve been posting a lot recently about Israel’s …

Feb 8, 2024: Linked: Climate Emergency Chile forest fires: At least 51 dead, say officials | BBC …

Feb 8, 2024: Israel Has Killed Nearly 900 Palestinians Since ICJ Order to …

Feb 7, 2024: If you use an #iPad with an external monitor here’s a …

Feb 7, 2024: Report Finds “No Evidence” in Key Dossier to Support …

Feb 6, 2024: This is not settlement but land theft. Israeli Settlers Are …

Feb 6, 2024: Bernie Sanders: The U.S. is complicit in the disaster in …

Feb 6, 2024: Israel Has Killed Nearly 900 Palestinians Since ICJ Order to …

Feb 6, 2024: Reckoning with a storm. Just a feeling really. Pulled …

Feb 5, 2024: Gaza Death Toll Perspective: Population of Gaza: 2,400,000 * …

Feb 5, 2024: It’s been many years but one thing I remember about …

Feb 2, 2024: How interesting: when Netanyahu’s pro-Apartheid …

Feb 1, 2024: Thinking this morning about Solidarity. It’s not …

Jan 30, 2024: More on the International Court of Justice, UNRWA and …

Jan 29, 2024: Biden’s continued support of Israel is going to hurt …

Jan 29, 2024: With the recent rain the moss and lichen are looking very …

Jan 28, 2024: The war on Palestine and Gaza: Link Roundup Can Israel Ignore World Court’s Order? Experts Weigh …

Jan 26, 2024: So many US based Apple pundits and developers so deeply …

Jan 25, 2024: Further explorations of Octavia Butler Continuing my exploration of Octavia Butler and the …

Jan 24, 2024: Hey Macintosh, happy 40th! My Color Classic and iPad Pro as imaged by an iPhone 7+ in …

Jan 21, 2024: As I’ve been spending the past couple weeks exploring …

Jan 21, 2024: Decolonising The Future This episode of The Long Time …

Jan 19, 2024: The Haves & The Have-Nots… Nate Hagens on …

Jan 19, 2024: Electric cars are not the future  For a city-dweller …

Jan 18, 2024: Ending Hyperconsumerism How degrowth and ecosocialism can …

Jan 18, 2024: Abortion-rights coalition launches campaign to put amendment …

Jan 18, 2024: With US support and complicity: A crisis of humanity, a …

Jan 16, 2024: Thoughts on Octavia Butler's Parable series I recently finished reading Octavia Butler’s Parable …

Jan 16, 2024: Climate Emergency Link Roundup Global heating will pass 1.5C threshold this year, top …

Jan 14, 2024: Finished reading: Parable of the Talents by Octavia E. …

Jan 12, 2024: South African lawyer’s incredible speech accusing …

Jan 12, 2024: Irish lawyer’s stunning speech at The Hague accusing …

Jan 11, 2024: South Africa Lays Out Genocide Case vs. Israel at World …

Jan 11, 2024: South Africa Just Made Its Case Against Israel at the …

Jan 11, 2024: An interesting patch of moss and lichen near the trail on my …

Jan 10, 2024: The war on Palestine and Gaza: Link Roundup #Gaza #Genocide #Apartheid South Africa’s genocide case …

Jan 8, 2024: Trying to sleep with two dogs and a cat. Last night was …

Jan 7, 2024: I’m not sure what’s more frightening here. The …

Jan 7, 2024: What's a professional?* I opened Mastodon this morning to find this fun thread about …

Jan 6, 2024: Christina Warren: NGL, a huge part of me loves this even …

Jan 4, 2024: I love Warner Crocker’s incredibly detailed post about …

Jan 4, 2024: The war on Palestine and Gaza: Link Roundup In Gaza, Palestinians Are Running Out of Water and …

Jan 3, 2024: 2023 Year in Review (Also, a few interior photos of my tiny house, pardon the mess😂) My life is generally best characterized as small, slow and …

Jan 2, 2024: Bread and Circuses: “Sometimes I wonder about …

Jan 1, 2024: Climate Emergency Link Roundup #ClimateEmergency World will look back at 2023 as year …

Dec 31, 2023: Finished: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler 📚 I …

Dec 31, 2023: Feeding 8 billion humans in a climate crisis Something I often note in the ongoing discussion about the …

Dec 31, 2023: Humans v nature: our long and destructive journey to the age …

Dec 30, 2023: Readers have told me they like to build small-scale …

Dec 29, 2023: For anyone interested in taking personal action on climate …

Dec 28, 2023: The war on Palestine and Gaza: Link Roundup I’ve fallen a bit behind so some of these are a few …

Dec 28, 2023: I’ve long avoided all the “read it later” …

Dec 26, 2023: As the world celebrates the holidays Gaza burns Spent the past few hours reading and watching the most …

Dec 26, 2023: Everything we know about Joe Biden’s 50-year history of …

Dec 26, 2023: Still no peace in Palestine. People are desperately …

Dec 24, 2023: A gall induced by Atrusca quercuscentricola, Spotted oak …

Dec 24, 2023: The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a …

Dec 23, 2023: My current favorite iPad set-up, the work-around-the-cat …

Dec 23, 2023: Seen on my morning trail walk. From top to bottom: The gall …

Dec 22, 2023: When a government is guilty of war crimes when does its …

Dec 22, 2023: Thoughts and it's place in the fediverse Out on my trail walk this morning I was listening to a …

Dec 22, 2023: Republican front-runner Donald Trump is escalating his …

Dec 21, 2023: Apple's machine learning feels like magic Over the past year one of the tech stories that I've seen …

Dec 21, 2023: Climate Link Roundup The flow of articles reporting on the climate emergency is …

Dec 21, 2023: Chris Hayes: The war in Gaza must end - YouTube Difficult to …

Dec 20, 2023: “Science is a way to call the bluff of those who only …

Dec 20, 2023: Over the years, I have enjoyed my share of animated …

Dec 20, 2023: Since October 7, Israel has launched a total war on Gaza, …

Dec 19, 2023: At least 100 elephants have died in Zimbabwe’s largest …

Dec 19, 2023: Israel has shifted the so-called “safe zone” again. First …

Dec 18, 2023: Unexpected App surprises of 2023 Over at the Mac Power Users forums there’s a new …

Dec 18, 2023: Fossil fuels won at COP28 - YouTube Another year, another …

Dec 17, 2023: NPR’s The Sunday Story: Media faces the question of …

Dec 17, 2023: Silent Sunday.

Dec 17, 2023: I recently had the thought that I wanted to try making …

Dec 16, 2023: We are surrounded by stuff. We buy and buy and buy - it’s …

Dec 16, 2023: I can’t sleep. I’m lying in bed every night, and …

Dec 16, 2023: In a world where the dark, dystopian visions of Cyberpunk …

Dec 15, 2023: In this Our Changing Climate climate change video essay, I …

Dec 15, 2023: A study of more than 1,500 species of herbivorous insects in …

Dec 14, 2023: A Mac shaped elephant in the room This post came to mind as I listened to the current episode …

Dec 13, 2023: The latest Team Human podcast is an excellent discussion …

Dec 12, 2023: Experimenting with a 15" monitor as my display while …

Dec 11, 2023: Republicans on Capitol Hill have vastly downplayed the …

Dec 10, 2023: If you’re concerned about energy and climate this is a …

Dec 10, 2023: When most people in the US need to go somewhere, they reach …

Dec 9, 2023: A Day in the Life of Working with an iPad I've had a few interesting workdays recently that I thought …

Dec 9, 2023: Apple Pundit Dick Moves Discussing a trick he learned with the multi selection of …

Dec 8, 2023: Sadly not too surprised that the US voted to veto the UN …

Dec 5, 2023: When the past meets the future I woke this morning with a question in my mind about my …

Dec 4, 2023: “Carbon emissions may continue to rise, the polar ice caps …

Dec 4, 2023: The report, released on Wednesday by the United Nations in …

Dec 3, 2023: Broom Forkmoss, Dicranum scoparium with a little cedar berry …

Dec 2, 2023: I almost missed this fallen branch covered in Luminescent …

Dec 2, 2023: It is an indictment of the state of our nation today that …

Dec 2, 2023: Me: Slowly putting keyboard in place on lap desk. Cat: I see …

Dec 2, 2023: Increasing public activism in the United States and the …

Dec 1, 2023: In just 13 weeks, Republicans will likely lock in a criminal …

Dec 1, 2023: With last night’s rain and the soft light this morning …

Dec 1, 2023: Geneva/Dubai (WMO) - 2023 has shattered climate records, …

Nov 29, 2023: Experiments with iPad Set-ups My ongoing experimentation with iPad set-ups continues. A …

Nov 28, 2023: They’ve dedicated their lives to understanding the …

Nov 27, 2023: “We are talking about over 7,000 Palestinian political …

Nov 26, 2023: Obsidian and Interstitial Journaling It’s only been a couple weeks since I decided to give …

Nov 26, 2023: While out on a trail walk yesterday, I saw something small …

Nov 25, 2023: The substance of democracy is us. To keep it we need to work for it everyday.. I’ve written two posts recently that I thought …

Nov 24, 2023: From my morning trail walk.

Nov 22, 2023: Israel has long practiced “administrative …

Nov 22, 2023: How and why did the US get to this? Trump’s talk of seeking …

Nov 20, 2023: Next week, world leaders will head to Dubai for the …

Nov 20, 2023: I am speaking with Professor Kevin Anderson from the …

Nov 18, 2023: I so, so love the fungi images shared by Geertje Geertsma on …

Nov 18, 2023: From my morning walk. I almost missed this branch hosting …

Nov 18, 2023: Over at Mastodon Jason shared this article about living a …

Nov 15, 2023: I made the mistake of putting the iPad Pros podcast on at …

Nov 14, 2023: Coal must be phased out seven times faster than is now …

Nov 14, 2023: For anyone who’s still confused or considers the …

Nov 14, 2023: (Jerusalem) – The Israeli military’s repeated, apparently …

Nov 13, 2023: I cannot begin to understand why so many using social media …

Nov 13, 2023: We speak with two physicians who knew Dr. Hammam Alloh, a …

Nov 13, 2023: Enjoying and appreciating the burning bushes scattered about …

Nov 12, 2023: In honor of our great Veterans on Veteran’s Day, we pledge …

Nov 12, 2023: The Apple Update cycle Seeing recent news on Apple slowing …

Nov 10, 2023: Israeli American scholar Omer Bartov, a leading expert on …

Nov 10, 2023: Authorities in a number of European states have banned …

Nov 9, 2023: Went to town yesterday for groceries and put 3 gallons of …

Nov 9, 2023: "Something horrible is happening to these people, and this …

Nov 8, 2023: New keyboard day. The iClever is thin and light, it folds in …

Nov 8, 2023: Metabolic change is a less-talked-about, yet brutal and …

Nov 7, 2023: This morning I shared a post about the importance of the US …

Nov 7, 2023: This genocide is yours too Americans. We need to own it. And …

Nov 6, 2023: Tens of thousands marched from Washington, D.C.'s Freedom …

Nov 6, 2023: The UN chief tells reporters Gaza is “becoming a graveyard …

Nov 6, 2023: "Should we assume that Hansen and his team of researchers …

Nov 6, 2023: "I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates …

Nov 6, 2023: The best government money can buy. It’s a bit bonkers …

Nov 5, 2023: I love but I’ve come to resent how broken …

Nov 4, 2023: War crimes and genocide. My disgust deepens with each day. …

Nov 3, 2023: Most of those I follow have been very quiet on this. Complex …

Nov 2, 2023: Solidarity. I woke up this morning thinking about the word …

Nov 1, 2023: Israel is actively committing the crime of genocide. The …

Nov 1, 2023: Can you see it yet? The Earth systems horizon – the point at …

Nov 1, 2023: Since 1967, Israel has imposed tight restrictions on travel …

Oct 31, 2023: Joy Reid commentary on Israel bombing Gaza in the …

Oct 30, 2023: Predictably Apple’s line-up of Macs continues to be confused …

Oct 30, 2023: Amid growing alarm that more Israeli airstrikes will hit …

Oct 30, 2023: We bring you the voices of Jewish Voice for Peace and their …

Oct 30, 2023: After a few years of record-breaking temperatures and …

Oct 29, 2023: Dr. Gabor Maté shares his reflections on Israel/Palestine …

Oct 29, 2023: “In six days the government of Israel dropped more …

Oct 28, 2023: I've been enjoying my time on the trails this past week. So …

Oct 26, 2023: We speak with philosopher Judith Butler, one of dozens of …

Oct 26, 2023: My three furry friends hanging out on the porch today.

Oct 26, 2023: “The majority of Americans see some fairly severe …

Oct 25, 2023: A note: This post started as reply to Jason's excellent post …

Oct 25, 2023: Just the last few years, a brief glimpse of the violence of …

Oct 25, 2023: Israel says it has refused visa to UN official to …

Oct 25, 2023: From Saturday's morning trail ride. 🚵‍♂️

Oct 25, 2023: From my morning walk a couple days ago. Such sweet pups. …

Oct 23, 2023: “Nowhere in Gaza Is Safe”: Palestinian Death …

Oct 20, 2023: In recent years, human rights organizations and legal …

Oct 19, 2023: The Mac lineup is so confusing! I have concerns. Have you noticed how complicated the Mac …

Oct 18, 2023: President Biden is in Israel to show more support for its …

Oct 18, 2023: One of the fundamentals of international law – at the heart …

Oct 18, 2023: My ongoing experiment to use Freeform to process and note …

Oct 17, 2023: For decades, we have been taught in schools and told by the …

Oct 17, 2023: Published February 2022: Israeli authorities must be held …

Oct 15, 2023: What we are seeing in the United States today is the coming …

Oct 14, 2023: Folks surprised at this don’t know US policy in the …

Oct 13, 2023: An Israeli military spokesman admitted Tuesday what was …

Oct 13, 2023: Gaza: Nowhere to go, as humanitarian situation reaches …

Oct 12, 2023: “My government is waging an attack that seems to be using …

Oct 11, 2023: After Hamas’s deadly attacks in Israel and Israel’s hellish …

Oct 9, 2023: Discussing the recent events. And no, this isn’t a …

Oct 9, 2023: In New York, we speak with Rashid Khalidi, author of The …

Oct 6, 2023: I Recently started up a little social sharing experiment …

Oct 6, 2023: Doomed or Not? Rebecca Solnit writing in the Guardian: We …

Oct 6, 2023: Better Catastrophe A flowchart for navigating our climate …

Oct 5, 2023: Manufacturing new computer hardware requires lots of energy …

Oct 4, 2023: The assessment, published in the journal Nature, Wednesday, …

Oct 1, 2023: This summer, the United States roasted like never before. …

Sep 29, 2023: Apple's Freeform as Social Media Collaboration Space I woke up at 3am with thoughts about climate change and …

Sep 28, 2023: Scientists have said climate breakdown caused by the burning …

Sep 26, 2023: After extreme fire seasons in 2020 and 2021, Congress funded …

Sep 24, 2023: Experimental iPad Configurations Before I dive into the discussion of my ongoing …

Sep 23, 2023: I'm not doing the September photoblogging …

Sep 20, 2023: Pages and Publisher on the iPad Compared Pt 2 This story is available as a pdf download. For the first few …

Sep 19, 2023: March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City, activists …

Sep 19, 2023: Earth’s life support systems have been so damaged that the …

Sep 19, 2023: The devastation wreaked by floods in eastern Libya is …

Sep 17, 2023: Pages and Affinity Publisher on the iPad Compared Part 1 I've been using Pages since the first version available on …

Sep 17, 2023: Working on a fun and hopefully helpful two-part article. The …

Sep 16, 2023: iPad Stories Follow up A few days ago I posted links to …

Sep 15, 2023: In the Atlanta suburb of Peachtree City, teens and older …

Sep 15, 2023: Climate rallies over the next few weeks to demand an end to …

Sep 13, 2023: International aid is slowly starting to reach the devastated …

Sep 12, 2023: Copperheads are fairly common in my area and I see several …

Sep 11, 2023: Some recent iPad Stories It’s been enjoyable to read …

Sep 10, 2023: Leaders failed to agree on a phase-out of fossil fuels …

Sep 10, 2023: The task ahead is immense: According to the report, global …

Sep 6, 2023: The Canadian Government has made a new tourism ad and it’s …

Sep 4, 2023: Over time a gravel road used by heavy vehicles will deform. …

Sep 4, 2023: Without a biosphere in a good shape, there is no life on the …

Sep 3, 2023: Canadians, Australians, and Americans are some of the most …

Sep 1, 2023: Fantastic stone arrangements on the beach. 18 Pics Of Land …

Aug 31, 2023: iPad goal posts and hand wavy things The iPad discussion is all about moving goal posts and hand …

Aug 31, 2023: The climate crisis has hit home this year for many Americans …

Aug 30, 2023: Electricity generated from coal collapsed by 23% and gas …

Aug 29, 2023: I’m not planning on writing this up, but I have gone …

Aug 28, 2023: The iPad originated as a touch-first computer and remains touch-first 13 years later An interesting aspect of the ongoing discussion about the …

Aug 28, 2023: Billy Brag on Oliver Anthony’s Rich Men North of …

Aug 27, 2023: Reduction in sea ice in Antarctica has resulted in the …

Aug 27, 2023: Extinction Rebellion’s co-founder Clare Farrell and …

Aug 26, 2023: The iPad Failing Again: Summer 2023 Edition Nevermind me, just over hear desinging an annual report for …

Aug 25, 2023: Democracy? No. What will it take for the citizenry to act …

Aug 25, 2023: Testing a mouse with the iPad. Works better than I expected …

Aug 25, 2023: A common theme in the discussion on addressing climate …

Aug 24, 2023: Yahoo?!? I’ve been avoiding Google search for a few …

Aug 23, 2023: McNamara calls this device the “Mythic I.” It’s a sweeping, …

Aug 23, 2023: The amount of public money flowing into coal, oil and gas in …

Aug 22, 2023: With unprecedented heat waves and record-breaking global …

Aug 20, 2023: My take on a personal climate impact assessment and plan. 🌍 …

Aug 19, 2023: Greta Greta Thunberg: “I don’t want your hope. I …

Aug 19, 2023: Excellent presentation describing the already ongoing …

Aug 19, 2023: Tiny little fungi! Witch's Hat, Hygrocybe conica.  …

Aug 18, 2023: One of the tasks of rural life is gravel road maintenance. I …

Aug 17, 2023: Canadians have crammed into a local airport and lined up …

Aug 16, 2023: Multitasking and Windowing on the iPad Pro In recent days …

Aug 15, 2023: I wish I didn’t have to tell you about this again, but …

Aug 14, 2023: As climate-related disasters become more frequent, more …

Aug 14, 2023: As weather systems spin out of control across the globe, we …

Aug 13, 2023: A return to the iPad Mini For most of the past 6 years the …

Aug 10, 2023: Personal responsibility and action during two crises: Covid …

Aug 10, 2023: Maui Burning Of course seeing the predictable but hollow …

Aug 8, 2023: Extreme weather events and our warming planet are primed to …

Aug 7, 2023: In “Don’t Let Them Bury My Story,” Viola Fletcher recalls …

Aug 7, 2023: Seen on a morning walk, Campanula americana, American …

Aug 5, 2023: Adventures in RSS apps! ReadKit on the iPad Warning: What lies ahead is a lot of …

Aug 5, 2023: Join us as we bike around New York City with Doug Gordan, …

Aug 5, 2023: Love Notes to Newton is a film about what a beloved (but …

Aug 4, 2023: I've found the most comfortable position when working from …

Aug 3, 2023: Overall, a majority of respondents – 53% – said addressing …

Aug 3, 2023: Tiny little Splitgill mushrooms, Schizophyllum commune. So …

Aug 3, 2023: As climate debates remain polarized and politicized, …

Aug 2, 2023: This morning I discovered a small group of pawpaws growing …

Aug 1, 2023: To understand this moment, we have to recognise that there …

Jul 31, 2023: Seven states and 30 Native American tribes lying in the …

Jul 31, 2023: Oh, this cute boy wants attention.

Jul 30, 2023: Today’s 4am pondering: Why do I find it so difficult …

Jul 29, 2023: I’ve just discovered my new favorite iPad Nerd! …

Jul 29, 2023: Nate Hagens discusses energy, specifics oil as the …

Jul 27, 2023: On my morning walk a couple days ago I came upon an Eastern …

Jul 26, 2023: Andy Bell’s harrowing account of being caught up in …

Jul 23, 2023: I often hear people ask, but what can I do. My own sister …

Jul 21, 2023: Perspective. The average American refrigerator produces as …

Jul 21, 2023: In episode 176 of the iPad Pros podcast Chance Miller …

Jul 21, 2023: Using the iPad with Stage Manager? Have a lot of Safari …

Jul 19, 2023: My favorite and most eaten breakfast and snack is oatmeal. …

Jul 19, 2023: I’m finding the new Siri improvements way more useful …

Jul 18, 2023: How did the US go from having luxurious, widely used …

Jul 18, 2023: I had a conversation with a family member over the weekend …

Jul 17, 2023: From a recent morning walk. Some beautiful sun rays and a …

Jul 17, 2023: See the problem here? Capitalism and its insistence on …

Jul 16, 2023: From the morning walk. The smoke from the Canadian wildfires …

Jul 15, 2023: Nate Hagens, the director of the Institute for the Study of …

Jul 14, 2023: The easy way to move Safari tabs on iPad into tab groups. …

Jul 14, 2023: Futzing around in my photos, these were taken a few years …

Jul 13, 2023: A neighbor is driving to Florida for a vacation and offered …

Jul 12, 2023: Early days of the climate emergency: Northern India has …

Jul 12, 2023: iPadOS 17: Improved file content indexing For iPad users, it …

Jul 11, 2023: Climate disasters, fueled by large-scale, human-driven …

Jul 11, 2023: …when I look at Threads what I see is an …

Jul 10, 2023: Low-tech, low cost climate solutions that are easy to …

Jul 10, 2023: This week unprecedented temperatures driven by climate …

Jul 9, 2023: Sunday morning reflection on our moment in the cosmos On a …

Jul 8, 2023: June 2023 may be remembered as the start of a big change in …

Jul 8, 2023: I love the visual design of Apple’s Weather app on …

Jul 7, 2023: Lol, I’m not sure why I do this but yet again …

Jul 7, 2023: What’s difficult about living through history is you often …

Jul 7, 2023: I’ve been a very satisfied subscriber of the hosted …

Jul 7, 2023: A short video from the morning dog walk.

Jul 6, 2023: A question for the people who have children and who say that …

Jul 5, 2023: A growing number of people believe that humanity is doomed …

Jul 4, 2023: A nice morning dog walk with all of the usual characters. …

Jul 3, 2023: A check-in with Siri and Apple's Machine Learning First, to …

Jul 2, 2023: Button bush, Cephalanthus occidentalis is always popular …

Jun 30, 2023: If the world is to keep climate change at manageable levels …

Jun 29, 2023: Climate scientist Johan Rockström explains the urgency of …

Jun 29, 2023: We are heading towards 3 to 4°C of warming across this …

Jun 28, 2023: No dog walk today. The upside: The more degraded our lives …

Jun 27, 2023: Half of the world’s 10,000-odd bird species are in decline. …

Jun 26, 2023: Around the world, rainforests are becoming savanna or …

Jun 25, 2023: On the injustice of flying: Just one flight can emit as …

Jun 24, 2023: A record-breaking heat wave is entering its third week in …

Jun 23, 2023: Orcas disrupt boat race near Spain in latest display of …

Jun 23, 2023: Based on these findings, the authors warn that more than a …

Jun 23, 2023: Fossil fuel developers typically pay far lower fees for …

Jun 22, 2023: Well, this is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Catch-22: Scientific …

Jun 22, 2023: How to check your iPad’s battery health | Tom’s …

Jun 21, 2023: The contrast between the frantic hunt for a missing …

Jun 20, 2023: A Shortcut fix for iPad AirPlay to HomePods when using an external monitor If you're using an M1 or M2 iPad with an external monitor …

Jun 19, 2023: A few thoughts on WWDC23, the Vision Pro and iPadOS 17 It's been a couple weeks since Apple's WWDC keynote and I've …

Jun 18, 2023: From my archive, a buffet of Purple Coneflowers being …

Jun 18, 2023: Thinking out loud. Do I move my tech/Apple oriented WP blog …

Jun 17, 2023: After nearly a week of issues at my web host I’m …

Jun 17, 2023: Some global perspective on income and climate: The enormity …

Jun 16, 2023: On Wednesday June 14, the surface of the North Atlantic …

Jun 11, 2023: “Scientists have been warning us about this for years. …

Jun 10, 2023: Climate change is remapping where humans can exist on the …

Jun 8, 2023: Tens of millions of people in the US were under air quality …

Jun 7, 2023: Highlight of the morning dog walk: a Kentucky warbler landed …

Jun 7, 2023: Spring has only just begun to transition to summer in the …

Jun 3, 2023: I needed some images for a project and while searching …

Jun 2, 2023: Trail photos! Hydrastis canadensis, Goldenseal …

May 31, 2023: Using Shortcuts on the iPad to convert an image or pdf, …

May 31, 2023: iPad Workflow- Using Shortcuts to process images for the web Convert image or pdf, resize, save, rename and extract alt …

May 31, 2023: Carl Sagan testified to Congress in 1985 about the danger of …

May 30, 2023: El Niño is the warm phase of the Pacific Ocean’s temperature …

May 29, 2023: I don’t often speculate about upcoming Apple announcements …

May 29, 2023: An iPad Pro Revival I don’t often speculate about upcoming Apple …

May 28, 2023: As the world warms, extremely hot days are becoming more …

May 27, 2023: The length of a human life is around 80 years. You might get …

May 26, 2023: Scientists are “watching with bated breath” to see if ice …

May 26, 2023: A few recent photos taken around the cabin and on the trail. …

May 26, 2023: Alien planet: slow motion audio consisting of birds, a few …

May 25, 2023: Yet another installment of an “Apple pundit ignores the …

May 25, 2023: Pundit fact check: Final Cut Pro and iPadOS Yet another installment of an “Apple pundit ignores …

May 24, 2023: Nationwide raids against members of the German climate …

May 23, 2023: Global heating will drive billions of people out of the …

May 17, 2023: Why are Mac users so unhappy with their Mac? Yet another …

May 17, 2023: Why are Mac users so unhappy with their Mac? For at least a couple years the Apple pundit mantra has been …

May 16, 2023: From today's trail ride. Ramaria caulifloriformis, coral …

May 15, 2023: I’m generally not big on hot takes so gave myself a few days …

May 15, 2023: A few thoughts on FCP-Logic on iPad... I’m generally not big on hot takes so gave myself a …

May 15, 2023: My walk this morning was another slow bird walk. Started off …

May 15, 2023: Excellent interview with Peter Knapp from Extinction …

May 14, 2023: As climate change continues warming the planet, a new and …

May 13, 2023: After breakfast this morning I had about 90 minutes before …

May 11, 2023: A few photos taken around the cabin yesterday. It's so easy …

May 10, 2023: Observed on the morning walk: honeysuckle and Auricularia …

May 9, 2023: I was out is the garden yesterday and heard a bird that I …

May 8, 2023: Tragically, this will continue because the kind of protest …

May 8, 2023: The futility of words on a screen Another shooting followed …

May 6, 2023: From the trail ride today: Polystichum acrostichoides, …

May 5, 2023: My photos only show a small area along the trail but this …

May 3, 2023: Lots of Mayapples on the trail as well as Andersonglossum, …

May 2, 2023: Record ocean temperatures put Earth in ‘uncharted …

May 1, 2023: Asia is experiencing weeks of “endless record heat”, with …

Apr 30, 2023: Observed along the trail on the ride this evening: Larkspur, …

Apr 30, 2023: Chapter 20 of the Ministry for the Future begins with a …

Apr 29, 2023: In 2021, net electricity consumption worldwide amounted to …

Apr 28, 2023: Apple Notes for Journaling and Blogging? As is common with many Apple nerds, I like to play with text …

Apr 28, 2023: Hmmmm. Day two with Day One 😉 My habit is to use text …

Apr 28, 2023: TO CALL WHAT’S happening in the oceans right now an anomaly …

Apr 27, 2023: Took the dogs out and was greeted by the spring peepers …

Apr 27, 2023: Working on getting my blackberries sorted for the summer. …

Apr 27, 2023: Last year, the United States incurred over $2bn in costs due …

Apr 27, 2023: Madeleine Finlay hears from correspondent Sandra Laville …

Apr 26, 2023: A brief summary of recent actions and future plans of …

Apr 25, 2023: Spring birds! Chipping Sparrow Hermit Thrush Rose breasted …

Apr 24, 2023: The 2000-watt society is an environmental vision, first …

Apr 24, 2023: Cofounder of Greenpeace and writer of the Deep Green column …

Apr 23, 2023: Extinction Rebellion Protests Live coverage of protests in …

Apr 22, 2023: With all the rain we've had recently the creek is flowing …

Apr 22, 2023: Some sort of orange slime mold on a cedar tree. Amazing …

Apr 21, 2023: Really nice trail ride today. Lots of wild flowers. Hypoxia …

Apr 20, 2023: Spring Bluebird!

Apr 19, 2023: Finally getting around to trying out Stable Diffusion via …

Apr 19, 2023: The current rate of extinctions compared to the geological …

Apr 18, 2023: Redbud Dogwood Wood Poppy

Apr 16, 2023: Some nice trail rides in recent days. Always a treat to …

Apr 12, 2023: An excellent video of Roger Hallam of Extinction Rebellion. …

Apr 12, 2023: Climate change is going to cause a slow grind, much like an …

Apr 12, 2023: As we inch closer and closer to the precipice of a climate …

Apr 12, 2023: In 2021, a Texas intelligence command center disseminated a …

Apr 11, 2023: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) …

Apr 11, 2023: Dish soap is one of the last plastic packaged items I've had …

Apr 11, 2023: There are radical, yet pragmatic, solutions to our crises. …

Apr 11, 2023: The US already has all the technology needed to rapidly …

Apr 10, 2023: Drastically reduce emissions first, or carbon dioxide …

Apr 9, 2023: Dew covered redbud flowers

Apr 8, 2023: Moft Snap Case and Snap Float Stand Review Several months ago I decided to try out a couple of iPad …

Apr 8, 2023: Furballs Too many furry critters to work from bed this …

Apr 8, 2023: The temperature of the world’s ocean surface has hit an …

Apr 6, 2023: I've written several times about reducing waste. I don't …

Apr 6, 2023: Livestock make up 62% of the world’s mammal biomass; humans …

Apr 5, 2023: I have some bad news. Civilization is going to collapse. Not …

Apr 4, 2023: Off the coast of Antarctica, trillions of tonnes of cold …

Apr 4, 2023: Trump may be the first former president to face criminal …

Apr 4, 2023: Five minute summary of the entire IPCC report …

Apr 2, 2023: A four-part, independently produced docuseries looking under …

Apr 1, 2023: For some reason, my tiny little corner of the world seems to …

Mar 30, 2023: The expanded alliance supporting e-bikes reflects an …

Mar 28, 2023: A small but welcome change that came with iPadOS 16.4, when …

Mar 28, 2023: The Greenland Ice Sheet covers 1.7 million square kilometers …

Mar 27, 2023: Forest-nesting songbirds were found in increased numbers in …

Mar 26, 2023: My Affinity Publisher for iPad Review Serif has set a high …

Mar 26, 2023: Affinity Publisher for iPad Review Back in November I published a mini-review of Affinity …

Mar 24, 2023: My waste reduction effort This is about 8 weeks of waste. …

Mar 22, 2023: Living as though the future mattered I write this in 2023 …

Mar 20, 2023: Scientists have delivered a “final warning” on the climate …

Mar 19, 2023: Expect the unexpected Six months ago I woke up at 2 am and …

Mar 18, 2023: From elephants to tigers, study reveals scale of damage to …

Mar 18, 2023: It’s brown, it weighs millions of tons, it stretches over …

Mar 13, 2023: The northern flicker or common flicker, Colaptes auratus.

Mar 12, 2023: Passerella iliaca, fox sparrow foraging for seed.

Mar 10, 2023: A fascinating video about how the Earth and our solar system …

Mar 10, 2023: Apparently debunking iPad misinformation has become one of …

Mar 10, 2023: Apple Pundit: The iPad is Doomed Apparently debunking iPad misinformation has become one of …

Mar 8, 2023: The After School Satan Club says it is a secular …

Mar 7, 2023: Easy scanning and OCR with Notes and Files on an iPad I recently came across this thread on TidBITS looking for an …

Mar 5, 2023: Auricularia americana, jelly tree ear or Auricularia …

Mar 4, 2023: There is something very wrong with global food production. …

Mar 4, 2023: Reports that the JWST killed the reigning cosmological model …

Mar 2, 2023: 20 years of blogging Well, it's 2023 and we've seen a nice …

Feb 27, 2023: A simple but effective photography workflow on the iPad Once upon a time, I was a happy user of Apple’s …

Feb 27, 2023: There is, in reality, absolutely no reason to believe that …

Feb 26, 2023: Going in the wrong direction. China approved the …

Feb 25, 2023: Last year, 3 million were displaced in the US. Millions more …

Feb 25, 2023: Cyanocitta cristata, Blue Jay

Feb 24, 2023: Three Lichens, posted together for easier comparison. …

Feb 23, 2023: The iPad works better if you learn how to use it Continuing with my theme highlighting recent examples of Mac …

Feb 22, 2023: File this under fun multitouch gestures the iPad can do. …

Feb 21, 2023: We’re Crossing the Threshold of Survivability — And There’s …

Feb 21, 2023: Weeks of dry winter weather have raised concerns that Italy …

Feb 20, 2023: A welcome patch of green in the winter woods, Fan club moss, …

Feb 18, 2023: I love early spring rides in the woods. I can feel spring …

Feb 17, 2023: Easy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Okay, …

Feb 17, 2023: While the Files app on the iPad did start out as a pretty …

Feb 17, 2023: Notebooks, a markdown editor with added features that allow …

Feb 16, 2023: Exploring the Files App on iPadOS 16 I mentioned recently that I’d noticed a post on …

Feb 16, 2023: Forest within a forest. Turban cup lichen, Cladonia …

Feb 15, 2023: Underneath thousands of feet of Thwaites Glacier’s solid …

Feb 15, 2023: Notebooks 12 Reviewed and Compared I’ll admit I have a habit of collecting text/notes …

Feb 15, 2023: 2023-02-14 20:19 The climate crisis is causing sea levels to rise faster …

Feb 14, 2023: If you think the rich nations of the world are making real …

Feb 14, 2023: Cladonia, Pixie Cup Lichen

Feb 13, 2023: The excelent Mona app for Mastodon is now in public beta …

Feb 13, 2023: Jesus loved the people we hate. So the ad is actually aimed …

Feb 12, 2023: Punctelia bolliana, Eastern speckled shield lichen Moss, …

Feb 10, 2023: “Bernheim Forest in Kentucky is the largest privately …

Feb 8, 2023: “A common, effective abortion-inducing drug could be …

Feb 7, 2023: The iPad, Apple pundits and reality Once a year Jason Snell puts out a survey to a group of …

Feb 7, 2023: I started writing yet another post about iPad and the Apple …

Feb 4, 2023: Thought I might get a little work done this morning. Then …

Feb 2, 2023: Some iPad users really should just use a Mac And so it goes, Federico Viticci continues to be unhappy …

Feb 1, 2023: Part two of my earlier post about working with cats. I've …

Feb 1, 2023: Cats are not compatible with working from home.

Jan 31, 2023: Blue Jay, Cyanocitta cristata. They feed mainly on seeds and …

Jan 30, 2023: American Goldfinch Black-capped Chickadee

Jan 27, 2023: After a few days off the fat bike I finally got out for a …

Jan 26, 2023: Snow Birds! Two dark-eyed juncos in a tussle Purple finch …

Jan 25, 2023: We had lots of very wet snow in southeast Missouri last …

Jan 24, 2023: The eastern towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus. Not the …

Jan 23, 2023: Whatever happened to the Apple oriented news media I just realized something about the Apple oriented …

Jan 23, 2023: Turban cup lichen, Cladonia peziziformis. A species of cup …

Jan 22, 2023: Some winter color thanks to the purple finches.

Jan 21, 2023: Sharp-shinned hawk, Accipiter striatus, a small hawk, with …

Jan 20, 2023: Maybe I should be embarrassed but yeah, when I'm working on …

Jan 20, 2023: The downy woodpecker, Dryobates pubescens, the smallest …

Jan 19, 2023: “Thunberg said it was “completely ridiculous” that …

Jan 19, 2023: The pileated woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus. Pileated refers …

Jan 18, 2023: Bewick's wren, Thryomanes bewickii or Carolina wren, …

Jan 17, 2023: “Almost two-thirds of sharks and rays that live around …

Jan 17, 2023: “Riot police backed by bulldozers removed activists …

Jan 17, 2023: The red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus. I see and …

Jan 16, 2023: HashPhotos Review One of those tasks I’ve never been consistent at doing …

Jan 16, 2023: “Hundreds of thousands of young climate activists will …

Jan 16, 2023: “The oil giant Exxon privately “predicted global …

Jan 16, 2023: Purple Finch, Haemorhous purpureus Male Female "The …

Jan 15, 2023: If you feel helpless against the fossil fuel destruction, …

Jan 15, 2023: The northern flicker or common flicker, Colaptes auratus. A …

Jan 14, 2023: “The COP27 United Nations climate conference held in …

Jan 14, 2023: “The United Arab Emirates announced Thursday that the …

Jan 13, 2023: “Data indicate that the top 2,000 meters gained about …

Jan 13, 2023: “The forest is not an object and it is not only the trees …

Jan 13, 2023: “The plant will produce critical components for solar …

Jan 12, 2023: When Carl Sagan said that we are made of star stuff, well, …

Jan 11, 2023: “In poorer countries, closer to the equator, the …

Jan 11, 2023: “Abortion remains a top concern among conservative …

Jan 11, 2023: The moss bell mushroom growing from the moss is really tiny! …

Jan 11, 2023: Hieracium longipilum, the hairy hawkweed, found near the …

Jan 10, 2023: Mycena galericulata, commonly known as the common bonnet, …

Jan 8, 2023: Photo from yesterday's trail ride. Taken along the backside …

Jan 8, 2023: Celebrating 20 Years of Apple's Safari and Keynote On January 7, 2003 Apple introduced two new apps, both of …

Jan 7, 2023: I keep seeing this idea being repeated that because BP …

Jan 5, 2023: “The problem is that there are a lot of people out …

Jan 5, 2023: It’s impressive how large wind turbines have gotten, …

Jan 5, 2023: An excellent thread on Mastodon exploring examples of …

Jan 3, 2023: There’s been way too much talk and too little action …

Jan 3, 2023: “Volunteers hope to bring native wildlife back into …

Jan 1, 2023: New Year’s morning with Cosmo, 2023.

Dec 31, 2022: Chasmanthium latifolium, northern wood-oats, inland sea …

Dec 31, 2022: Last Caturday of 2022 Rosie

Dec 30, 2022: 192 Square Feet: Part 3 Previously: Part 1, Part 2 I shared …

Dec 29, 2022: In 192 Square Feet Part 2 I wrote about my first winter …

Dec 28, 2022: A scrolling multimedia exploration of the changes being …

Dec 28, 2022: Had a fun ride on the snowy trail yesterday.

Dec 27, 2022: An older post from 2016 about the process of building my …

Dec 25, 2022: The frozen memories of summer.

Dec 24, 2022: Icey creek.

Dec 24, 2022: Posting versus blogging I’ve been blogging for just …

Dec 21, 2022: Working through my blog archive to simplify categories and …

Dec 21, 2022: “Human composting — or, as it’s sometimes referred to, …

Dec 20, 2022: “At its very essence, a lichen consists of a fungus …

Dec 19, 2022: Perforated ruffle lichen, Parmotrema perforatum. The large …

Dec 18, 2022: “The global economy is structured around growth — the …

Dec 17, 2022: Surrounded by my furry friends this cold night. This is the …

Dec 17, 2022: “Environmental advocates say this is just the …

Dec 17, 2022: Rosie, all curled up in snoring on the pillow behind me. …

Dec 15, 2022: From the Guardian podcast: The Cop15 conference brings …

Dec 15, 2022: “If current eating trends continue, the world will …

Dec 15, 2022: On a ride yesterday a branch was in the path and it was …

Dec 14, 2022: Freeform, the new kid on the Apple block I’ve always …

Dec 14, 2022: Freeform, the new kid on the Apple block Freeform, the new kid on the Apple block In first use I …

Dec 13, 2022: Feeling grateful for the green moss and flowing creeks that …

Dec 13, 2022: “Degrowth policies would be effective in fighting …

Dec 12, 2022: An otter visited the lake today. I’d seen a few in the …

Dec 11, 2022: A rainy day yesterday but there was a break just long enough …

Dec 10, 2022: my two friends, Cosmo and Annie, waiting for a second …

Dec 10, 2022: “Once you’re willing to debate whether one group …

Dec 7, 2022: I could have waited another week for the final release of …

Dec 7, 2022: A visually stunning documentation. “The most diverse …

Dec 7, 2022: Moss Sporophyte: Seta, Capsule, Operculum (capsule lid)

Dec 6, 2022: Goldfinch, tufted titmouse and black capped chickadee

Dec 5, 2022: One of my favorite trail ride sections is a patch of cedar …

Dec 4, 2022: “China and the US, also among the largest emitters in …

Dec 3, 2022: Junco! Another fun little bird.

Dec 3, 2022: Revisiting one of my favorite quick meals: Peanut butter, …

Dec 2, 2022: A small, energy efficient laundry machine for a tiny house …

Dec 2, 2022: Tim Chaten invited me to join him on his podcast iPad Pros …

Dec 2, 2022: Talking Affinity 2.0 on the iPad Pros Podcast Tim Chaten invited me to join him on his podcast iPad Pros …

Dec 2, 2022: Beau of the Fifth Column: Let’s talk about the …

Dec 1, 2022: Winter fat-biking sunset. The trail is so quiet this time of …

Dec 1, 2022: Really loving #Mastoot by Discovered …

Dec 1, 2022: “Globally, only one in 50 new cars were fully electric …

Dec 1, 2022: The Northern Cardinal always provides some welcome color in …

Nov 30, 2022: White-breasted Nuthatch, another winter favorite. #bird …

Nov 29, 2022: Tufted Titmouse, one of my favorite winter birds.  #bird

Nov 28, 2022: “Some of Earth’s weirdest fungi, including types …

Nov 26, 2022: Ilex verticillata, American Winterberry Taken on my trail …

Nov 24, 2022: A couple months ago I decided to try out a couple of iPad …

Nov 24, 2022: Pixie cup lichen, Cladonia Unidentified mushrooms

Nov 22, 2022: “The loss of the amphibian from Costa Rica’s cloud …

Nov 21, 2022: As many have said, 8 billion humans live there. But …

Nov 20, 2022: A goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires rapid, …

Nov 19, 2022: The Lawfare Podcast has an excellent episode in which three …

Nov 18, 2022: Remember a few weeks back when the oligarch made a big show …

Nov 18, 2022: It’s a good thing I work from home because if I …

Nov 17, 2022: I was lucky to get a couple of volunteer pumpkin plants this …

Nov 16, 2022: Serif recently released the long anticipated major updates …

Nov 16, 2022: Affinity Publisher for iPad mini-review Serif recently released the long anticipated major updates …

Nov 14, 2022: We are still nowhere near climate goals. According to the …

Nov 14, 2022: A powerful example is Pakistan, where extreme rainfall on …

Nov 13, 2022: Possibly Bark Bonnet, Phloeomana speirea?

Nov 13, 2022: Yesterday, with the snow, the Charlie Brown music playing …

Nov 12, 2022: An unexpected and very pleasant surprise this morning!  Add …

Nov 11, 2022: Okay, but really, this is pretty fantastic. And surprisingly …

Nov 11, 2022: Basically, LSVs are small electric vehicles that meet a …

Nov 10, 2022: The number of delegates with links to fossil fuels at the UN …

Nov 10, 2022: Importing some old photos into my library I came across …

Nov 9, 2022: A Kulkalgal activist from the Torres Strait Islands has said …

Nov 9, 2022: Progressives had a lot to smile about as they woke up on …

Nov 9, 2022: France just legislated that every parking lot for 80 cars or …

Nov 9, 2022: Affinity 2.0 Exciting day for users of the Affinity suite of creative …

Nov 9, 2022: Exciting day for users of the Affinity suite of creative …

Nov 8, 2022: Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric or fly …

Nov 7, 2022: Pleurotus ostreatus, the oyster mushroom, oyster fungus, or …

Nov 6, 2022: Macrolepiota procera, the parasol mushroom, is a …

Nov 5, 2022: Love to see it! “In the week since Elon Musk took …

Nov 5, 2022: Sitdown protests are part of a day of demonstrations in and …

Nov 5, 2022: They are the images that made us sit up and take notice. As …

Nov 5, 2022: Why The US Is Not A Democracy - YouTube

Nov 4, 2022: This isn’t Democracy. New analysis finds that 465 …

Nov 3, 2022: Exciting to see the recent growth of Mastodon and the …

Nov 3, 2022: Now, the capital is 1200 kilometers away and Karachi, home …

Nov 3, 2022: Most people don’t know what early pregnancy actually looks …

Nov 2, 2022: The policy that’s been standard in northern Europe and …

Nov 1, 2022: Mycena galericulata is a mushroom species also known as the …

Oct 31, 2022: Made my favorite fall/winter soup today: Curry …

Oct 31, 2022: Salems Lot, one of my very favorite spooky movies, watching …

Oct 31, 2022: “The bad news is that we have been ‘systematically …

Oct 31, 2022: Just to note in the recent actions by climate activists, the …

Oct 30, 2022: A significant portion of the US appears to have lost the …

Oct 29, 2022: How to Leave Dying Social Media Platforms | by Cory Doctorow …

Oct 29, 2022: Galerina marginata, known as funeral bell, deadly skullcap, …

Oct 28, 2022: NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s mid-infrared view of the …

Oct 27, 2022: But wait, according to all the Twitter/YouTube/podcast Tech …

Oct 27, 2022: “You wouldn’t believe this is the Mississippi River.” …

Oct 27, 2022: Omphalotus olearius, the jack-o'-lantern mushroom. …

Oct 27, 2022: “The UN secretary general, António Guterres, said: …

Oct 26, 2022: Tricholomopsis rutilans, common name Plums and Custard a …

Oct 26, 2022: Without drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, the …

Oct 25, 2022: Heat spells are increasingly costing people their lives and …

Oct 25, 2022: Reliance on oil and gas worsening climate impacts and …

Oct 24, 2022: A lot of people ask me how to get started blogging. I figure …

Oct 24, 2022: Shaggy Bracket – Inonotus hispidus

Oct 23, 2022: “I wept for the Earth because I realized it’s …

Oct 21, 2022: Talia Stroud from the University of Texas joins us to talk …

Oct 20, 2022: Alaska officials have cancelled the upcoming snow crab …

Oct 20, 2022: The disaster has killed 603 people and displaced more than …

Oct 20, 2022: Interesting news in my local town, a new cobalt and nickel …

Oct 19, 2022: The Pillars of Creation are set off in a kaleidoscope of …

Oct 19, 2022: Mylissa Farmer’s water broke 17 weeks into her …

Oct 18, 2022: Vijay Prashard People’s Summit Speech from OUR TIME IS …

Oct 18, 2022: The US and other developed countries are hustling to avoid a …

Oct 18, 2022: I didn’t have a big garden this year but I was lucky …

Oct 18, 2022: 51° in my cabin this morning! Chilly but I’m bundled …

Oct 17, 2022: An artist’s reaction to the VanGoghSunflowers action, …

Oct 17, 2022: I call this Cat-in-the-lap mode. One of the benefits of the …

Oct 17, 2022: Ministers are pressing ahead with a dual crackdown on …

Oct 16, 2022: Since 1970, the scientists find that the population of fresh …

Oct 16, 2022: Major shipping delays and backlog of vessels after region …

Oct 16, 2022: The most recent episode of the Climavores podcast centers on …

Oct 15, 2022: Unite Against Climate Failure

Oct 13, 2022: Huge scale of human-driven loss of species demands urgent …

Oct 13, 2022: A Day in the Life 1:55pm, Thursday October 13th, 2022 Mine …

Oct 13, 2022: Many homes are now uninsurable and climate collapse will …

Oct 13, 2022: As a part of my ongoing effort to reduce the number of paid …

Oct 13, 2022: Switching from a dedicated financial ledger app to Numbers A few months ago I posted about my switch from FileMaker Pro …

Oct 12, 2022: Stage Manager for iPadOS is coming together For the iPad …

Oct 12, 2022: Stage Manager for iPadOS is coming together 3 windows side by side taking full advantage of the 13" iPad …

Oct 12, 2022: Sunrise photos from my last bike ride on 9/19. An hour later …

Oct 11, 2022: California accounts for roughly 95% of the nation’s …

Oct 10, 2022: “They want crime because they want to take over what …

Oct 10, 2022: Native Land Digital, an Indigenous-led nonprofit based in …

Oct 9, 2022: Bee bus stops first appeared in the Dutch city of Utrecht. …

Oct 8, 2022: My attempts to type were quickly disrupted by this sweet …

Oct 8, 2022: Jon Stewart’s not holding back in this interview with …

Oct 8, 2022: I’ve harvested pawpaws once from a few trees on the …

Oct 5, 2022: Heartbreaking. I don’t know how to process the scope …

Oct 3, 2022: Fascism. In red states, women’s options and speech are …

Oct 3, 2022: If you have ignored or had doubts about whether the concern …

Oct 2, 2022: 🏭 Carbon emissions of transport modes. For more in-depth …

Oct 2, 2022: “It’s not what it was 20 or 25 years ago; the storms are …

Oct 2, 2022: In Western Australia, an ambitious project to take thousands …

Oct 2, 2022: Climate collapse will continue to intensify the destruction. …

Oct 1, 2022: From the Danube to the Loire, these lifelines for the …

Oct 1, 2022: This silent film edit of Tim Burton’s Batman by Ben …

Sep 26, 2022: An interesting episode featuring a discussion on what a …

Sep 25, 2022: “The only landscape we know is something dead.” Utah Youth …

Sep 19, 2022: Moss and a mushroom ☺️ Amanita muscaria, commonly known as …

Sep 19, 2022: Interoperability — a fairly fundamental tenet of the …

Sep 18, 2022: Why Does a Librarian Own a Social Media Site That’s …

Sep 17, 2022: Nate Hagens' podcast, The Great Simplification is always a …

Sep 16, 2022: Looking south towards the center of the Milky Way …

Sep 16, 2022: Insects have weak ability to adjust their thermal limits to …

Sep 16, 2022: High school senior Shiva Rajbhandari won elected office in …

Sep 15, 2022: We’re expecting in excess of 40,000 satellites in the next …

Sep 15, 2022: As someone who has enjoyed a daily walk for most of the past …

Sep 14, 2022: While the US still clings auto-based transport the world is …

Sep 14, 2022: Prolonged droughts and insufficient moisture can contribute …

Sep 14, 2022: Antheraea polyphemus, the Polyphemus moth, one of the giant …

Sep 13, 2022: A fungal disease that attacks while bats are hibernating has …

Sep 13, 2022: They won’t stop until they get some version of the …

Sep 12, 2022: Orange Tufted White Caterpillar - Halysidota harrisii Image …

Sep 12, 2022: A small experiment on a NASA rover is tinkering with the …

Sep 11, 2022: Jack Dorsey’s Former Boss Is Building A Decentralized …

Sep 11, 2022: My aunt often gifts me her extra homemade cookies. If …

Sep 11, 2022: It’s just symbolic but likely just the beginning of a …

Sep 10, 2022: The “democracy” is a veneer. A decoration. An …

Sep 9, 2022: These images are fantastic. High-Resolution Images of the …

Sep 9, 2022: I find Apple users' obsession with bragging about their …

Sep 9, 2022: For those using Apple devices there are a lot of choices for …

Sep 8, 2022: The 12 Steps for Climate Grief: Steps 1–3 | by John Halstead …

Sep 7, 2022: 4 years for being angry at a protest? Seems to me the state …

Sep 7, 2022: Going forward I expect this to become a theme in daily life …

Sep 7, 2022: This but everywhere. As much as possible. Cars should be the …

Sep 6, 2022: A lot has been said in recent days and weeks about iPadOS 16 …

Sep 5, 2022: Morning ride moody cloud landscape.

Sep 5, 2022: Greenhouse gases on worst-case scenario Atmospheric CO2 …

Sep 4, 2022: A nice ride this evening. September is slowly bringing in …

Sep 2, 2022: “On this Day” feature of Photos app popped up a …

Sep 1, 2022: Sabatia angularis, commonly called rosepink, is a plant …

Sep 1, 2022: The number of people impacted by the floods in Pakistan …

Aug 31, 2022: After spending the past couple of days working on a couple …

Aug 31, 2022: The usual middle of the night, half-awake mind meanderings …

Aug 29, 2022: Growing in the sunny spots around the garden, garlic chives, …

Aug 28, 2022: Found this pretty lady in her web on my front screen door. …

Aug 28, 2022: What’s your favorite RSS reader? Reeder and …

Aug 27, 2022: An excellent episode of one of my favorite podcasts, The …

Aug 26, 2022: Judy Schmidt | Flickr processes astronomical images from …

Aug 26, 2022: As a teen I really enjoyed Chevy Chase in the Fletch movies. …

Aug 24, 2022: A morning task: transplant 3 small hazelnut bushes. Also, …

Aug 23, 2022: Over the past couple of weeks a series of pseudoscience …

Aug 22, 2022: Annie, one of my furry friends and so, so sweet. She was a …

Aug 21, 2022: Cosmo, top, and Annie, trying on my glasses. They are …

Aug 20, 2022: Rosie enjoying Caturday.

Aug 18, 2022: Galerina marginata, known as funeral bell, deadly skullcap …

Aug 18, 2022: Struggling to comprehend the full implications of the …

Aug 16, 2022: 🚲📷 More bike love! This is a follow-up to my post yesterday …

Aug 15, 2022: 🚲 Hey fellow bike nerds, share your bikes! I’ve got …

Aug 15, 2022: It's been a few days of posting to and moving old Blot posts …

Aug 15, 2022: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio glaucus, feeding on …

Aug 14, 2022: Very sad news but not surprising. From habitat destruction …

Aug 14, 2022: Popped up on my iPad photos widget this morning. Love having …

Aug 13, 2022: Rosie in the sink because only fresh water from the tap is …

Aug 12, 2022: Anyone doing a separate link blog just using a page like …

Aug 12, 2022: All new posts moving to Micro Blog Off and on for the past year I've been increasingly …

Aug 12, 2022: Marasmius siccus, or orange pinwheel, is a small orange …

Aug 12, 2022: It seems fairly common amongst humans in modern societies …

Aug 11, 2022: It’s not really shocking though: Global heating has …

Aug 11, 2022: The Inflation Reduction Act is a step in the right direction …

Aug 11, 2022: The Inflation Reduction Act is a step in the right direction …

Aug 10, 2022: Top: Bantus Philemon, pipevine or blue swallowtail feeding …

Aug 10, 2022: Vox has an excellent explainer on how climate change is …

Aug 9, 2022: Volunteer squash in my garden. I think it’s a pumpkin though …

Aug 8, 2022: Catching some soft sun rays through the trees on the gravel …

Aug 7, 2022: I ride lots of quiet county roads and while I love the …

Aug 6, 2022: A leaf neatly rolled by a mystery insect.

Aug 6, 2022: Recorded several years ago. I was recording the waterfall, …

Aug 6, 2022: Rosie, taking over my lapdesk.

Aug 5, 2022: Enjoying morning rides again. Casual pace, 40 minutes, 4 …

Aug 4, 2022: An excellent and frightening episode of The Climavores …

Aug 4, 2022: Stage Manager and an external screen are proving to be …

Aug 3, 2022: Morning Ride After taking a few months off from cycling to …

Aug 2, 2022: I’ve loved The Orville since the first season and …

Aug 2, 2022: Seed ticks are already out! Normally it would only be an …

Aug 2, 2022: Solar punk tiny house! Flowers in foreground: Vernonia …

Aug 1, 2022: Tiny world

Jul 30, 2022: It’s a given that if I try to get anything done Rosie will …

Jul 30, 2022: Hothouse Earth Yeah, yeah. I know, another post about climate emergency. …

Jul 29, 2022: How everyone can participate in the climate solutions by …

Jul 28, 2022: Fantastic, easy to understad data visualization showing …

Jul 27, 2022: Melanoplus punctulatus, known generally as the pine tree …

Jul 25, 2022: Social media and Blogging updates I’m currently experimenting with a new host and may move …

Jul 25, 2022: A personal encounter with climate change from Adam Horowitz, …

Jul 23, 2022: Morning dew

Jul 22, 2022: Using Stage Manager on iPadOS public beta: Very useful with …

Jul 21, 2022: Watching this interview with a young Ugandan Activist …

Jul 20, 2022: Iris domestica - Blackberry lilly

Jul 19, 2022: DIY Climate Adaption: Diet So, it's 2022 and the US continues its utter and complete …

Jul 19, 2022: When daily life becomes constant crisis From climate collapse to the continuous move of the U.S. …

Jul 19, 2022: DIY Climate Adaption: Diet So, it’s 2022 and the US continues its utter and …

Jul 17, 2022: When daily life becomes constant crisis From climate collapse to the continuous move of the U.S. …

Jul 16, 2022: Papilio polyxenes, black swallowtail

Jul 16, 2022: Papilio polyxenes, black swallowtail

Jul 16, 2022: Child rape, pregnancy and abortion With the fall of Roe we're seeing just the beginning of what …

Jul 16, 2022: Under the Milky Way Under the Milky Way Looking south (from North America) at …

Jul 16, 2022: Just another day in the climate emergency: England expecting …

Jul 16, 2022: Just another day in the climate emergency: England expecting …

Jul 16, 2022: With the fall of Roe we’re seeing just the beginning …

Jul 10, 2022: Democrats and populism in 2022 As an anarchist I’ve long thought the two party …

Jul 9, 2022: Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus, desert-chicory A species of …

Jul 6, 2022: Yeah, I'm not a fan of the Democrats at all. Or the two …

Jul 3, 2022: Queen Anne's Lace

Jun 30, 2022: Stephen Fry on Extinction Rebellion and taking action on …

Jun 23, 2022: Passion flower Such an interesting flower! Seen on my …

Jun 22, 2022: Looking south (from North America) at this time of year is …

Jun 22, 2022: Milky Way Looking south (from North America) at this time …

Jun 21, 2022: Conjunction 2022 A rare conjunction of all the planets has …

Jun 20, 2022: Short, excellent animated video explaining the origin of …

Jun 18, 2022: By the throat UN General Secretary, António Guterres: He said: “We seem …

Jun 17, 2022: Stage Manager Matthew Panzarino has an excellent write-up on Stage Manager …

Jun 17, 2022: Built a new spiral garden bed. Not much planted in it yet: …

Jun 14, 2022: Been a week since WWDC 2022 and I’ve still not put …

Jun 14, 2022: With 10 days of no or little rain, full sun and high …

Jun 6, 2022: Looking forward to WWDC today, especially the bits …

Jun 3, 2022: It’s early days in this new reality of climate collapse. For …

Jun 2, 2022: Central Newt, Notophthalmus viridescens louisianensis.

Jun 1, 2022: Orchard Orbweaver, Leucauge venusta. In the last image the …

May 30, 2022: According to Yale Climate Connections over 1.7 billion city …

May 30, 2022: So, plastic recycling is largely a farce and always has …

May 29, 2022: 14 years ago to the week I moved into my still under …

May 28, 2022: In the garden today a great spangled fritillary on a daisy …

May 27, 2022: Made an exception to my practice of avoiding non-essential …

May 26, 2022: So, yet another school shooting followed by outrage and the …

May 26, 2022: A recent episode of the It Could Happen Here podcast …

May 25, 2022: I'm not growing a lot of food in my garden but I enjoy every …

May 24, 2022: Chumbawamba - Well done, now sod off. A fun documentary …

May 24, 2022: Plant happenings! Catnip in it's purple glory, honeysuckle …

May 22, 2022: A couple of weeks before Bush's accidental admission of war …

May 21, 2022: My handsome boi in his happy place.

May 20, 2022: I've been back on Mastodon the past couple weeks and I'm …

May 20, 2022: Really enjoying this folksy labor music by Memphis-based …

May 19, 2022: So, former president George Bush, who was responsible for …

May 17, 2022: rosa arvensis salvia lyrata

May 17, 2022: I had a nice visit with this crawdad the other day!

May 15, 2022: Time for something a bit different. Slow motion audio …

May 14, 2022: Apparently there are numerous wildfires across Siberia. The …

May 13, 2022: Busy bee pollinating a wild geranium. #nature …

May 13, 2022: So, I discovered that WordPress can speak to the Fediverse …

May 13, 2022: Columbine, a native wildflower, interesting and pretty! …

May 12, 2022: Andrewism on YouTube: "Misanthropic, borderline ecofash …

May 10, 2022: Climate collapse: systemic change, individual and collective action Originally published to Mastodon. In regards to dealing with …

May 10, 2022: My 12 year experiment in tiny house living. Added a solar …

May 6, 2022: []( …

May 1, 2022: Rain drops on redbud leaves at sunset​.

Apr 29, 2022: Black haw, viburnum, in bloom around here now. Beautiful …

Apr 27, 2022: Violet wood-sorrel These are not as common in our woodland …

Apr 26, 2022: Sweetie napping at sunset.

Apr 26, 2022: The ticks are awake! They'll be a nuisance for the next 3 …

Apr 25, 2022: Tadpole Spring Beauty - Claytonia virginica

Apr 18, 2022: Switching from FileMaker to Numbers for Invoicing I began using FileMaker around 2001. I developed a handful …

Apr 17, 2022: Yes, this. The last 6 months or perhaps 30 years of …

Apr 16, 2022: Dutchmen’s Breeches in front of my cabin - beautiful early …

Apr 11, 2022: Day-to-day business The Guardian reporting on climate change direct action …

Apr 5, 2022: []( …

Apr 4, 2022: Solar Punk Three months ago I fell down a rabbit hole on a topic …

Mar 25, 2022: Universal Control It’s just one computer. That’s what I’m …

Mar 14, 2022: M1 Mac Mini and iPad Pro Set-up After a bit of consideration these past few months I finally …

Feb 25, 2022: Modular Computing and the Mac I Want Just a few days ago I wrote, not for the first time, about …

Feb 22, 2022: Extreme Living Several weeks ago I shared the below video on a family …

Feb 6, 2022: Why I quit the Mac (Mostly) I had a chuckle late yesterday afternoon when I opened up …

Jan 5, 2022: Climate change requires degrowth Yeah, this. The global conversation about climate …

Dec 30, 2021: Combining Binoculars and Apple AR I’m an avid walker. Usually with dogs, sometimes …

Dec 20, 2021: AirPods Pro - Adjusting fit to fix the thumping problem I’ve been using the AirPods Pro for two or so years …

Oct 28, 2021: Apple continues to lead on renewable energy Montague Wind Power Facility in Oregon, one of Apple’s …

Oct 28, 2021: Apple continues to lead on renewable energy in 2021  Montague Wind Power Facility in Oregon, one of Apple’s …

Oct 13, 2021: 2021 General Strike? At the Guardian, Robert Reich asks if America is …

Sep 28, 2021: Using Apple Notes and iCloud as a Facebook Alternative This past spring I returned to a topic I’ve often …

Sep 2, 2021: Flooding and Burning As of September 2nd we one coast of the US is flooding while …

Sep 1, 2021: Two months with iPadOS 15 I’ve been using the beta on my iPad Pro since the first day …

Aug 29, 2021: Back in the late 90s, Memphis, engaged in a bit of …

Aug 26, 2021: An early morning bike ride with a view of the waning moon …

Aug 19, 2021: From a recent trail ride on the fat bike.

Aug 18, 2021: The First Website August 6 marked 30 years since the first website. Benj …

Aug 17, 2021: Another butterfly observed along the road on my daily bike …

Aug 16, 2021: From a recent bike ride, a spicebush swallowtail on bee …

Aug 15, 2021: False Caesar’s Mushroom, Amanita parcivolvata - seen near …

Aug 15, 2021: Thinking of Loretta Over at Miraz shared a post about being followed …

Aug 10, 2021: Obsidian Mobile Finally!! Been waiting for this one for months. Obsidian …

Aug 7, 2021: Climate Change Update: 2021-8-7 Many of these links found via Charles Arthur’s excellent …

Aug 3, 2021: Using an iPhone and Apple Notes to Scan and Export Old Family Photos I’ve started a project scanning in old family photos. It’s …

Jul 29, 2021: Keychron K2 My favorite keyboard in recent memory has been the Logitech …

Jul 24, 2021: Ride Journal 2021-7-24 Some fantastic trail rides recently. Well, they’re always …

Jul 13, 2021: WIX Website Code I recently took on a new client who had an existing WIX …

Jul 10, 2021: Climate change in California Just a regular reminder that it’s 2021 and virtually …

Jun 27, 2021: Fredericktown Hate Crime? I went searching this morning for a new podcast, something …

Jun 16, 2021: Bird Song A small thing that I enjoy everyday but have rarely if ever …

Jun 15, 2021: A young woman of color engineer is living her dream at NASA! An excellent interview with Tiera Fletcher over on …

Jun 12, 2021: Fixing Climate Change and Biodiversity at the same time How to protect species and save the planet at the same time …

Jun 5, 2021: Dark matter galaxy structure Listening to episode 252 of Science sort of I came across …

Jun 4, 2021: American Water Willow American Water Willow I’ve seen these before and have been …

Jun 3, 2021: Grassroots Authoritarianism in the US The GOP’s ‘Off the Rails’ March Toward Authoritarianism Has …

Jun 3, 2021: Daily Updates? I've had this blog (and earlier forms) going since before …

Jun 3, 2021: Finally, a smart discussion of pro apps on iPad I recently discovered Cup of Tech podcast and gave a listen …

Jun 1, 2021: Review: Logitech Combo Touch for the 12.9” iPad Pro At the the core of my love for the iPad are the many …

Jun 1, 2021: Lush ride through a Missouri woodland.

Jun 1, 2021: WWDC 2021 Wishlist I generally avoid doing this kind of post each year as so …

May 26, 2021: A few notes on Apple's Spring 2021 hardware releases So, this week Apple’s latest, the new color iMacs and the …

May 20, 2021: Ramaria, a coral fungi, that I found on the trail.

May 8, 2021: Firepink seen while riding the creek trail.

May 5, 2021: My fat bike, a few weeks ago, when I cleaned it and upgraded …

Apr 30, 2021: Atlantic camas, a native, wild hyacinth. I walk or ride this …

Apr 30, 2021: The story of the iPad Pro 2021 On April 20th Apple announced it’s 2021 update of the iPad …

Apr 28, 2021: Experiments with Markdown Editors, Saving Content and Obsidian Background This post began as a post over at this thread at …

Apr 27, 2021: My daily trail ride takes me along this very pretty little …

Apr 13, 2021: Thinking about Internet publishing In my last post complaining about the complexity of posting …

Apr 11, 2021: Riding a fat bike on a curvy trail through the woods is …

Apr 10, 2021: Spring Wildflowers The woods have come alive with a carpet of small white, pink …

Apr 9, 2021: Publishing to WordPress is too messy I published a post this morning and was reminded that this …

Apr 9, 2021: Mac OS X Turns 20! I missed this by a few weeks but wanted to mark the occasion …

Mar 27, 2021: Video Workflow Last year when I started cycling a couple of family members …

Mar 23, 2021: Still here! So, it’s been awhile. Almost a full year since my last post …

Mar 18, 2021: Learning to walk in the woods So, file this under “Living here for most of the past …

Mar 7, 2021: How we move forward My group of local friends share a Slack group. This morning …

Feb 22, 2021: Tumbling and Exploring First, a couple weeks ago I fell down a rabbit hole. It was …

Feb 4, 2021: Climate Change and Personal Responsibility It seems that once a year I end up writing a post about …

Dec 24, 2020: Gravity Bullseye Monster Long-term review Back in mid-April, I purchased a Gravity Bullseye Monster …

Dec 21, 2020: 2020 - My return to peddling December 21, 2019 - First ride on the XP! A year ago today I …

Dec 14, 2020: Fat bike fitting: fixing a wide stance Alternate post title… Fat Bike, I just can’t quit …

Dec 5, 2020: Gravel bike tires compared- WTB Nanos and Hutchinson Touaregs Since late July I’ve ridden just over 3,000 miles on the …

Nov 21, 2020: Comparing the fit and trail riding experience on the gravel and fat bikes First, a bit of backstory… I’ve had issues with my …

Nov 8, 2020: Adventure Bike Wheel Sizes- 650b or 700c? The Poseidon X comes with 700c wheels with tires that have a …

Nov 2, 2020: 2020: Ugly and Uglier I’ve not posted much about the shitstorm that is 2020. For …

Sep 13, 2020: Exploring on two wheels I’ve been thinking about my journey these past 12 years …

Sep 8, 2020: Poseidon X Review Follow-up As of 8/29 I’m exactly one month in with the Poseidon X …

Aug 24, 2020: Going slow... Old Man Gravel, one of my favorite bike-oriented bloggers …

Aug 4, 2020: Poseidon X Review Right off I’ll just say that I was attracted to this bike in …

Jul 31, 2020: 1,000 Three or so weeks ago I posted that with only 5 days into …

Jul 14, 2020: Bike and Trail Updates First, the trail updates... I’ll start with trail update and …

Jul 10, 2020: 4am As the summer heat has moved in I’ve been getting up earlier …

Jul 6, 2020: Apparently my life now revolves around bikes I expect to post in the next day or two about some trail …

Jun 21, 2020: A month of trail riding Yikes! It's been three weeks since my last post. Not a …

May 28, 2020: Ride, ride, ride [caption id="" align=“aligncenter” …

May 16, 2020: Road Ride It’s been a few weeks since I took a road ride but we’ve had …

May 10, 2020: In the woods I’ve been living in the cabin for most of the past 12 years. …

May 9, 2020: Riding the trails As my trail building slows I’ve spent more time walking and …

Apr 27, 2020: Gravity Bullseye Monster Fat Bike Initial Impressions In my last post I ended my mentioning that I’d ordered a new …

Apr 17, 2020: Trail Building Fun I’ve changed things up a bit! For the time being I’ve …

Apr 11, 2020: Chunky gravel and punctured tubes 4/5 13.8 4/6 13.8 4/7 26.3 4/8 13.8 4/9 27.6 4/10 27.6 4/11 …

Apr 5, 2020: iPad and a Magic Trackpad 2 Last week marked the 10 year anniversary of the release of …

Apr 5, 2020: Outside for the season Well, here we are. Middle of a global pandemic and in the …

Mar 31, 2020: iPad Journal: A Decade of iPad My original iPad docked in Apple’s Keyboard Stand Note: I …

Mar 18, 2020: Some GoPro fun Okay, well, I have a GoPro. It started when I took a couple …

Mar 12, 2020: Back Country One of the reasons I love being on a bike is the pace. I’m …

Mar 11, 2020: Busy on two wheels! Way back in December I wrote a nice (and predictable) 10 …

Mar 9, 2020: Peddling Fool 2/28 31.3 miles 2/29 40.5 miles 3/1 38.7 miles 3/2 35.3 …

Feb 28, 2020: Rover Rides and more on Local Cycling Project First a few updates on the Rover! Lots of riding. February …

Feb 19, 2020: Roving with the Rad Rover This bike is so much fun. That’s not to say that the other …

Feb 16, 2020: Ride Updates Ride Updates! 2/7 16.1 2/8 21.8 2/9 6.3 2/10 4 - First Rad …

Feb 12, 2020: Rad Rover First Impressions Mini Review (Note: As I wrote this first impression it occurred to me …

Feb 6, 2020: Spokes and Folks Okay, time for an update on our new cycling project. It’s …

Feb 6, 2020: Ride Updates 1/26: 22 miles 1/27: 22 miles 1/28 15.5 miles 1/29: 12.4 …

Jan 25, 2020: 400 Ha! In my last post I was expecting bad weather for a few …

Jan 25, 2020: Cycling Project Update I’m really feeling optimistic about this project! Previous …

Jan 17, 2020: Fredericktown Cycling Project I mentioned in a post recently that I’d emailed the …

Jan 17, 2020: Next Stop, 400 Miles! 1/13: 12 miles 1/14: 20 miles 1/15 23.4 miles 1/16: 4.5 …

Jan 15, 2020: One Hour Adventure Today’s ride was a pretty fantastic one hour adventure. 1 …

Jan 12, 2020: 20x4 Fat Tires As I start this post I’m in the middle of my continuing …

Jan 12, 2020: 240 miles Apparently I’m making up for lost time! 1/6: 20 miles 1/7: …

Jan 10, 2020: Madison County Cycling Proposal A few days ago I started to wonder what a cycling program in …

Jan 5, 2020: 14 Days of E-Bike Fun I’ve had the bike for two weeks and I’ve ridden almost …

Jan 5, 2020: 1 Point 5 1 Point 5: The sad truth about our boldest climate target …

Dec 27, 2019: Rides 12-25 to 12-26 My butt’s been just a wee bit sore so slightly shorter rides …

Dec 25, 2019: Micromobility Defined I’m really enjoying the Micromobility Podcast but certainly …

Dec 24, 2019: Dipping further into micromobility I wrote a few days ago about rural cycling and micromobility …

Dec 24, 2019: E-bike Ride Journal 12-24-19 Tuesday 12-24-19 Started at 10:30 am, finished at 12pm. …

Dec 23, 2019: E-bike Ride Journal I’m hoping to be doing several rides a week but many of them …

Dec 22, 2019: Lectric XP E-Bike Review I mentioned the other day in my post on rural micromobility …

Dec 20, 2019: Rural Cycling and Micromobility My Journey to the e-bike I’m a child of the suburbs. I grew …

Dec 19, 2019: Kitchen Appliances I’m generally not all that excited by kitchen appliances and …

Dec 17, 2019: My Tiny House Updates I’ve been living in this 12x16 tiny house for over 11 1/2 …

Dec 17, 2019: Historical With the exception of about 45% of the US population and …

Dec 14, 2019: Coping with the downpour of lies An excellent thread on Twitter in coping with the constant …

Dec 14, 2019: Bully Why is the president of the United States cyberbullying a …

Dec 5, 2019: A Siri Anecdote A couple days ago I posted an update to what appears to be a …

Dec 5, 2019: iPad Journal: Zugu Case Review As I mentioned in my recent post about my evolving iPad …

Dec 4, 2019: Siri, I Trust You. Mostly. Just as I keep track of the status of Pages on the iPad (as …

Dec 2, 2019: iPad Journal: Shortcuts Update Many in the iOS user community really, really love …

Dec 2, 2019: Frictionless Posting I’m in search of a better posting process for my two …

Dec 2, 2019: Worth a watch. The Plastic Problem - PBS NewsHour. Like …

Dec 1, 2019: Climate emergency: Crossing the tipping point The Guardian Reports: Climate emergency: world 'may have …

Dec 1, 2019: Ditching Google for the Duck An excellent article from Wired on switching to DuckDuckGo …

Nov 22, 2019: American Bittersweet

Nov 22, 2019: Internet Growing Pains and “Social Media” In my previous post I spent a few minutes reminiscing about …

Nov 21, 2019: Webiversary I came across a post the other day talking about the early …

Nov 19, 2019: iPad Journal: Workflow and Workspace Updates A few updates... iPadOS I’ve been using iPadOS now since …

Oct 24, 2019: Facebook is toxic Exhibit 12,345 in the case that Facebook is toxic. …

Oct 19, 2019: I always love the golden light of a sunset on trees against …

Sep 19, 2019: North America Has Lost Nearly 3 Billion Birds Since 1970 - …

Aug 20, 2019: Been thinking about, the open web, and social …

Aug 20, 2019: The experience and a few thoughts on the open web This post started as a response to a thread on the …

Aug 16, 2019: I have found what may be my favorite YouTube channel ever. …

Aug 16, 2019: Morning walk…

Aug 8, 2019: Claris! As a longtime user of FileMaker Pro and an Apple user since …

Jul 28, 2019: Finally deleted Ulysses Finally got around to copying over all my Ulysses documents …

Jul 23, 2019: iPad Journal: iPad Keyboards Okay. I have to admit I have a problem. Keyboards. Possibly …

Jul 22, 2019: iPadOs Wowza. It’s been well over a month since WWDC and all of the …

Jul 20, 2019: 50 Years after landing on the moon: Thoughts on a the potential of humanity I turned 50 years old on June 5 so I was alive for the moon …

Jul 11, 2019: iPad Journal: Pages Summer 2019 Status Update It seems I’ve gotten in the habit of writing about my use of …

Jun 3, 2019: Big day today for Apple Nerds. WWDC 2019. Looking forward to it. As happy as I am using the …

May 17, 2019: Only Radical Transformation... The “Great Dying” Has Begun. Only Transforming the Economy …

May 11, 2019: Species Extinction Accelerating This. Yes, this says it well. Alexandra Petri writing for …

May 10, 2019: A Sense of time As is often the case I have a tendency to become less …

May 8, 2019: Using the iPad Pro and Smart Keyboard Portfolio in non-standard configurations It’s been over six months since I posted my thoughts about …

May 5, 2019: Mind Mapping Experiment A year or so ago a friend on Twitter asked me if I used or …

Apr 28, 2019: A few thoughts on Apple News and RSS apps I’ve been using RSS apps since the early(ish) days of it’s …

Apr 18, 2019: I Hear it’s a good read... Get your copy of the Mueller Report.

Apr 16, 2019: Appreciating the Mac It’s been on my mind to get my MacMini which was running …

Apr 10, 2019: First ever black hole image released This is a fantastic achievement. It measures 40 billion km …

Apr 8, 2019: Optimizing rural internet: Using a Mac’s Internet Sharing with satellite and cellular for a more unified experience Like most rural residents I don’t have many internet choices …

Apr 4, 2019: Improved Blog Posting from the Notes App with Shortcuts This past October I posted about blogging from the Notes app …

Apr 4, 2019: Trip Cost Estimate Shortcut I don’t travel much but I’d recently pondered the idea of a …

Apr 3, 2019: Hey Siri on new AirPods is Fantastic I’m just going to say up front that I am a big fan Hey Siri …

Feb 10, 2019: Apple’s Latest iPad Tutorials A couple weeks ago Apple published some fun new iPad Pro …

Jan 28, 2019: Climate Change, Corporations AND Us I was reading my news feed this morning and hit upon this …

Jan 22, 2019: Climate Change Gloom (Note: This was originally written to an extended family …

Jan 15, 2019: More Quickly More quickly than predicted. Over the past 20 years that has …

Jan 12, 2019: The Beauty of Science Came upon this article this morning: Swarm of mysterious …

Dec 26, 2018: We’re visiting a distant world on January 1, 2019 On January 1, 2019 humans will pass and make the most …

Dec 24, 2018: Tasting Climate Change James Temple writing for the MIT Technology Review: In early …

Dec 19, 2018: Sometimes you go for a walk and forget your hat so you use …

Dec 18, 2018: Not the best photo in terms of quality due to cropping but I …

Dec 18, 2018: The gold of a winter sunset.

Dec 5, 2018: Big Bang in 2D This video at Big Think is an excellent description of the …

Dec 4, 2018: Sunrise over the lake and a quiet cabin.

Nov 26, 2018: 2018 iPad Pro: The review scene and bigger picture context As I write this we’re about two weeks in since the new iPads …

Nov 6, 2018: The 2018 iPad Pro Well, as expected Apple announced The 2018 iPad Pro and what …

Nov 1, 2018: The iPad has grown up from a mobile device to a mobile computer [caption id=“attachment_462” …

Oct 29, 2018: Pages Fall 2018 Status Update Because Pages is one of my most loved and used apps I pay …

Oct 28, 2018: The shared clipboard in a multiple iPad workflow As we come up on Apple’s October 30, 2018 event and the …

Oct 18, 2018: Batch processing images with Shortcuts Much of the work I do involves adding new content to client …

Oct 16, 2018: Fall morning water harvesting

Oct 15, 2018: Apple stock app favorites: Files and Notes I wrote recently about using Apple’s Stock Apps rather …

Oct 10, 2018: Test post from Apple Notes So, I’m working on a post about the benefits of Apple Notes …

Oct 9, 2018: My tiny house sits under a shag bark hickory and this year …

Oct 8, 2018: This shouldn’t surprise anyone. U.N. climate report shows …

Oct 7, 2018: Daydreaming.

Oct 3, 2018: Taken on this day a couple years ago. Found using Vittici’s …

Sep 26, 2018: Using the Apple Watch for better health One of many personal stories from people who have used the …

Sep 26, 2018: WatchOS 5: Closing my green rings is easier! We’ve had WatchOS 5 for just over a week now and …

Sep 19, 2018: Siri Shortcuts I’ve been using the public betas of iOS 12 since July and …

Sep 19, 2018: Spent the day, the whole day, at least 8 hours, trying to …

Sep 19, 2018: Spent the day, the whole day, at least 8 hours, trying to …

Sep 19, 2018: Shortcuts User Guide At the moment I’ve just about finished up a post about …

Sep 18, 2018: Shroom!

Sep 16, 2018: Had a very nice visit with 8 or so friends. We have a weekly …

Sep 15, 2018: Apple’s Siri page is getting better!

Sep 14, 2018: Little Shroom

Sep 11, 2018: I just adore frogs and this little friend is a leopard frog!

Sep 10, 2018: First year with an Apple Watch: A few hits, a few misses First, a bit of context. When I purchased the Series 3 last …

Aug 30, 2018: Affinity Publisher Beta! The talented folks over at Serif released the Affinity …

Aug 30, 2018: Donating time to the Ozark Regional Library We have an excellent rural library system but like many …

Aug 29, 2018: Apple’s Stock Apps Something I’ve seen come up a bit on the internets is the …

Aug 26, 2018: Interesting little mushroom. Looks like a chocolate swirl!

Aug 22, 2018: An unidentified but very interesting moth…

Aug 13, 2018:

Aug 13, 2018: Interview on the iPad Pro Podcast Hey, neat! It was a lot of fun talking with Tim of the iPad …

Aug 12, 2018: Delicate little mushroom…

Jul 21, 2018: Affinity Designer on the iPad! We’ve known for awhile that Affinity was bringing it’s …

Jul 16, 2018: The simple reason I prefer the iPad A few days ago Affinity released it’s fantastic app Designer …

Jul 16, 2018: A fix for AirPods low volume I’ve had my AirPods since the first shipment, December 2016 …

Jun 27, 2018: Yikes. A huge stretch of the Arctic Ocean is rapidly turning …

Jun 25, 2018: Apple News and the 2018 US Elections I’m really happy to see Apple upping their efforts with …

Jun 24, 2018: Obligatory 2018 WWDC Post It’s been a couple weeks and I’ve been reading to posts and …

Jun 19, 2018: The U.S. nightmare What the fuck is happening in the United States. This is a …

Jun 19, 2018: Funny story… i go outside to move the hose. Come back …

May 20, 2018: Apple News, Google News, RSS I’ve used RSS since the early days. I forget the exact year …

May 19, 2018: After a day of clouds and storms, stars and the song of …

May 10, 2018: iPad Journal: Pages Update It’s been awhile since I’ve written about using Pages. Last …

Apr 24, 2018: The thing about iCloud storage Last night I listened to yet another podcast in which …

Apr 23, 2018: A recent sunset. The frogs are singing and it’s so sweet.

Apr 23, 2018: Thanks to an update by Serif in early 2018, the iPad Files …

Apr 23, 2018: Using Affinity Photo on iPad: File Management To say that I am an enthusiastic user of Affinity Photo …

Apr 22, 2018: Over at Beardy Guy Musings I’ve got a post about trying …

Apr 21, 2018: New-to-me iPad and iOS Sites and Podcasts Thought I’d do a quick round-up of a few iPad and iOS sites …

Apr 20, 2018: Trying Drafts Again (Note: I started this post back in February but never …

Apr 19, 2018: Apple’s Education Commitment The March 27 Apple education event has come and gone and …

Apr 19, 2018: Creativity with iPad I’ve used the iPad for a variety of creative endeavors over …

Apr 18, 2018: I am surrounded by furry critters. That is all.

Apr 11, 2018: Apple’s Renewable Energy Apple’s attention to the details of its environmental …

Mar 26, 2018: Roundup of recent articles and podcasts We’ll start with MacStories which has been very busy and …

Mar 11, 2018: Since HomePod I’ve done a bit of thinking about how I use …

Mar 11, 2018: Siri and the iOS Mesh Over the past couple years it’s become a thing, in the …

Feb 22, 2018: The AR-15 is Different Radiologist Heather Sher, writing for The Atlantic: In a …

Feb 18, 2018: Tufted Titmouse!

Feb 15, 2018: About American Violence We, U.S. citizens, have given our approval to our gun …

Feb 14, 2018: Revisiting iTunes with HomePod I’ve been enjoying my old …

Feb 14, 2018: Revisiting iTunes with HomePod Like many I’ve been using iTunes since it’s first versions. …

Feb 13, 2018: HomePod: Sometimes great, sometimes just grrrrrrrrrrr. This …

Feb 13, 2018: HomePod: Sometimes great, sometimes just grrrrrrrrrrr. Tuesday Morning I’m getting out of bed as two dogs eagerly …

Feb 4, 2018: iPad Journal: Using an iPad to maintain websites – my …

Feb 4, 2018: Using an iPad to maintain websites - my workflow A couple weeks ago I wrote about my website managment …

Feb 1, 2018: Using HomeKit Smart Plugs Last spring I finally purchased my first smart …

Jan 28, 2018: Siri and voice first In a recent episode of his Vector podcast, Rene Ritchie had …

Jan 21, 2018: Over at Beardy Guy Musings, thinking about how I create …

Jan 21, 2018: Panic, Transmit and Keeping My Options Open I’ve been coding websites for the web since 1999 and doing …

Jan 18, 2018: Hey Siri, give me the news Ah, it’s just a little thing but it’s a little thing I’ve …

Jan 17, 2018: Alexa Hype A couple years ago a good friend got one of the first …

Jan 15, 2018: Brydge Keyboard Update It’s been almost two months of using the Brydge keyboard. It …

Jan 7, 2018: Goldfinch! [caption id=“attachment_1325” …

Jan 1, 2018:

Dec 31, 2017: Tufted titmouse

Dec 27, 2017: A sweet Nuthatch on this cold winter day.

Dec 26, 2017: I ordered the AirPods within minutes of them going on sale …

Dec 26, 2017: One Year with Apple AirPods It was a year ago that began selling the AirPods and they …

Dec 26, 2017:

Dec 26, 2017: Woke up thinking about creating, sharing, blogging, social …

Dec 23, 2017: My furry friends are so sweet together. ❤️

Dec 22, 2017: If you’re not busy we’re ready for our walk.

Dec 22, 2017: Another reason to love Carl Sagan.

Dec 21, 2017:

Dec 19, 2017: Over at Beardy Guy Musings, my Apple and tech oriented blog, …

Dec 19, 2017: I’ve only been on for a week or so but something …

Dec 19, 2017: HomePod Pricing It’s always funny when journalists give advice to …

Dec 18, 2017: HomePod and the Siri Ecosystem I’ve recently written about my hopes for a more proactive …

Dec 16, 2017: One of three turtle shells found on a recent walk.

Dec 15, 2017:

Dec 15, 2017:

Dec 15, 2017: A few thoughts on a proactive Siri, perhaps with “Siri …

Dec 15, 2017: A Proactive Siri First, just a few notes about my Siri usage. I use Siri …

Dec 13, 2017: Downy Woodpecker

Dec 11, 2017: It’s too late to stop it. We can only hope to adapt and …

Dec 11, 2017: And when climate change intensified things happen, be they …

Dec 11, 2017: We keep waiting for government to regulate our lives and …

Dec 11, 2017: I see many talking about the starving polar bear video. We …

Dec 11, 2017: It’s December and right now, in Missouri, we have wildfire …

Dec 9, 2017: Ice flower. For those that may not know, this is the result …

Dec 9, 2017: Enjoyed my first day browsing around Has a very …

Dec 8, 2017: A few days ago I came across this post on Instagram.. Gut …

Dec 8, 2017:

Dec 8, 2017: 15° this morning. I celebrated with the first bird feeding …

Dec 8, 2017:

Dec 7, 2017:

Dec 1, 2017: The iPad Laptop I’ve always used the iPad with an external keyboard and with …

Dec 1, 2017:

Dec 1, 2017:

Nov 30, 2017: What’s a computer In one of Apple’s latest iPad ads we see a student exploring …

Nov 28, 2017: Apple Watch Series 3 I never write reviews. There are plenty of folks doing that …

Nov 28, 2017: Catching Up Wow. It’s been on my mind that I’d not posted to either of …

Oct 17, 2017: What is Earth Made of One aspect of astronomy that I have grown to love and …

Sep 29, 2017: AppleTV Discoverability I’m a big fan of AppleTV & Apple Music. I use them both …

Sep 27, 2017: NASA e-Books Some fantastic resources here. …

Sep 26, 2017: I just watched the International Space Station fly overhead. …

Sep 20, 2017: [gallery size=full columns=1] A quick test, & I’m really …

Sep 18, 2017: Story of a sunset As the sun begins to set the world around me begins to …

Sep 18, 2017: A have an armadillo visiting often. Perhaps sleeping under …

Sep 13, 2017: Importing images via drag and drop in iOS 11 After using the iOS 11 beta on my iPad Air 2 for a month I …

Sep 12, 2017: “An ignorant mind is precisely not a spotless, empty …

Sep 5, 2017: Celebrating 40 years of Voyager It's often easy to become discouraged by the state of human …

Sep 1, 2017: TED Talk - Worker Co-ops When workers own companies "Another economic reality is …

Aug 30, 2017: Swales and ducklings In June of 2015 I was living a different life not too far …

Aug 30, 2017: Harvey is the new normal David Grinspoon, writing for The Atlantic, Hurricane Harvey …

Aug 28, 2017: Podcasts I listen to a lot of podcasts and thought I might start …

Aug 25, 2017: Machine Learning's contribution to Siri's voice The Siri team has a great post about the evolution of …

Aug 25, 2017: Back to the night sky I started observing the night sky in late 2012 and kept up a …

Aug 23, 2017: iPad Journal: Looking for a new writing & blogging sweetspot A couple weeks ago the developers of Ulysses took the app to …

Aug 23, 2017: Eclipse Like many, I spent my Monday afternoon observing the moon …

Aug 23, 2017:

Aug 23, 2017:

Aug 22, 2017: How-to iPad with iOS 11 Last week Apple released a series of six iPad and iOS 11 …

Aug 20, 2017: Voyager at 40 A great thread by @justinhendrix over on Twitter: The solar …

Aug 18, 2017: Understanding the eclipse by creating a to-scale demonstration of orbits and moon phases I was recently asked to do a presentation about the upcoming …

Aug 16, 2017: Subscriptions_Lovejoy Ben LoveJoy over at 9to5Mac has written a very good summary …

Aug 16, 2017: iPad Journal Video Editing Back around 2002 I spent a bit of time editing video using a …

Aug 15, 2017: Star Trek Voyager I’ve just gotten around, after many years of delay, to …

Aug 15, 2017: With the recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia and …

Aug 13, 2017: Pale Blue Dot With all of the craziness of the past couple of days (and …

Aug 13, 2017: What a strange world we live in. The beauty of the non-human …

Aug 10, 2017: Back to Byword Getting Byword set-up again for blogging. Haven’t used this …

Aug 10, 2017: Just Breath The world is all upside down these days. It’s a good time …

Aug 10, 2017: [gallery size=full columns=1] A presentation for our local …

Aug 10, 2017: So long Ulysses Well. Darn it. Count me among those that enjoy Ulysses but …

Aug 10, 2017:

Aug 10, 2017:

Aug 6, 2017:

Aug 5, 2017:

Aug 3, 2017: What the iPad Pro is capable of The Matter of High-End iPad Growth Nigel Warren (via Michael …

Aug 1, 2017: Revisiting Space Exploration with Affinity Photo for iPad In June of 2015 Affinity Designer for Mac caused a splash …

Jul 31, 2017:

Jul 30, 2017:

Jul 28, 2017:

Jul 28, 2017:

Jul 26, 2017: iPad Journal: Transitioning from InDesign to Pages Anytime I’ve written about my transition to iPad for …

Jul 20, 2017:

Jul 13, 2017: Noticing that iCloud Drive does not update as quickly as …

Jul 10, 2017: iPad Journal: Multi-touch on the iPad 12.9" I’ve been using the larger iPad for nearly a month now …

Jul 7, 2017:

Jul 6, 2017:

Jul 6, 2017: 9to5Mac has an excellent post about benefits of using …

Jun 28, 2017: It's 2017, we use many computers My Color Classic and iPad Pro as imaged by an iPhone 7+. So …

Jun 26, 2017:

Jun 23, 2017: Finding Trust and Delight in the Apple Ecosystem I am increasingly happy to be in Apple’s always …

Jun 21, 2017:

Jun 21, 2017: iPad Journal: First Week with the 2017 iPad Pro [caption id=“attachment_447” …

Jun 21, 2017: Adobe's Baggage In a recent post on his blog, John Nack asked; Affinity …

Jun 20, 2017:

Jun 16, 2017:

Jun 16, 2017:

Jun 15, 2017:

Jun 14, 2017: 2017 iPad Pro Reviews Consensus: WOW Well, it seems the consensus on the new iPad Pro is that it …

Jun 13, 2017: There’s nothing quite as nice as setting up a new iPad …

Jun 12, 2017: A few links and thoughts on iPad after WWDC 2017 Well, well, well. The 2017 WWDC has come and gone and much …

Jun 11, 2017: I complained the other day on Twitter about Apple-oriented …

Jun 8, 2017: iPad Journal: Affinity Photo for iPad!! [caption id=“attachment_426” …

Jun 7, 2017: Earth — Shot on iPhone with Carl Sagan narration Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot is fantastic and this is a …

Jun 6, 2017: I’ve had a few hours to use Affinity Photo for iPad …

Jun 5, 2017: As excited as I am for the new iPad and iOS features: …

Jun 5, 2017: Wowza. That was a crazy #WWDC Keynote! Looks like iOS for …

Jun 5, 2017: WWDC in 28 minutes. Going to be a big one for the iPad both …

Jun 4, 2017:

Jun 2, 2017: Jupiter in an amazing fly-by video Wired has a great post about the project. Jupiter is …

Jun 2, 2017:

Jun 2, 2017:

Jun 2, 2017:

Jun 2, 2017:

Jun 2, 2017:

Jun 2, 2017: I’ve decided to make it a bit easier on myself to post …

Jun 2, 2017:

Jun 2, 2017: Agreed with Dan Moren on this. The big picture is …

Jun 2, 2017: It is obvious at this point but I’ll just say it, …

Jun 2, 2017:

Jun 2, 2017: Experimenting with microblogging.

Jun 2, 2017: Pre-WWDC Apple Nerdery Wow. So much going on in the run-up to WWDC. As most have …

Jun 1, 2017: Spent far too much time this evening trying to configure …

May 30, 2017: Client Website: Liberty Blueberry Farms In 2011 I was hired to redesign the website of a local …

May 26, 2017: This post over at Information is Beautiful is excellent: …

May 22, 2017: iPad Journal: To-do or not to-do Last week the Apple nerdery got very excited with the …

May 22, 2017: iPad Journal: A long overdue link round-up Ha! Well, I’ve been busy with client work and have …

Apr 24, 2017: Apple and the environment I have, since around 1990, oriented the way I live my life …

Apr 24, 2017: Apple and the environment If you’ve read this blog for long you may have picked …

Apr 18, 2017: iPad Journal: External Keyboards One interesting side-effect of using the iPad as a primary …

Apr 14, 2017: iPad Journal: Just a small thing: AirDrop I had a meeting/tutoring session with a client a couple days …

Apr 13, 2017: iPad Journal: The iPad as Cash Register A new coffee and gift shop opened up in our small rural town …

Apr 7, 2017: iPad Journal: Setting up a new website I keep forgetting that the iPad is only meant for watching …

Apr 6, 2017: Panic and the price of "pro" apps for iOS Panic posted it’s The 2016 Panic Report and offered …

Mar 27, 2017: iPad Journal: Workflow improvements! [caption id=“attachment_327” …

Mar 24, 2017: iPad Journal: Weekly Links Lots of interesting iPad related news this week. Well, …

Mar 20, 2017: We are the power I've not said much here about recent goings on in the U.S. …

Mar 20, 2017: iPad Journal: Writing more with iPad It was around this time last year that I began my shift …

Mar 19, 2017: iPad Journal: Painting astronomical objects with iPad and Procreate Just to be clear from the start, aside from grade school, …

Mar 19, 2017: Painting the Horsehead Nebula This is one I have attempted to view through the telescope …

Mar 14, 2017: Setting up HomeKit for the first time I've been wanting to try out a HomeKit device for quite …

Mar 11, 2017: iPad Journal: Weekly iPad Links I'll start this week with one of my new favorites, Jonathan …

Mar 10, 2017: It depends on what your definition of "Pro" is For well over a year now the Apple nerdery have been rending …

Mar 8, 2017: iPad Journal: Speedy production of posters and social media graphics I've been doing a bit of volunteer work for our local …

Mar 7, 2017: Podcast Apps: Overcast vs Apple Podcasts I've been a podcast listener since 2005. I forget when Apple …

Mar 6, 2017: iPad Journal: Getting the most out of Apple Notes I'm on a new quest in how I use the iPad and it can be best …

Mar 5, 2017: Contributing to Apple Maps Last Friday I notice that my favorite local custard and …

Mar 3, 2017: iPad Journal: Notes App misconceptions Over the past year or two there have been quite a few …

Mar 3, 2017: iPad Journal: Week in Links The Workflow folk have put out yet another update and of …

Mar 2, 2017: iPad Journal: A mess of stuff getting in my way I’m a geek and so I tend to enjoy tinkering. Back in …

Feb 27, 2017: iPad Journal: Creating with iMovie I don’t use the iPad and iMovie for professional work. …

Feb 24, 2017: iPad Journal: Flexible form factor leads to increased productivity Appreciating (and greatly enjoying) the tablet form factor …

Feb 24, 2017: iPad Journal: Weekly iPad links I'm planning to do a post each Friday that will cover the …

Feb 22, 2017: iPad Journal: On the road with a truck driver and iPad I’ve got a client that emailed me back in September. …

Feb 22, 2017: Apple Park: Coming in April 2017 Apple’s new “spaceship” headquarters and …

Feb 20, 2017: iPad Journal: Coordinating family projects Our extended family has some shared land with a small lake …

Feb 18, 2017: Sharing Orion Had an opportunity to share a view of the Orion Nebula …

Feb 17, 2017: Clever New iPad Ads Looks like Apple is pushing out some new iPad ads and …

Feb 17, 2017: iPad Journal: Website Management with Coda, Transmit, Messages and Mail Of the various services I offer, web design and content …

Feb 12, 2017: Downhill There was a moment in the early years of the universe when …

Feb 12, 2017: Eternity I stretch forward Pushing through time. Eternity. A solar …

Feb 11, 2017: iPad Journal: iCloud and DropBox as iPad File Systems A consistent criticism of iOS and the iPad is the lack of an …

Feb 8, 2017: iPad Journal: Using Pages Last time I discussed my use of Numbers. Another useful …

Feb 6, 2017: iPad Journal: Using Numbers One of the best apps on the iPad is Numbers. For anyone that …

Feb 4, 2017: Serenity at iMore is doing a column on people who use the iPad for work She's already tweeted that she's had a great response within …

Feb 3, 2017: iPad Journal: Invoicing with FileMaker Pro One of my common tasks as a freelancer is invoicing. I've …

Feb 3, 2017: Introducing the iPad Journal As is often mentioned in the Apple-centric media that Apple …

Feb 3, 2017: Oh iPad, not again As has become routine when Apple announces it's quarterly …

Jan 27, 2017: The iPad is 7 Years Old The iPad was introduced on this day seven years ago. …

Jan 27, 2017: Streaming iTunes Content via Home Sharing is Terrible I'm currently enjoying a recent switch to Apple Music but …

Jan 23, 2017: From Pandora to Apple Music This isn’t a review so much as a few notes comparing …

Jan 16, 2017: Apple Celebrates MLK Apple always has a nice makeover of it's website on this …

Jan 12, 2017: The AirPods: Siri Everywhere! Much has been made over the past year about Amazon's Alexa …

Jan 10, 2017: iPad Preferred A few weeks ago Federico Viticci wrote a very nice article …

Dec 31, 2016: Painting the Lagoon Neblua My first effort at using the iPad and Procreate to paint was …

Dec 20, 2016: Tim Cook on meeting with Trump This is why I like Tim Cook so much. There’s a large number …

Dec 9, 2016: Settling into iOS Over the past six months I've been writing a good bit more …

Dec 8, 2016: Precarious As is my usual routine I took my dog Cosmo out for our walk …

Nov 23, 2016: Trying Workflow Again As I've transitioned to the iPad for more of my work, …

Nov 19, 2016: Kakistocracy Ryan Lizza, writing for the New Yorker Seven days may not …

Nov 10, 2016: It’s up to us So, Trump won the 2016 election. Yikes. Many are rightly …

Nov 2, 2016: Old wood nooks, crannies and shelves It’s been nearly a year since I moved back into my …

Oct 11, 2016: Barack Obama: America will take the giant leap to Mars One of my earliest memories is sitting on my grandfather's …

Oct 11, 2016: Recent Work: Midwest Tiny Houses and Sheds I don't just love tiny houses, I live and work in one. It …

Oct 11, 2016: Favorite iOS 10 feature thus far? iOS 10 was released about a month ago and my current …

Oct 7, 2016: Finishing the Herschel I program In the fall of 2012 I bought my first telescope since having …

Sep 28, 2016: Looking at other galaxies One of the best things about living under really dark skies …

Sep 19, 2016: Painting the Orion Nebula In the fall of 2012 I had my first ever look at the Orion …

Sep 17, 2016: Innovation is often in the details I recently decided to switch from AT&T to Sprint because …

Sep 15, 2016: Off the Charts Heat August might be a new record for hottest month ever …

Sep 14, 2016: 22,000 Years of Climate Change Here's a bit of perspective for you. Astounding. Terrifying …

Sep 8, 2016: Effects of Climate Change Creeping In The New York Times reports on already occurring climate …

Sep 1, 2016: Painting the Eagle Nebula A couple months back I started to see quite a few mentions …

Aug 29, 2016: Star Trek: A Future Without Money? Yes please. Where do I sign up? I’ve long thought that …

Aug 29, 2016: Juno Mission Infographic When I'm not creating something for a client chances are …

Aug 29, 2016: NASA's Juno Completes Jupiter Flyby This is very exciting. I love that we are exploring our …

Aug 18, 2016: Intentionally Obtuse? Jeesh. Mike Murphy, writing for Quartz: In the six years …

Aug 17, 2016: Apple asks: What’s a Computer? In a recent iPad Pro ad Apple simply asks …

Aug 15, 2016: Always another new gadget? Why not show a little restraint? I recently came upon a post on Medium by Serenity Caldwell …

Aug 9, 2016: Star Trek Stamps! “Star Trek” turns fifty this September and to commemorate …

Aug 9, 2016: Playing The Long Game Inside Tim Cook's Apple What Apple has accomplished with Maps is an example of the …

Aug 4, 2016: There are other ways to get content Peter Kafka at Recode has a bit on Apple’s new TV plan is a …

Aug 4, 2016: 192 Square Feet: Part 2 This is part two in a series. The first outlined the first …

Jul 21, 2016: 192 Square Feet A note about writing this. My initial intent was to post a …

Jul 14, 2016: Managing Websites with iPad - Update A couple months back I posted about my workflow for managing …

Jul 13, 2016: WWDC 2016 It’s that time of the year when Apple nerds gather in …

Jul 1, 2016: Our Gigaton Future This is, without a doubt, the best climate change …

Jun 30, 2016: Apple and NASA collaborate on short film to celebrate Juno Mission: ‘Visions of Harmony’ As an avid amateur astronomer, NASA supporter and all around …

Jun 30, 2016: Apple and NASA collaborate on short film to celebrate Juno Mission: ‘Visions of Harmony’ As an avid amateur astronomer, NASA supporter and all around …

Jun 23, 2016: Help Send iPads to Barefoot College in India Fraser Speirs, who helped set up the world’s first …

Jun 20, 2016: An iOS Home Screen Long Press Proposal  [caption width=“432” …

Jun 17, 2016: Illustration Fun [caption width=“768” …

Jun 16, 2016: Having a bit of fun... [caption width=“878” …

Jun 11, 2016: Apple's Spaceship Popular Science gets a tour of the new Apple Spaceship, …

Jun 11, 2016: Observing Mars Mars. The Red Planet. We’ve made great progress …

Jun 10, 2016: Big on Small I’m big on small and have been for much of my adult life. …

Jun 10, 2016: The New Diggs!! Aaaaahhhh. Yes. Here we are. Well, here I am. I assume that …

May 19, 2016: How I use Siri According to Caitlin McGarry, a writer over at Macworld, …

May 17, 2016: Alone but not lonely I’m going to tell you a story about being alone. Not …

May 16, 2016: Managing Websites with an iPad [caption id=“attachment_80” …

May 15, 2016: Getting Caught Up [caption id=“attachment_71” …

May 8, 2016: Spring 2016 Garden Update Been busy gardening and made a good bit of progress in March …

Apr 8, 2016: Sunset Time-lapse Been having some very active weather lately. That may sound …

Mar 19, 2016: When People Die I’ve got an aunt who will likely be dying in the next couple …

Mar 18, 2016: Cloudy Day Time-lapse Just having a bit of fun with the iPhone time lapse feature …

Mar 16, 2016: Vulnerability, change and growth Yes, yes, I know. I’ve brought up the recent ending/change …

Mar 11, 2016: Of legends and fuck-ups The other day I had to write a difficult email. And then …

Mar 11, 2016: Back at the Lake or Life is like a box of chocolates... A new video about rebuilding my garden now that I’ve …

Feb 14, 2016: Gravitational Waves Discovered In case you missed it: LIGO announced the detection of …

Feb 14, 2016: Getting lost in NASA - The Curiosity Rover has a Chemcam Blog The NASA website is an amazingly deep rabbit hole. It is …

Feb 14, 2016: An erratic blogger Jeesh. What a mess this blog is. Fits and starts. Been a …

Jan 5, 2016: Discovery 12.5 Dobsonian: Initial Thoughts Discovery 12.5" at its new home - many new deep sky …

Oct 2, 2015: Apple Fall 2015 Releases It was just a year ago that I posted about all the noise …

Sep 5, 2015: Space Exploration Themed Posters Part Two I continue to enjoy Affinity Designer. In fact, after three …

Jun 25, 2015: Pigweed! Not the prettiest of plants but that's okay, the nutritional …

Jun 17, 2015: Video: Swale Update We started putting in the swales in the middle of April so …

Jun 15, 2015: Space Exploration Themed Posters My trial run with Affinity Design continues, this time with …

Jun 8, 2015: Permaculture Poster Design (& Affinity Designer First Impression) Before I go any further, let me say this isn’t much of …

Jun 7, 2015: Permaculture Poster One The first in a series of permaculture themed posters. Read …

Jun 5, 2015: Ducks, the universe and turning 46 I’m 46 today. I’ve never paid too much heed to birthdays. …

Jun 3, 2015: The U.S. Political System is BROKEN Worried about climate change? Don’t be! The US Senate …

May 4, 2015: Permaculture Progress Three of four planned water harvesting swales are in and …

Apr 19, 2015: Permaculture at Make-it-Do Halfway through the dig!A few years back I wrote about …

Apr 2, 2015: Lab Revolution

Mar 30, 2015: Busy Spring! Spring has come to Missouri and with it lots of work for …

Mar 4, 2015: Recycled Wood Shelving We’ve been wanting to better utilize one of the walls in our …

Mar 4, 2015: Staying Warm There’s nothing quite like staying warm in the winter with …

Mar 3, 2015: Free Ebook Today! Kaleesha’s book, Free to Be, is a freebie today on Amazon! …

Feb 20, 2015: A Sentient Being Oliver Sacks on learning he has cancer I cannot pretend I am …

Feb 16, 2015: Idealism, Diplomacy, and the Pale, Blue Dot Kaleesha’s at it again with a really wonderful post …

Feb 12, 2015: It Could Happen Colin Dickey writing for Aeon on why it’s dangerous …

Feb 12, 2015: Illustration: Common Components of Vaccines From the excellent Compound Interest, a website all about …

Feb 11, 2015: Apple and the environment Apple’s new solar farm and other environmental …

Feb 10, 2015: A Rough Guide to Spotting Bad Science A Rough Guide to Spotting Bad Science: The vast majority of …

Feb 10, 2015: Concerning the feelings of anti-vaxxers Robert Moore on the respect anti-vaxxers deserve A post …

Feb 10, 2015: Apple starting work on new solar farm in CA Apple’s been on a very impressive roll and I’m not talking …

Feb 8, 2015: Seeing the cosmos all around us

Feb 7, 2015: Particle Fever This is a fantastic movie. Imagine a documentary about …

Feb 6, 2015: A Guide to Leaving Facebook Over the past year I’ve been increasingly …

Feb 5, 2015: Lots coming... stay tuned. I’ve been on Facebook since 2007 but have grown …

Feb 5, 2015: Riding Light Excellent visualization of the vast distances of space even …

Feb 3, 2015: Domestic Bliss A fantastic new essay by Kaleesha is posted over at Patreon. …

Feb 2, 2015: Remembering NASA's Fallen “Remembrance Week Pays Tribute to NASA’s Three Fallen …

Feb 2, 2015: An interesting ad that has pissed off creationists I’m not the least bit interested in taking a cruise …

Jan 24, 2015: DIY Well Pump Replacement Kaleesha is over at Patreon now! Her first post there: DIY …

Jan 22, 2015: Upside Down Iceberg An upside down iceberg.. Stunning.

Jan 22, 2015: Free Kindle Book and Giveaway Win a autographed copy of “Free to Be” OR four bars of our …

Jan 19, 2015: Viewing Comet Lovejoy We finally got a chance to take advantage of the clear, …

Jan 16, 2015: Goodbye Talula My sweet buddy and best friend of 15 years on her last day. …

Jan 15, 2015: Homeschool Star Party Wow. Just had a crowd of homeschool families from Poplar …

Jan 14, 2015: The Mac Mini at 10 Years [caption id=“attachment_1235” …

Jan 12, 2015: Little Brook has begun learning math! Little's been showing an interest in math recently so we're …

Jan 12, 2015: A Busy Place This was the floor of my office this morning. How am I …

Jan 8, 2015: Ultra High Res Portrait of the Andromeda Galaxy Want to really have your mind blown? Really and truly? Read …

Jan 2, 2015: Star Trek and Humanity Ha! I just brought up Star Trek in a discussion the other …

Dec 30, 2014: Winter Visits There's something really fantastic about sharing quality …

Dec 20, 2014: Of Chickens Roosting Dave Winer over at the Scripting News has hit on something …

Dec 18, 2014: The Typography of Alien A pretty fantastic post about the typography of Alien. My …

Nov 23, 2014: White Privilege Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person Worth a …

Nov 10, 2014: Mini-Review: iDraw for iPad My main work machine is the 2012 Mac Mini. I’ve written …

Oct 30, 2014: Tim Cook Proud to be Gay Progress in The U.S., slow but steady! Another step today …

Oct 28, 2014: Work at Home: My Setup After years of using only Mac laptops, the most recent being …

Oct 26, 2014: Branching Out Kaleesha has been featured at the Feminine Collective: Born …

Oct 25, 2014: Don't Forget the Words Frank Chimero, The Second Trip-Up: A young designer is …

Oct 24, 2014: Work at Home: Taking Breaks As a freelancer I have the freedom to work at a pace that I …

Oct 15, 2014: Work at Home: Using a Standing Desk This past spring, after years of working at a desk or while …

Oct 4, 2014: Excellence is not Perfection There’s been a good bit of hub-bub lately about how Apple …

Sep 27, 2014: Finding Paw Paws So we're on our walk this morning and Kaleesha stops …

Sep 17, 2014: The Milky Way Reflected Stunning image of the disk of our Milky Way galaxy: 200 - …

Sep 17, 2014: Just another day in Wonderland With a houseful of children and teens that love fantasy and …

Sep 16, 2014: The Unhappy Medium Kaleesha has a great write-up on skeptic and atheist indy …

Sep 6, 2014: Racism ruined my dinner For me Ferguson started when I was around 12 years old. …

Aug 29, 2014: Our Star Fantastic image of our local star! Absolutely stunning. The …

Aug 29, 2014: Skeptics on the Creek Skeptics on the Creek at Make-it-Do Farm! Good food, drink …

Aug 29, 2014: Simple Beauty I sure do like having a great camera in my pocket all the …

Aug 27, 2014: Jon Stewart on Ferguson and Fox News Yeah. THIS. THIS.Jon Stewart Eviscerates Fox Pundits In a …

Aug 27, 2014: The Maker Farra loves to write and loves to draw so now she has …

Aug 25, 2014: Free to Be - Free Kindle Promo! This Wednesday, August 27th, we will be offering …

Aug 25, 2014: Episode 5 of our podcast Rhubarb and Sam This week in Rhubarb and Sam, discussing community, …

Aug 18, 2014: Murder in Ferguson? It seems to me that this officer needs to be put on trial …

Aug 18, 2014: John Oliver on Ferguson and the Police Fantastic. If you’ve been watching the mess in …

Aug 8, 2014: Great Tomatoes! Big tomatoes! These are some amazing plants we have this …

Jul 31, 2014: Rhubarb and Sam, Episode 4 This week in Rhubarb and Sam, astronomy! We set-up at the …

Jul 30, 2014: Wonderland There are moments in life when everything feels just right. …

Jul 15, 2014: Rhubarb and Sam, Episode 3 This week in Rhubarb and Sam a middle of the night …

Jun 30, 2014: Poster Design for Los Alamos Beer Co-op Client wanted a bright but rustic flyer to advertise a beer …

Jun 28, 2014: Facebook Science? I was just speaking to Kaleesha this morning about my …

Jun 21, 2014: Ad Design for Pizzaria Thiswas an ad for a Georgia pizzeria.The client wanted an …

Jun 16, 2014: Rainbows This is one of the best things Kaleesha has written: …

Jun 15, 2014: Ad Design for JoJo and Sofia It’sbeen a very busy 6 months! I’ve not been …

Jun 9, 2014: Rhubarb and Sam, Episode 2 This week in Rhubarb and Sam we touch on child rearing, …

Jun 7, 2014: Our Podcast It’s been a good long while since I had a podcast. I …

Jun 5, 2014: Apple cider vinegar is not a "healing tonic" or cure-all Another fine example of psuedo-science and misinformation. …

May 31, 2014: Growing into skepticism As children we are in a constant state of exploration. We …

May 27, 2014: Always be skeptical At least two of my FB friends posted and praised this …

May 26, 2014: Atheists not allowed to hold office in seven states?! WOW. Seven states do not allow atheists to hold public …

May 23, 2014: Almost all of the tomatoes planted! All of the tomatoes are finally planted! Edit: we decided to …

May 18, 2014: Crab apple! Planting our first tree together! A crab apple for aid in …

May 11, 2014: Astronomy Outreach with the BSA We had a great time last night sharing our love of astronomy …

May 11, 2014: The Con Academy Video Series Excellent video series: Skeptic Presents: The Con Academy …

May 6, 2014: National Climate Assessment for Agriculture National Climate Assessment for Agriculture: Climate …

May 5, 2014: National Climate Assessment A very nicely done website though it is a shame so little …

May 3, 2014: Creationism by another name Excellent op-ed in the Post Dispatch faith pages. Timely, …

Apr 26, 2014: Skeptic Toolkit - Peer Reviewed Science Before we begin, you have to ask yourself: Do you want to …

Apr 26, 2014: Reflections of an Unintentionally Undercover Atheist A fantastic post by Kaleesha that reflects my own …

Apr 19, 2014: YouTube Channel I set up a YouTube channel a few years ago but never made it …

Apr 19, 2014: 2014 Spring Garden Update We've been making fantastic progress this spring! Thus far: …

Apr 15, 2014: Lunar Eclipse Here's another, slightly better, shot of last night's …

Mar 24, 2014: Cosmos Wars The creationists really don’t like the new Cosmos …

Mar 24, 2014: Creationism: defender of superstition “During more than twenty-five years of teaching and …

Mar 21, 2014: Atheist Morality It’s a fairly common opinion in the U.S., which is …

Mar 21, 2014: Kaleesha Williams: Author Website, ePub and Printed Book Design My partner here at Make-It-Do Farm and Tucker Creek Creative …

Mar 20, 2014: Kaleesha's Book! We got the proof copy for Kaleesha’s book “Free …

Mar 11, 2014: Cosmic Dance A few weeks back I wrote about viewing the supernova in M82. …

Mar 4, 2014: New York Times Cosmos Review A great write up of the Cosmos reboot! "‘Cosmos: …

Mar 3, 2014: A Reassuring Fable With the new Cosmos reboot coming, I present to you Part 3 …

Feb 28, 2014: Free to Discriminate Kaleesha and I were discussing this recent attempt …

Feb 22, 2014: A Credulous Mind “A credulous mind... finds most delight in believing strange …

Feb 8, 2014: Supernova! Animation showing SN 2014JAround January 19th a new …

Feb 6, 2014: Lunch with Carl Lunch with Carl Sagan! Working our way through Cosmos in …

Feb 4, 2014: Sweetness One of those moments.

Feb 3, 2014: Standing Desk Experiment I’ve read about this a bit and have decided I’ll be …

Feb 2, 2014: Actually reading the Bible I’ve been reading the 1st draft of Kaleesha’s …

Jan 31, 2014: Of Monarchs and Birthdays It’s Royal’s birthday so I’ll put on a …

Jan 30, 2014: Wikipedia - I'm a fan Wikipedia is fantastic… My most often visited site! …

Jan 29, 2014: New Website: Castor River Ranch Campground The folks at Castor River Ranch Campground have a beautiful …

Jan 14, 2014: The Mac Mini at 10 Years [caption id=“attachment_1235” …

Dec 31, 2013: Why Design design |dəˈzīn| noun a plan or drawing produced to show the …

Dec 25, 2013: Tucker Creek Observatory Update! The deck, Tardis telescope shed and scope all in place and …

Dec 25, 2013: Something Decidedly Different It is December 25. Christmas. I sit here this morning …

Nov 10, 2013: Carl's Birthday Yesterday was Carl Sagan’s birthday. I really should have …

Oct 10, 2013: Tucker Creek Observatory - Night Shot A time exposure so the amount of light from the red LEDs …

Sep 23, 2013: Tucker Creek Observatory I've been here at Make-It-Do Farm for almost four months and …

Aug 9, 2013: Accepting Complexity A few days ago we had a visit from the Johavah’s Witnesses. …

Aug 3, 2013: Bringing Permaculture to Make-It-Do Hugelculture herb spiral in construction. Leaves and wood …

Aug 1, 2013: Building a Partnership With Kaleesha Living in the cabin these past 5 years I’ve gotten very good …

Jun 26, 2013: Throwing Myself In KaleeshaSometimes it's the unlooked for happenings in life …

Jun 23, 2013: An Unexpected Journey Where to start? Up is down, down is up. In the dark of space …

Apr 2, 2013: How and why to record your astronomy observations M84 is the last, in the bottom right of this chain. M86 is …

Mar 14, 2013: Comets, Meteors, and Asteroids! Winter is passing and I’m certainly looking forward to …

Feb 6, 2013: Weeping to the Cosmos Moon photographed with iPhone and Z12, February 5, 2013 We …

Feb 5, 2013: Eastern Ozarks Astronomical Society Updates! I'm very happy to report that our work towards building an …

Jan 26, 2013: Exploring the Universe Together NGC 4594, the Sombrero GalaxyRecently Kaleesha put up a …

Jan 18, 2013: Eastern Ozarks Astronomy Society First Night! A brief report on what was happening in Madison County …

Jan 16, 2013: Advocating for Science Literacy and Reason I’ve always been a big fan of getting at the truth of …

Jan 9, 2013: Second night with the Z12 Little DumbbellMy planned highlight for Sunday night's …

Jan 7, 2013: 12" Zhumell Dobsonian Review and First Light Pardon the rope, the Telrad was not permanently attached at …

Jan 7, 2013: Just to let you know A couple posts today… this first is just to let folks …

Dec 30, 2012: A Cold and Snowy Night! A 13 second exposure of my scope and all the snow …

Dec 23, 2012: Buying a Telescope My scope, chair and work stand with EP case.I came across a …

Dec 18, 2012: A comparison of sea ice extent before the melting period …

Dec 18, 2012: Geminids and Galaxies I've not had a chance to report on last Thursday night's …

Dec 12, 2012: Finding Bliss in the Universe Between the moon at the first of the month and the nearly …

Dec 6, 2012: Fire in the sky Image of NGC 7331 and companionsMy viewing session for …

Dec 4, 2012: Dancing with the clouds Image of Jupiter from SkySafariLast night... was a fun night …

Dec 1, 2012: Observational Astronomy: The basic skills of science I’ll be honest, when I ordered my telescope in …

Nov 27, 2012: On being agnostic When it comes to questions of god or spirituality I have, …

Nov 26, 2012: Climate Change and Science Literacy UNEP Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report Finds Climate Change …

Nov 26, 2012: The Whirlpool Galaxy I was able to squeeze in about 1.5 hours of viewing this …

Nov 24, 2012: The Virgo Galaxy Cluster! Messier 88Got up at 3am and had a long trip through the …

Nov 22, 2012: Astronomy Outreach at Antonia Middle School A couple weeks back my niece emailed me to ask if I'd be …

Nov 18, 2012: Viewing Jupiter and Saturn! There is little doubt that when viewing planets in our solar …

Nov 18, 2012: The Herschel 400 I’ve viewed 100 of 400 Herschel objects! For those …

Nov 14, 2012: Pondering the Future Specifically my personal future and also thinking a bit …

Sep 28, 2012: Stargazing from the front yard Still here! Spent a lot of time this summer thinking about …

Jul 15, 2012: A vintage desk, cooperatively built How appropriate that my recently purchased used desk was …

Jul 15, 2012: Cooling and heating at the same time! About air conditioning:In the late 1970s, 23 percent of …

Jun 30, 2012: Tiny Cabin and Tiny Workspace Organization My cabin interior redesign is now finished!! Here is the …

Jun 11, 2012: Progress on Interior Redesign! Thanks to my sister and brother-in-law my tiny house now has …

Jun 8, 2012: Interior Redesign Big things are coming to my little cabin! After four years …

May 21, 2012: Free Range vs Pastured Chickens Here’s a great video about the difference between …

May 21, 2012: Hugelculture Illustrated A great article and series of illustrations explaining …

May 4, 2012: Three weeks with the new iPad Awhile back I posted about being a freelance tech worker. …

May 2, 2012: Video Tour In celebration of my four years here at the homestead I …

May 2, 2012: Four years at the Homestead It has been almost 4 years to the day since we began work …

Jan 4, 2012: Winter's Soul Something I wrote a couple weeks ago… probably needs …

Jan 4, 2012: Jeesh, what a slacker! I know. Been ages. I think I've gotten into the habit of …

Sep 6, 2011: Shooting the Recurve! I just recently traded a website with the folks over at …

Aug 31, 2011: More Chickens! For some reason I never blogged it but back in April I'd …

Aug 26, 2011: Being a one man shop This was actually written for the blog on my freelance Mac …

Aug 24, 2011: Jeesh Been awhile, eh? Where did the past two months go?

Jun 5, 2011: Petunia and her baby Petunia was given to me in May 2009 to raise after she was …

May 24, 2011: Heaven on Earth As an agnostic I don't believe in heaven or hell or any kind …

May 17, 2011: Small is Beautiful! I decided last year that I'd be shrinking the garden down to …

May 3, 2011: First Friday in the new Gallery! It's been just over a month since we got the keys to the …

May 3, 2011: Plenty of rain around here! In about 10 days we've had over 20 inches of rain fall, 2 …

Apr 13, 2011: Greening up fast! It's been a couple weeks since I posted about planting the …

Mar 28, 2011: Missouri's Madison County I mentioned recently the work I've been doing with our local …

Mar 26, 2011: Garden Rising We're in the middle of what will, hopefully, be our last …

Mar 6, 2011: First Friday Fredericktown I’ve been working with the Fredericktown …

Mar 4, 2011: Hugelculture Beds! Hugelculture Beds! Originally uploaded by Geek in the …

Mar 4, 2011: Seedlings! Seedlings! Originally uploaded by Geek in the garden. I …

Feb 15, 2011: Solar Air Heater! The new solar air heater leaning up against the well/shower …

Feb 12, 2011: Winter into Spring I think we've seen the coldest part of the winter and are on …

Dec 27, 2010: Petunia is alive and well Good news regarding Petunia!! I'd mentioned in a recent post …

Dec 19, 2010: MacProductive I don't do this often here on my personal blog but every so …

Dec 19, 2010: The Quiet of Winter I love every season. Winter no less than the others. The …

Oct 27, 2010: Getting stuff done: Hugelkultur beds and greenhouse bed With questions about my residency I'd put a few projects on …

Oct 23, 2010: Land Update It's been a crazy roller coaster this past two weeks. Since …

Oct 15, 2010: Sad, Sad, Sad Well, I've got some sad news to report. For me personally, …

Oct 4, 2010: A Little Village Yet another building is almost finished. Our well house, …

Sep 30, 2010: Conservation and Land Ethic A great article on the Sand Prairie Conservation Area in …

Sep 12, 2010: Early Fall I've really been enjoying the sustained cool weather of late …

Sep 2, 2010: The Gulland Forge Broadfork! The UPS guy showed up a little bit ago to deliver my new, …

Aug 26, 2010: Gulland and his Broadfork Blog After yesterday's post I got a comment from Gulland offering …

Aug 25, 2010: Finally, some cool What a summer it has been. Hot, hot, hot. I just adore …

Jul 15, 2010: Me and Petunia Petunia is a year and two months old now. This picture was …

Jul 9, 2010: Darn it Apprently I had comment moderation turned on and did not …

Jul 9, 2010: Growing and eating local food It is raining here this morning which is something we really …

Jun 20, 2010: Homestead Life and Death It's been a couple weeks since I posted a homestead update. …

Jun 14, 2010: The Economics of the BP Gulf Disaster The last three or so paragraphs in the quote below are …

Jun 10, 2010: Some Climate Change Facts Irregular Times has a great post regarding the climate data …

Jun 9, 2010: Geek Gardening: A Wired Guide to Domestic Terraforming I was browsing through my RSS feeds this morning and come …

Jun 8, 2010: Making my claim in the gulf I've not written about the oil spill here yet. But like many …

Jun 7, 2010: Swale and Food Forest Update Last year I put in a swale and food forest on the north and …

May 30, 2010: Lots going on... In the past couple of weeks we’ve had lots of progress …

May 17, 2010: Covered Porch Progress! Deck, cedar poles, and rafters ready for metal roof. Steps …

May 10, 2010: First Salad!! Harvested my first bit of lettuce and spinach Wednesday …

May 9, 2010: New Natives Lots of planting the past couple days. Saturday I picked up …

May 5, 2010: The Garden Grows! It’s been slow going this spring, or at least it seems …

May 5, 2010: Cowbirds!! Since early spring I’ve become a favorite hang out for …

May 2, 2010: The Quiet Moments of the Simple Life Life is strange. I know that right now in the Gulf a tragedy …

May 1, 2010: The Morning Crew These are the folks I wake up to. I couldn’t ask for a …

Apr 30, 2010: My iPad Guilt So, I finally have internet access at the cabin thanks to a …

Apr 26, 2010: Visiting Adventurers! This past Friday I was in town distributing the annual …

Apr 19, 2010: Swarms and Other Homestead News Bees Just a few days after my last post my bees swarmed! …

Apr 5, 2010: Happy Bees and other news I finally did a bee hive inspection yesterday and have good …

Mar 24, 2010: Simple Life, Community Life Around 5 pm yesterday my uncle Ron (and neighbor) showed up …

Mar 22, 2010: Keeping the Peace With each day spring becomes more evident. The Yarrow, Self …

Mar 22, 2010: Geek in the Garden Please excuse this momentary lapse into a bit of geekitude. …

Mar 9, 2010: Dreaming of Loretta Two nights in the past few days I’ve dreamed of my …

Mar 9, 2010: Fun with Bees Every so often we have moments of spontaneous comedy here at …

Feb 22, 2010: Fredericktown, MO Website This is one of those rare posts that has absolutely nothing …

Feb 21, 2010: Thinking of Spring We’ve now had two days above 55 degrees! Yesterday was …

Jan 4, 2010: Warm and Cozy! We’ve had some pretty cold weather since my last …

Dec 28, 2009: Deeper is not Better Over the past couple years Automatic Earth has become one of …

Dec 28, 2009: Copenhagen Aftermath I’d planned on writing about the recent climate change …

Dec 21, 2009: Climate change, the translation I’ve FINALLY gotten around to reading through Dimitri …

Dec 21, 2009: In Transition 1.0 In Transition 1.0 is Now Available!! » Transition Culture: …

Dec 18, 2009: Birds! For some reason last winter, my first as a full time …

Dec 14, 2009: My Climate Change “Action Plan” I have nothing to add to this… thought it was …

Dec 14, 2009: Loretta Missing I’ve not seen her since Friday night. This is only the …

Dec 3, 2009: Wood Stove Thermal Mass Update First, a bit of background for those not familiar with the …

Nov 27, 2009: Dumbed Down and Out I was getting caught up on a couple of my regular web reads …

Nov 19, 2009: Taking of Life Deer hunting is in full swing these days. Last weekend my …

Nov 9, 2009: Recycled kitchen table and other projects When I first moved into the cabin in May of 2008 I was …

Oct 16, 2009: Adding Thermal Mass for the Wood Stove I’ve added 30 concrete blocks around my wood burning …

Oct 16, 2009: I Shot Two Dogs This was initially written as an article for the Madison …

Oct 7, 2009: Sunrise We had a really nice moonset and sunrise the other day. The …

Sep 21, 2009: Fertility in progress... This has been my first summer garden with chickens and those …

Sep 19, 2009: Loretta I’m not sure how to say this. I think I’m in …

Sep 19, 2009: Basil, Basil, Basil Ah yes, lots of basil these days. I planted several varities …

Sep 9, 2009: Welcoming natives and critters into our garden This is the sixth article in an ongoing series that …

Sep 9, 2009: Not an orchard, a food forest! This is the seventh article in an ongoing series that …

Sep 3, 2009: Rooted in a place Several weeks ago I finally made the short journey down to …

Aug 24, 2009: A day's harvest Even with the troubles I’ve had with this year’s …

Aug 20, 2009: Permaculture Workshop Series Are you interested in learning the skills needed to live a …

Aug 20, 2009: Learning from Nature with Sheet Mulching This is the fifth article in an ongoing series that …

Aug 20, 2009: Permaculture and critters Something I’ve been noticing and thinking about …

Aug 15, 2009: Thoughts on the garden This year’s garden, the second year in this location, …

Aug 11, 2009: Communities and Guilds This is the fourth article in an ongoing series that …

Aug 10, 2009: Worth reading... It’s been awhile since I pointed folks to any of my …

Aug 5, 2009: Guineas! I’m really loving these guineas! Not only are they …

Aug 5, 2009: Rain-filled Swale We’ve just had our first real rain since I put in the …

Aug 1, 2009: Connecting and Cooperating This is the third article in an ongoing series that …

Jul 27, 2009: Return to the Local This is the second article in an ongoing series that …

Jul 27, 2009: Living the life... The permaculture life that is. Most of my thoughts this past …

Jul 16, 2009: Still here... midsummer update It’s been a month or so since my last post! I’ve …

Jun 12, 2009: Updates Petunia (the fawn) seems to be doing very well. She’s …

Jun 1, 2009: Orphaned Fawn Meet the newest resident at the permaculture homestead. …

Jun 1, 2009: Garden a'growin With the recent rain and now very warm weather the garden is …

Jun 1, 2009: Another cabin almost complete We did not get much done on the kids cabin this weekend as I …

May 19, 2009: New Cabin Progress! We’ve started work on a new cabin which will serve as …

May 18, 2009: Junior and Waffle Meet the newest residents here at the homestead! Junior the …

May 12, 2009: Garden in full swing So much happening!! We’ve had gobs of rain these past …

May 1, 2009: The Bees Have Landed Yesterday morning at 6 am I got the call from the …

Apr 29, 2009: Morel Thanks to my nephew Jake for finding it and this is his …

Apr 29, 2009: Pesto with Hickory Nuts! A couple weeks ago I wrote about using dandelion greens with …

Apr 29, 2009: Busy Birds and Bees As I sit waiting for my evening coffee to brew I’m …

Apr 21, 2009: Zebra Swallowtail I’ve been seeing these around but usually while …

Apr 15, 2009: Food Forest and Garden Update I’ve got seedlings everywhere: 70 tomatoes of 5 …

Apr 1, 2009: Dandelion and Basil I grew some Basil in a pot this winter. Not alot but almost …

Mar 30, 2009: Chicken Coop Greenhouse We’ve nearly finished the chicken coop greenhouse! The …

Mar 24, 2009: Deepening Crisis Oh yes, I know that the stock market had an orgie of a day …

Mar 20, 2009: The Sunset Party Fantastic color last night. We’ve had more and more …

Mar 16, 2009: Spring Garden Updates Lots of progress this past week. The tomatoes have all come …

Mar 9, 2009: Reclaimed Wood Chicken Coop Greenhouse and Other News We made a good bit of progress on the chicken coop …

Feb 27, 2009: A Nice Surprise I was out on a walk this morning and discovered this …

Feb 25, 2009: Abyss Indeed Exactly. In his latest post, The Abyss Stares Back James …

Feb 21, 2009: Getting through this I thought I’d direct folks to this fantastic post at …

Feb 20, 2009: Beeeeees and other updates Yes indeedy. The hive and various bits of equipment arrived …

Feb 10, 2009: Buddy and the Girls A little video of the five chicks being born, nothing fancy. …

Feb 8, 2009: A Life in Transition My niece Emma wanted to contribute a story and I told her …

Feb 6, 2009: Good old days... My good buddy Brandon recently sent me an mp3 of his work in …

Feb 6, 2009: A Boy and his Chickens My 13 year old nephew is home from school today. He’s …

Feb 6, 2009: Antarctic ice shelf set to collapse Ugh. Antarctic ice shelf set to collapse due to warming: A …

Jan 30, 2009: deCleyre Co-op's new site Very nice, check it out: DeCleyre Cooperative

Jan 26, 2009: Winter Business In these cold and beautiful days of winter I spend most of …

Jan 18, 2009: Time stands still We had a very nice surprise a couple days ago: snow. A light …

Jan 18, 2009: An animal walking in the woods Me. Ha! I wrote that line and almost stopped because I liked …

Jan 9, 2009: Want hands on experience with ecological gardening and permaculture? Are you interested in learning the skills needed to live a …

Jan 2, 2009: Climate change and the need for drastic action Rob Hopkins of the Transition Town movement has an excellent …

Dec 24, 2008: Coming together Well, the cabin is very nearly finished. As of early …

Dec 24, 2008: The right way to burn wood An excellent site for those that use wood as a primary …

Dec 17, 2008: This small town I spent many days every summer at the lake. When we …

Dec 12, 2008: Quiet days Still here. Enjoying the still days of early winter. The …

Nov 21, 2008: Understanding the Greater Depression Want to get a better foundational understanding of the …

Nov 17, 2008: Climate change, global depression and consumption Apparently there is talk that Al Gore might be head of the …

Nov 11, 2008: Homesteading Self-reliance Thanks to the folks at Irreguar Times for their mention of …

Nov 6, 2008: Living with a wood burning stove Now that it has gotten colder I’ve started to use the …

Oct 8, 2008: Forest Garden Update This is the second food forest which is just 60 feet from my …

Oct 5, 2008: Autumn Olive Update Back in early September I discovered that we had Autumn …

Sep 29, 2008: Peeling the Onion: What’s Behind the Financial Mess? Sharon Astyk has peeled back the layers of the current …

Sep 29, 2008: The Greatest Looting Operation in History As of now we all know that the bailout did not pass though …

Sep 26, 2008: Garden and Harvest Update I’ve been enjoying a continuous stream of tomatoes, …

Sep 24, 2008: The Injustice of an Absurd Bailout Vermont’s Independent Senator Bernie Sanders: While …

Sep 22, 2008: Food Forests As the summer has begins to move into fall I continue to …

Sep 15, 2008: Chainsaw I finally have a chainsaw that works thanks to a my dad who …

Sep 15, 2008: The Crash Course Want to know more about the current economic situation and …

Sep 6, 2008: Autumn Olive!! Very cool! We’ve got Autumn Olives (Elaeagnus …

Sep 5, 2008: Alone in the Woods Well, not entirely alone. I do have the world’s best …

Sep 1, 2008: Permaculture Guilds As the summer begins to move into autumn I continue to …

Aug 19, 2008: Weekly Garden Update I’ve been harvesting lots of produce from the kitchen …

Aug 18, 2008: Cabin Progress We made a bit more progress with the cabin this past …

Aug 7, 2008: Books for self reliance Interested in books about gardening and self reliance? …

Aug 7, 2008: Zucchini and Cukes!! I moved into the cabin on May 23rd, so as of tomorrow 11 …

Aug 4, 2008: Growing into tomorrow Over the years I’ve spent countless hours reading, …

Jul 27, 2008: Weekly Update: We have produce! I’m happy to say that I’ve eaten the first …

Jul 27, 2008: Improvised shade for energy conservation I had another one of those aha!! moments that is almost …

Jul 24, 2008: Forest Gardening A week or so ago I ordered Patrick Whitefield’s …

Jul 20, 2008: Living without an air conditioner and the end of the world I wrote the other day about not using a refrigerator as a …

Jul 20, 2008: Days of gardening A run-down of the past few days. Wednesday, finished …

Jul 20, 2008: The great eggsperiment I’ve mentioned before that a part of our plan here is …

Jul 16, 2008: Aquatic plants in the compost and mulch in the garden One of the problems I’ve run into is the need for …

Jul 13, 2008: Foraging and Gardening The past couple of days have been very nice. Yesterday mom …

Jul 10, 2008: A Busy Week!! It’s been a very busy week since my last post! In …

Jul 3, 2008: Inside Outside One very interesting aspect to living here, at least for …

Jun 30, 2008: Walking, gardening, and eating catfish A slow day today. Started off with the usual green tea with …

Jun 30, 2008: FISA Amendments Act Legalizes Lawlessness The folks at Irregular Times have done a fantastic job …

Jun 27, 2008: Days of little chores After working at a frenzied pace from early May through mid …

Jun 27, 2008: Rain Barrel Nerd You know you are a total nerd when the highlight of your day …

May 5, 2008: Humanure!! We've started our permaculture project!! Our site is about …

Apr 19, 2008: Why won't CNN cover Bush and Co. Torture? The Irregular Times officially covers Bush and Co. torture …

Feb 26, 2008: Sharp-shinned Hawk This Sharp-shinned Hawk landed on one of the perches in my …

Feb 24, 2008: Rockets, Hamsters, Presidents, and a planet at the brink Consider this part two of my previous post… this is …

Feb 23, 2008: Our planet needs a global recession Just popping in to offer up a thought about the current …

Feb 4, 2008: Noam Chomsky on Obama "When I was driving home the other day and listening to NPR …

Jan 4, 2008: Enchanted Planet Images My new site for my growing set of image galleries: Enchanted …

Dec 18, 2007: Growing Native My first YouTube video, an export of a Keynote presentation …

Dec 14, 2007: Burden From a series of images I just recently captured after a …

Nov 26, 2007: Fall Light This was taken a few weeks ago. There's no doubt that the …

Nov 3, 2007: A Flower

Oct 10, 2007: Summer Ends Northern Sea Oats in my garden. It seems that fall may …

Oct 8, 2007: An eco-friendly way of dealing with fall leaves Four years ago I moved from the big city to five acres in …

Oct 5, 2007: New England Aster

Oct 4, 2007: Gray Tree Frog

Sep 27, 2007: Hey Buddy Southern Leopard Frog in my little garden pond.

Sep 16, 2007: Chickory Chickory

Sep 16, 2007: This is funny Over at the Plains Feeder I’m listed as the …

Sep 15, 2007: Yellow Wood-Sorrel Yellow Wood-Sorrel in my garden.

Sep 10, 2007: Melting ice cap triggering earthquakes in Greenland As a follow up to yesterday’s post regarding an …

Sep 8, 2007: An ice-free Arctic in just 23 years? Big fucking surprise. Or not. Look… how many times do …

Sep 4, 2007: Saddleback Buddies Saddleback Caterpillars in my garden. Not sure what I want …

Jun 19, 2007: On giving up Spicebush Swallowtail and Butterfly Weed.I've not been …

May 27, 2007: Dictatorship Directives NSPD 51 and HSPD-20 Kurt Nimmo at Another Day in the Empire offers more …

May 24, 2007: Bush Issues Directives Giving Bush Complete Power: NSPD 51 and HSPD-20 You may have missed it but on May 9 George Bush issued two …

May 21, 2007: Al Gore's climate change hypocrisy <img style=“float:right; margin:0 0 10px …

Apr 28, 2007: Cutting grass without gas <img style=“border: solid 1px gray; float:right; …

Apr 23, 2007: Of bees and flowers Bee and DandelionWhile this is not a honeybee it is a bee …

Apr 15, 2007: Where Have the Honey Bees Gone? Where have the honey bees gone? It’s a question …

Apr 12, 2007: Climate Change Round-up I suppose it is a good sign that I’m having a hard …

Apr 11, 2007: Gray Tree Frog Gray Tree FrogI'm not a frog or a frog expert but I can't …

Apr 9, 2007: John McCain's Iraq Delusions It’s been awhile since I posted about Iraq. I just …

Apr 9, 2007: Fly Away Fly Away It's been five days now since winter decided to …

Apr 3, 2007: Climate Change Roundup The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be …

Mar 22, 2007: Bloodroot BloodrootAh yes, my favorite wildflower bloomed today. They …

Mar 21, 2007: Sea Level Rise Could Accelerate Not at all surprising for those of us paying attention, the …

Mar 21, 2007: Arctic could have iceless summers by 2100 Writing for the Los Angeles Times, Alan Zarembo reports that …

Mar 20, 2007: One day a tomato One day a tomato Ah yes, my first vegetable garden since …

Mar 14, 2007: Northern Spring Peeper Heard outside my window tonight, the Northern Spring Peeper! …

Mar 13, 2007: Tree Bud Tree Bud I wrote a couple weeks ago about getting a new …

Mar 13, 2007: Honeybees Vanishing Last July I noticed that there were far fewer butterflies in …

Mar 13, 2007: The fish are dying This is frightenenig: Massive fish dieoffs. Tens of …

Feb 26, 2007: Winter Sunset Winter SunsetAfter five years my Nikon CoolPix has finally …

Feb 12, 2007: Climate change and the meat industry With the exception of a handful of catfish I’ve been a …

Feb 12, 2007: Recreating society for the new tomorrow Jim Kunstler of Clusterfuck Nation has written a great post …

Feb 6, 2007: A new time frame for climate change Take a look at all of the climate change reporting of the …

Feb 6, 2007: Game over on global warming? Alan Zarembo of the Los Angeles Times has written the most …

Feb 2, 2007: Bush and Co. lied to get their war... Now that they have it they refuse to take responsibility for …

Jan 19, 2007: I can't keep up with the climate change news Not that it’s ever good news or different news but I …

Jan 19, 2007: A hotter planet means a burning planet... literally Climate change brings more frequent and more intense forest …

Jan 19, 2007: The Warming of Greenland The New York Times reports on The Warming of Greenland: Now, …

Jan 9, 2007: Union of Concerned Scientists report on ExxonMobil's climate change disinformation The Union of Concerned Scientists have issued a new report: …

Jan 8, 2007: The Warming Jim Kunstler of Clusterfuck Nation discusses The Warming: …

Dec 29, 2006: Ice shelf collapses in Canada Guardian Unlimited reports that a Giant ice island breaks …

Dec 27, 2006: Polar bears to get 'threatened' listing thanks to climate change And to think I know people that still think global warming …

Dec 27, 2006: Birds, Bears, and Climate Change Some European birds delay migration due to warmth: OSLO …

Dec 27, 2006: Oceans Warming and Rising From the Inter Press Service, Oceans Warming and Rising: …

Dec 26, 2006: Top Ten Myths about Iraq 2006 Juan Cole of Informed Comment has posted the Top Ten Myths …

Dec 21, 2006: Europe wonders where the snow is Well in Missouri we’re having our 4th straight year of …

Dec 21, 2006: Free copies of "An Inconvenient Truth" for educators A couple weeks back there was news on the internets that …

Dec 21, 2006: Greenhouse Gas Is Ramping Up Fast From Discovery News, Greenhouse Gas Is Ramping Up Fast: The …

Dec 19, 2006: The melting of the Equator's glaciers causing significant problems CNN/AP reporting on the melting of the Equator’s …

Dec 18, 2006: My amazing Memphis friends Yes, I’m very lucky to know so many fantastic folk! …

Dec 18, 2006: Climate change and phytoplankton One of those many details regarding the effects of climate …

Dec 18, 2006: Stolen Elections and Empire Juan Cole has an interesting post on How the Republicans are …

Dec 16, 2006: Sea level rise 'under-estimated' I’m definitely seeing a pattern with the reporting on …

Dec 16, 2006: Feeding ourselves on a warmer planet I sometimes wonder if people are really thinking about the …

Dec 14, 2006: China's white dolphin called extinct after 20 million years Incredibly sad but as I’ve said before, this is going …

Dec 14, 2006: 2006 Britain's hottest year since records began In other climate news, The Guardian reports that this year …

Dec 14, 2006: 2006 Set to be 6th Warmest Worldwide Via Common Dreams/Reuters, 2006 Set to be 6th Warmest …

Nov 27, 2006: Of politics and a warming planet Regarding the recent U.S. elections Ted Glick writes that it …

Nov 15, 2006: Peak Oil and Climate Change Round-up From the NewScientist we read the news that Carbon emissions …

Nov 10, 2006: Time travel and climate change In reply to my last post Kyle asked: Denny, you and I and …

Oct 29, 2006: Climate change and global consumption Been far too long since I put up a post regarding the …

Oct 3, 2006: You think there will be an election in 2008? How quaint. I’ve been saying now for 3 or 4 years that there would …

Sep 28, 2006: HR 6166, S 3930, and the trashing of an already trampled Constitution Jonathan at Irregular Times has this to say about HR 6166 …

Sep 23, 2006: A brief Bush, Torture, Constitution, War round-up A few articles from the Irregular Times worth checking. …

Sep 19, 2006: More steps taken towards the next illegal war Not a surprise at all. With each day it looks like Bush and …

Sep 15, 2006: American Stupidity and Willful Ignorance The Martian Anthropologist, in discussing Keith …

Sep 14, 2006: 'Drastic' shrinkage in Arctic ice Richard Black reports for the BBC: A Nasa satellite has …

Sep 9, 2006: Saddam, 9/11, and the effects of propaganda Wouza. This is great clip. As reported by a recent poll, …

Sep 8, 2006: The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community Still on the question of choices that we must make, over at …

Sep 8, 2006: Do the right thing? It’s been a month, eh? Thought I’d poke my head …

Aug 7, 2006: Peak Oil and the Chicago Tribune Wowza. It appears that the Chicago Tribune, or at least some …

Aug 1, 2006: Rest in peace, Murray Bookchin Murray Bookchin died on Sunday, August 30 2006 at 85. I met …

Jul 29, 2006: Easy way to save energy Did you know that cell phone chargers use power if they are …

Jul 25, 2006: Israel War Crimes Update The U.S. and Britain are alone in their opposition to a an …

Jul 24, 2006: Climate change round-up... or, I guess we're not so smart after all About time for another climate change round-up. We’ll …

Jul 19, 2006: Israeli War Crimes Your U.S. tax dollars hard at work. So I guess we can add …

Jul 17, 2006: It is time for the people to lead Let me begin by asking a question and then I’ll come …

Jul 16, 2006: July 13, 2006, Daniel Yergin Day Ever heard of Daniel Yergin? To put it simply he has …

Jul 16, 2006: Hot, Hot, Hot: First Half of 2006 Sets Heat Record The trend continues. Of course this increasingly rapid …

Jul 15, 2006: Bush, Putin, and democracy The Observer reports on Vladimir Putin’s reaction to …

Jul 15, 2006: Israel, Hizbullah, and the U.S. Juan Cole puts it well: Israeli spokesmen are saying that …

Jul 14, 2006: Israel's violence is really starting to piss me off Rather than post something that would be more emotion than …

Jul 11, 2006: Concerns of the New America Jonathan over at Irregular Times wonders: George W. Bush is …

Jul 7, 2006: Where have all the butterflies gone? I was starting to think maybe I was crazy. But no, my …

Jul 4, 2006: A few Climate Change links of interest... Superman won't save our asses A bit of a climate change link dump. By way of introduction …

Jul 3, 2006: Goldfinch in the garden Goldfinch Originally uploaded by geekinthegarden. Our …

Jun 6, 2006: Through my window: life in a woodland So, what did I see this morning looking out the window? Baby …

Jun 3, 2006: Why I'm alone on my birthday... or, Feedback Loops In Global Climate Change Point To A Very Hot 21st Century It’s a strange thing that I’ll be sitting alone …

May 30, 2006: deCleyre Cooperative Update Damn, I’m impressed. The folks over at the deCleyre …

May 25, 2006: The Future of Agriculture If we are to have a future, if we are to survive, this is …

May 25, 2006: What If They Gave a War...? Tony Long at Wired News thinks we “desperately need a …

May 22, 2006: deCleyre Co-op being revived Glad to here my friends and former housemates in Memphis are …

May 21, 2006: Less Oil, More Wars Over at Michael Klare discusses the arrival of …

May 21, 2006: Global Food Supply Near the Breaking Point I think it’s safe to say that the combination of …

May 19, 2006: National Security and the CIA: Judge protects law breaking Truman over at Irregular Times has an excellent post …

May 12, 2006: The People are the enemy? “We are in war. And we’ve got to collect intelligence on the …

May 9, 2006: A visit to the Missouri Botanical Gardens Just as I was telling myself I would slow the expansion of …

May 4, 2006: Climate Change Round Up... Getting Worse, Much Worse This is not good… really, not good. Nor is it a …

May 3, 2006: Peak Oil Round Up... These are interesting times I’m having a hard time keeping up these days. Oil now …

Apr 27, 2006: The Oil Discussion is way off base The folks over at The Oil Drum have an excellent post …

Apr 25, 2006: Oil in the center “Look, I’m sorry but the earth does not have a …

Apr 15, 2006: Garter Snake <a …

Apr 15, 2006: America's Iraq It’s time again for a little Iraq check-in. …

Apr 12, 2006: Oh no Iran's going to have the Bomb in 16 Days! Among many others is reporting that, according …

Apr 12, 2006: Java Cabana Be one of the first visitors to the website I just finished …

Apr 12, 2006: Biolab lies catching up to Bush The Washington Post is reporting that Bush knew the truth …

Apr 12, 2006: Bush's real plans for immigration: war fodder? My good friend Banana over at Liar Paradox has a very …

Apr 10, 2006: Iran Lots going on right now as the War Criminal in Chief …

Apr 9, 2006: Peak Oil on Global Players I just finished watching Global Players with Sabine …

Apr 9, 2006: What a miracle! Dipshit on the news, and I’m paraphrasing here, …

Apr 8, 2006: Bush and Gonzales claim executive power to tap all domestic calls Slowly another little iddy bit of truth seeps out regarding …

Apr 8, 2006: Bush's Lies, Leaks, and Surveillance Keep Coming The news just keeps rolling on and on and on with the war …

Apr 6, 2006: Harry Taylor speaks truth to the War Criminal Looks like Bush’s magical filtering machine broke down …

Apr 4, 2006: The ecology of doom The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise discusses Eric Pianka’s …

Apr 1, 2006: Learn to identify plants by families and change the way you look at plants Excellent article on Learning to Identify Plants by Families …

Mar 29, 2006: We're all in real trouble As a follow up to the post regarding Time Magazine’s …

Mar 27, 2006: Even the corporate media begins to see we are at the tipping point This week’s cover story at Time is climate change and …

Mar 26, 2006: The Oceans are rising Yes it is coming and it’s coming sooner than expected. …

Mar 25, 2006: There are no easy energy solutions As the public begins to realize that we have a serious …

Mar 25, 2006: Kevin Phillips on American Theocracy, Politics of Radical Religion and Oil Very interesting interview on Democracy Now! this past week …

Mar 22, 2006: V for Vendetta, A for Anarchism For any of my readers that have seen V for Vendetta but who …

Mar 20, 2006: Top Ten Catastrophes of the Third Year of American Agression As usual Juan Cole has a couple of posts worth reading. Top …

Mar 19, 2006: St. Louis Anti-War protest Took my brother to his first anti-war protest today… …

Mar 18, 2006: Halliburton and Homeland Security's Endgame When do we realize we’ve crossed the point of no …

Mar 18, 2006: New analysis says global warming boosts hurricanes According to New Scientist a new analysis by the Georgia …

Mar 17, 2006: Oil and US perception I tend to distrust polls but thought I’d mention this …

Mar 16, 2006: Western Shoshone defending their land rights: victory at UN My good friend Hannah passed this on to me… and it …

Mar 16, 2006: Anti-war Assembly in St. Louis on March 19th Posted at the St. Louis Indy Media Center Anti-war Assembly …

Mar 14, 2006: Bush's Iran Lies Truthdig has posted an excellent essay by Juan Cole …

Mar 14, 2006: Climate Change Round-up The news of a warming climate continues to roll in and with …

Mar 14, 2006: US Army concerned about Peak Oil and its impact on the military Apparently those leftist tree hugger conspiracy theorists in …

Mar 13, 2006: Firefly Several months back I discovered Firefly… better late …

Mar 13, 2006: NYT on Anarchism and Co-op Life Interesting article by Liz Seymour about anarchism and co-op …

Mar 4, 2006: Why Peak Oil is now Over at The Oil Drum Stuart Staniford has posted an …

Mar 2, 2006: Consensus grows on climate change, US refuses to cooperate The BBC reports that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate …

Mar 1, 2006: NYT says peak oil "almost certainly correct" Better late than never, the corporate media is realizing …

Feb 25, 2006: Remember the Iraqi Information Minister? Remember the early days of the unprovoked U.S. aggresion …

Feb 20, 2006: Earth warmest in a millennium, glaciers melting faster Continuing the trend, we have new studies which indicate …

Feb 18, 2006: Oil: Venezuela and Nigeria CNN/AP reports that Chavez is threatening to cut off oil to …

Feb 15, 2006: New Abu Ghraib Photos The folks at Irregular Times have posted the recently …

Feb 15, 2006: Over 11,000 FEMA trailers sit unused in Arkansas Ah yes, the efficiency of government and capitalism. Check …

Feb 15, 2006: Top Ten Ways Iraq is like Harry Whittington This is too good to pass up. Yes, another Cheney shooter …

Feb 14, 2006: Cheney uses $21,000 shotgun to miss bird, hit man The Bulldog Manifesto has the best summary yet regarding …

Feb 13, 2006: Freedom or Fascism? I’ve been working my way through the archives of Where …

Feb 13, 2006: What's more ridiculous than protesting of cartoons? Just thinking about all this craziness regarding the …

Feb 12, 2006: Creating The Modern "EcoHood" Susan DeFreitas of E Magazine has an article covering an …

Feb 8, 2006: The Battle For America Oh hell, this made me cry: The Battle For America. Go watch …

Feb 7, 2006: The Oil Drum series on The Carbon Economy Stuart Staniford over at The Oil Drum has started a …

Feb 7, 2006: The new diggs Formerly Where We’re Bound. A new home but the same …

Feb 4, 2006: Rumsfeld Compares Chavez’s Election To Hitler’s This made me laugh… maybe even throw-up a little. Via …

Feb 4, 2006: Battlestar Galactica Rolling Stone has an interesting article on Battlestar …

Feb 4, 2006: The Oil Drum series on The Carbon Economy Stuart Staniford …

Jan 30, 2006: Climate Change Round-up Seems to me that that a central theme of most studies and …

Jan 29, 2006: Peak Oil Round-up Just a sampling of the many recent peak oil articles …

Jan 27, 2006: Peak Oil and Anarchism My new favorite blog: Peak Oil Anarchy. Go forth and read. …

Jan 27, 2006: Podcast: Activism, anarchism, citizenship, living an engaged life Discussion of communication in the context of activism, …

Jan 26, 2006: Podcast: Climate Change and Peak Oil Been awhile since I put out a podcast. With the recent …

Jan 26, 2006: No progress in Iraq Iraq looks worse everyday. Bombings, kidnappings, and …

Jan 21, 2006: Of blogging and living As I said in the comments in the previous post, I really …

Jan 14, 2006: Apparently I'm bored... Or uninspired… or something. I’m thinking for …

Dec 28, 2005: Climate Change: end of year round up The studies regarding climate change just keep coming. …

Dec 21, 2005: Senator Robert Byrd challenges King George Senator Robert C. Byrd from the Senate Floor: &ldquo;No …

Dec 18, 2005: King George Spying on America And why shouldn’t he?! Anything goes in the war on …

Dec 17, 2005: Of work and carbon footprints This is a post I’ve thought about many times but never …

Dec 10, 2005: US alone at world climate talks Here we go again. As the governments of countries all over …

Dec 10, 2005: Nobel lecture by Pinter a devastating assault on US foreign policy Michael Billington of the Guardian has an excellent write-up …

Dec 10, 2005: Just the beginning of the peak: Energy and Economy The reality of energy is starting to kick this country in …

Dec 8, 2005: Snow and Winter Birding What a great day! Took a long walk in the four inches of …

Dec 6, 2005: Learning to create sustainable communities During my 12 years in Memphis, TN I had one general goal: …

Dec 5, 2005: Saddam Hussein, Donald Rumsfeld, and Torture in Iraq That was then: Shaking Hands: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein …

Dec 4, 2005: Peak energy and the lessons of 2005 Jim Kunstler offers his Season’s Greetings over at …

Dec 4, 2005: Climate Change: Atlantic Circulation slowing, increased hurricane season, less snow in Arctic Tundra Stuart Staniford over at The Oil Drum has posted an …

Dec 3, 2005: Oil and Energy Peak in the media Greg Gordon, writing for the News Observer notes the …

Nov 28, 2005: Did the Pentagon admit that White Phosphorus is a chemical weapon? I’ve discussed the used of White Phosphorus by the …

Nov 24, 2005: Bush and Al-Jazeera Thought I’d post a little round up regarding …

Nov 23, 2005: Potential of solar power A most viable alternative energy solution - solar power …

Nov 18, 2005: White House Stolen in 2004 Writing for The Free Press, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey …

Nov 16, 2005: US admits it used white phosphorus as a weapon in Iraq Who’s the terrorist using WMD? Of course many of us …

Nov 16, 2005: White Phosphorus: Military lies, media omissions Jonathan over at Irregular Times also takes note that the …

Nov 13, 2005: Of Torture and Dictatorship Jonathan over at Irregular Times has been doing a fantastic …

Nov 11, 2005: The American Dream according to George Carlin “It’s called the american dream because you have …

Nov 10, 2005: Peak Oil round up Seems that the reality of peak oil continues to seep into …

Nov 7, 2005: Documentary Evidence: U.S. used Napalm and White Phosphorus in Fallujah I discussed this in August 2003 and apparently it has now …

Nov 5, 2005: George Carlin Speaking of anarchism, I’m watching George Carlin on …

Nov 4, 2005: Bush: closet anarchist I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: George …

Nov 1, 2005: A Slap in the face Hilarious. The Democrats today used Rule 21 to call a …

Oct 22, 2005: Climate Change Roundup There have been so many articles about so many reports that …

Oct 22, 2005: Peak Oil in the Corporate Media Another roundup. A small sample of the increasingly common …

Oct 19, 2005: Peak Oil and the coming crisis Want to know more about peak oil? Check out this Jim …

Oct 19, 2005: A glimpse of our post-oil future The San Francisco Chronicle has an excellent description of …

Oct 13, 2005: About that camping trip Didn’t really happen due to internal family stuff that …

Sep 30, 2005: Heading out... to camp! Well, after a few days of uncertainty it looks as though a …

Sep 27, 2005: What would you do? First, let me say that I rarely send jokes via email. …

Sep 27, 2005: Oil, Natural Gas, and Gasoline: Shortage is coming I was just speaking to my brother about his take on the …

Sep 23, 2005: Creating an Ecological Society As I write this we are three weeks out from the landfall of …

Sep 21, 2005: Rita: The perfect storm and peak oil Here we are just three weeks after Katrina which caused …

Sep 20, 2005: Democracy Now! interview Venezuela's President Chavez Hugo Chavez: “If the Imperialist Government of the …

Sep 19, 2005: Iraq oil war becoming a civil war? As I and many others have said this war in Iraq is the first …

Sep 19, 2005: Post Carbon Institute New addition to the sidebar: Post Carbon Institute. Great …

Sep 18, 2005: Community Solutions to Peak Oil I’ve written about The Community Solution to Peak Oil …

Sep 18, 2005: Katrina: Let the media whitewash begin CNN reporting on environmental toxins in New Orleans:: While …

Sep 18, 2005: Millenium Ecosystem Assessment details human impact on Earth Over at Irregular Times The Green Man discusses the recently …

Sep 16, 2005: Bush and Co: Hiding behind disaster, hiding the Iraq breadcrumbs The folks over at Imprison Bush discuss the ongoing …

Sep 12, 2005: Blackwater mercenaries now operating in New Orleans The folks over at Democracy Now! put out an excellent show …

Sep 9, 2005: Time to Impeach George W. Bush The Bulldog Manifesto shouts it from the rooftop: Impeach …

Sep 7, 2005: Bush spin and denial of reality Joshua Marshall over at Talking Points Memo discusses …

Sep 6, 2005: New Orlean's toxic soup and our collective future Solidwaste Magazine has posted an excellent article about …

Sep 5, 2005: George Bush, the son... This is the bottom, I hope: [After visiting the Astrodome,] …

Sep 3, 2005: Kayne West tells the simple truth... "George Bush doesn't care about black people." -- Kayne West …

Sep 2, 2005: Katrina: What to do with the toxic remains of a dead city The Washington Post discusses the clean-up: Extraordinary …

Sep 2, 2005: Katrina web resource for tracking eco-news A great resource for tracking Katrina related ecological …

Sep 2, 2005: Katrina: Response Incompetence I was just reading this thread over at The Oil Drum …

Sep 1, 2005: Katrina: New Orleans flood could have been prevented This is the first in a series of posts that will cover …

Sep 1, 2005: $5.6 Billion Per Month in Iraq Mithras at Fables of the Reconstruction says it perfectly: …

Aug 28, 2005: Will Katrina bring oil to $100? The folks over at The Oil Drum are following Katrina and the …

Aug 27, 2005: The Bulldog Manifesto: Orwellian 101 The Bulldog Manifesto has an excellent piece on the …

Aug 24, 2005: The price of oil Salon has posted a story and photos on the war in Iraq. The …

Aug 22, 2005: EIA: Oil demand to surpass supply and NYT on Peak Oil EIA report: Oil Demand will surpass supply in Q4 ‘05 …

Aug 22, 2005: What passes for news these days... a note to CNN To my dear friends at CNN: If the disappearance of Olivia …

Aug 22, 2005: Peak Oil and the Corporate Media Delusion Jim Kunstler writes about the current price of oil as it …

Aug 19, 2005: NYT on Peak Oil According to The Oil Drum the NYT will, this weekend, …

Aug 16, 2005: Thinking Like a Mountain... What are we? It’s been a long while since I’ve read this but …

Aug 11, 2005: Oil: $66/barrel Welcome to the future. Peak oil is here or just around the …

Aug 9, 2005: Cindy Sheehan brings it to the White House Coward Cindy Sheehan confronts the coward: CRAWFORD, Texas, Aug. 9 …

Aug 8, 2005: Oil hits $64/barrel, U.S. dependent on Saudi Arabia Oil hit $64/barrel today and it will continue to rise as …

Aug 8, 2005: TeleSur goes live Writing for Infoshop News Kari Lydersen offers up an …

Aug 7, 2005: Evidence of climate change The BBC reports: Alaskan people tell of climate change: For …

Aug 3, 2005: The American Right and Radical Extremists Juan Cole discusses the role played by the American Right in …

Aug 1, 2005: 9/11 Conspiracy I don’t think I’ve ever commented on any of the …

Jul 24, 2005: Cardinal Flower A favorite food source for Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. I put …

Jul 23, 2005: White House war criminals fight for their "right" to torture Well that sick bunch of lying war criminals continue to use …

Jul 22, 2005: Feist in my ears No matter how hard I try I cannot stop listening: feist. At …

Jul 21, 2005: Karl Rove is a distraction The game of distractions and misdirections continue in D.C. …

Jul 18, 2005: The Patriot Act Used Against U.S. Activists Well it’s not at all surprising. The Patriot Act is …

Jul 17, 2005: Are Warmer Oceans Killing West Coast Marine Life? Via the NRDC: Natural Resources Defense Council, the Seattle …

Jul 15, 2005: Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage Ecologically Sustainable Living at the Dancing Rabbit …

Jul 11, 2005: The Community Solution to Peak Oil Peak oil got you down? Check The Community Solution to Peak …

Jul 9, 2005: U.S. Supporting Terrorist Group in Iran? For some strange reason I find this story very believable. …

Jul 8, 2005: New Blog on the Block My good friend Hannah has a new blog. She’s off to a …

Jul 7, 2005: London Bombings and Iraq At the moment the death toll stands at 33 after several …

Jul 5, 2005: First Videocast: A Native Landscape My first attempt at a videocast… so don’t laugh …

Jul 4, 2005: The Declaration of Independence of The United States of America When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for …

Jul 4, 2005: Podcast: Independence Day and Reflections on an Experiment Reflections on the Declaration of Independence and essays by …

Jul 3, 2005: Anarchism & American Traditions by Voltairine deCleyre American traditions, begotten of …

Jul 3, 2005: A New Declaration of Independence Independence by Emma Goldman
[Published in Mother Earth, Vol. IV, no. 5, …

Jul 1, 2005: U.S. Senate and fuel economy: More studies Why are we in a serious energy predicament? Yet another …

Jun 29, 2005: Apparently Iraq is not a Quagmire My good friend Jonathan over at Irregular Times offers an …

Jun 29, 2005: Those "Bumps in the Road" are Iraqi dead Christopher over at Back to Iraq has recently returned to …

Jun 28, 2005: Hey, I'm in the iTunes Music Store! Neat! The new iTunes was released today and for those that …

Jun 28, 2005: Podcast: Natural Landscaping and Fossil Fuels A bit of discussion on my usual topics of interest: …

Jun 27, 2005: Of Futility and Chickens Roosting Jonathan over at Irregular Times asks What Else Is There To …

Jun 26, 2005: Last throes indeed Dick Cheney is one of two things. A complete moron or a …

Jun 24, 2005: Garden Happenings I’m happy to report that momma deer and 2 fawns are …

Jun 20, 2005: Impeachable Offenses I think I’ll be taking a brief break from impeach Bush …

Jun 20, 2005: Tom Dispatch and Mark Danner on the Downing Street Memo TomDispatch has a posted an excellent introduction to, and …

Jun 16, 2005: No more delays: Resolution of Inquiry Kevin Zeese and Ralph Nader write about The Growing Case for …

Jun 16, 2005: In Support of a Resolution of Inquiry Excellent: After Downing Street Dot Org - In Support of a …

Jun 13, 2005: The International Criminal Court and Blair/Bush Over at Informed Comment you’ll find excellent …

Jun 12, 2005: The Downing Street Memo Resource Site For those that want to know more, there is a site dedicated …

Jun 12, 2005: Bush and Blair War Games Slowly the truth claws its way out of the deeply dug grave. …

Jun 11, 2005: Casualties in Iraq U.S. Military Deaths First 14 months: 740 Second 14 months: …

Jun 10, 2005: The Downing Street Memo and Impeachment of George Bush Okay, well, it seems this is the most attention we’ve …

Jun 9, 2005: How much Oil are you eating? Ianqui over at the Oil Drum provides a nice introduction to …

Jun 9, 2005: Clueless about our energy crisis James Kunstler continues to write the most cutting and …

Jun 9, 2005: Bush is a Sith Lord Over at CounterPunch Paul Craig Roberts asks: Is Bush a Sith …

Jun 7, 2005: Gray Tree Frogs and a beautiful rainy day Today was a good day. Amazing moment number one came while …

Jun 5, 2005: Living Simply: No S Diet and the Shovelglove A few months back I wrote: I’ve written before about …

Jun 4, 2005: Common sense and the need to defeat religious conservatives Thanks to Chuck for pointing this out. Matt Taibbi over at …

Jun 3, 2005: Dying in Iraq Juan Cole has an excellent post comparing the death rate in …

Jun 3, 2005: Oenothera macrocarpa - Missouri Primrose Blooming by our little garden pond. These blooms tend to …

Jun 1, 2005: One-fifth of Earth's bird species in danger Infoshop News has posted a Reuters story regarding …

May 31, 2005: Bush: Amnesty report 'absurd', Denny: George Bush a complete idiot CNN, that bastion of truth, is reporting on Bush’s …

May 30, 2005: Crude awakening The Sand Diego Union-Tribune discusses oil: Difficult …

May 29, 2005: Wow... USATODAY/AP reporting on Peak Oil? The mass media may finally be picking up on a story that it …

May 26, 2005: Newsweek and Corporate Media Contradictions I was watching today’s Democracy Now! which included a …

May 25, 2005: Amnesty condemns US example on human rights Sarah Left, writing for the Guardian, reports on Amnesty …

May 25, 2005: The lies before the preemptive war Ah just playing catchup on an article by Walter Pincus …

May 24, 2005: The Potential of Wind Power Amit Asaravala over at Wired News has an interesting article …

May 23, 2005: Banning Newsweek? Mother Davis over at Irregular Times writes about …

May 16, 2005: Bird Tracker 1.0 - FileMaker Pro database A simple little FileMakerPro database for keeping track of …

May 15, 2005: Time Management for Anarchists: The Movie Fantastically fun little flash movie for the unorganized …

May 14, 2005: Conditions in Iraq spiral downward I continue to read Juan Cole everyday and, well, Iraq is not …

May 14, 2005: Summer Tanager and late night rain Just a quick note before bed. While I have not seen the …

May 14, 2005: OPEC at it's highest production in history The continued march towards Peak Oil: “OPEC is at its …

May 11, 2005: Growing Native Presentation Download QuickTime presentation I put this together last …

May 10, 2005: Spiderwort Spiderwort More at my Flickr.Lots of gardening happening! …

May 6, 2005: Scarlet Tanager Best part of my day today: eating dinner while watching a …

May 2, 2005: Radical Noesis - A new site about oil and global warming A few weeks ago I was contacted by Rowan of Radical Noesis - …

May 1, 2005: Mac OS 10.4 Tiger - A few thoughts So, what kind of self respecting Mac geek fails to post a …

Apr 30, 2005: Podscope - Indexed podcasts searchable via text Wow. This is cool. The folks over at Podscope are filtering …

Apr 28, 2005: Ivory-billed Woodpecker not extinct! David Pescovitz over at BoingBoing writes about the …

Apr 27, 2005: Columbine One of my favorite wild flowers… a native with really …

Apr 21, 2005: Our oil-based life coming to an end The Guardian has an excellent story on the early arrival of …

Apr 20, 2005: Conversations I’m housesitting for my brother this week so I’m …

Apr 19, 2005: Jacob's Ladder Also known as Polemonium reptans, now blooming on this quiet …

Apr 8, 2005: Of blogging and gardening Wow. Guess I’ve been on some sort of blog vacation. …

Mar 23, 2005: Spring Birds in Missouri Birds spotted in the past week: Robin, Chipping Sparrow, …

Mar 18, 2005: Halliburton Overcharging I meant to mention this the other day… Audit: …

Mar 18, 2005: Iraq: Going nowhere fast Juan Cole, via NPR: With the guerilla war in Iraq showing no …

Mar 10, 2005: President Rosco The similarities are eerie. It’s not just the voice …

Mar 10, 2005: War and Democracy in Iraq: Casualties continue to climb Source: Iraq Coalition Casualties: Take a look at the …

Mar 8, 2005: Spring gardening in Missouri I expect that I may be posting a little less often in the …

Mar 5, 2005: Pocast: Oil and Economy I’ve often written about the over-use and dependence …

Mar 3, 2005: Podcast: Technology, Knowledge, and Democracy I’ve been thinking about the influence and intrusion …

Mar 3, 2005: The New Iraq: Torture, Rape, and Murder The New York Times has a story on a recent State Department …

Mar 2, 2005: Stopping the NAFTA Superhighway Several years ago I went to a public meeting/hearing about …

Mar 1, 2005: The European Union: A Different Kind of Dream I just finished watching a documentary interview with Jeremy …

Feb 26, 2005: Venezuela's Chavez embraces socialism CNN/Reuters has an interesting article about …

Feb 25, 2005: Monsters, bullies and bastards “We have become a Nazi monster in the eyes of the …

Feb 23, 2005: The Antiwar Movement Confronts Army Recruiters The New York Times, via Infoshop News, has a story about the …

Feb 22, 2005: New studies of oceans and melting Arctic ice confirm warmer planet Wired, via Reuters, reported a few days ago on new studies …

Feb 20, 2005: How Democracy "works" in Iraq According to Juan Cole: Al-Hayat reports that a decision on …

Feb 20, 2005: Government Secrecy and Power Noam Chomsky, during a discussion regarding governmental …

Feb 18, 2005: Podcast: Media, Information and Reality Just a bit of contemplation about the formulation of beliefs …

Feb 18, 2005: Ocean Life Last night at the ocean! Tomorrow we head back to Missouri, …

Feb 17, 2005: Gulls Last days by the ocean… Technorati Tags: Birds, …

Feb 17, 2005: Of Pots and Kettles, Bush's Syria Pronouncement CNN/AP Headline: Bush: Syria ‘out of step’ …

Feb 17, 2005: US: Least Informed, Best Entertained Dahr Jamail has posted an article regarding the recent World …

Feb 15, 2005: Understanding Power I have a confession to make. It’s been a long while …

Feb 14, 2005: Humans: Losing our way? Inspired by the repercussions of saying a simple hello to a …

Feb 11, 2005: Ward Churchill and his sins against empire Yet more on the attack against Ward Churchill. Stephen Best …

Feb 11, 2005: U.S. Scientists Ordered to Lie So much for a federal government that respects science and …

Feb 9, 2005: The end of laws: H.R. 418 The Irregular times has a post about H.R. 418 and I have to …

Feb 9, 2005: Empire and Uppity Indians Over at Counterpunch Tim Wise has an excellent article …

Feb 8, 2005: The Shithouse-Crazy Cowboy Imagine you are the parent of a 5 year old child. Would you …

Feb 7, 2005: What is Kyoto all about? The Guardian has posted a brief description of the …

Feb 4, 2005: Willful Ignorance Hey, Paula Zahn, fuck you. Okay. I’ve already written …

Feb 4, 2005: "Some People Push Back" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens by Ward Churchill When queried by reporters concerning his …

Feb 3, 2005: Climate change past the turning point? First, the BBC is reporting that, according to a WWF study, …

Feb 2, 2005: Speaking of the First Amendment... CNN reported a couple days ago on the disturbing results …

Feb 2, 2005: Macintosh Consulting in St. Louis Hire me! I’m available for Macintosh consulting, …

Feb 1, 2005: Richard Perle, Iraq, and other Neocon adventures What do you know about the Project for the New American …

Feb 1, 2005: Ward Churchill, context of argument, and the First Amendment The AP is reporting that Ward Churchill’s appearance …

Jan 31, 2005: Elections in Iraq Juan Cole has a round-up regarding the elections in Iraq. …

Jan 30, 2005: Living Simply: Bodycare I've written before about my concern regarding our use of …

Jan 30, 2005: Weaving Community showing at National Conference on Organized Resistance Sweet. My documentary, Weaving Community, will be showing at …

Jan 26, 2005: Podcast: Noam Chomsky Mix 1 Music mix by me, words by Noam Chomsky. In clip one he is …

Jan 26, 2005: Who is innocent? Susan at Res Publica is obviously upset by Ward …

Jan 25, 2005: Are you cruel? The Sorest Loser has an interesting post on vegetarianism. I …

Jan 22, 2005: Ocean pictures I’m on the beach for a winter holiday with my folks …

Jan 22, 2005: The Grid Remix Podcast First podcast in a good while and the first of the year. To …

Jan 21, 2005: Four more years... bring 'em on My good friend Sue over at born into this mess is obviously …

Jan 18, 2005: Which side are you on? Earlier today I happened upon The Cranky Liberal Pages and …

Jan 17, 2005: CBS lies, Bush lies There are plenty of folks that seem to think that the media …

Jan 16, 2005: Protesting the inauguration... and the Democrats Irregular times has a great post on the counter-inaugurals …

Jan 14, 2005: George Bush: Arrogant liar and murderer "Barbara Walters: This was our main reason for going in. So …

Jan 14, 2005: A haunting end to hunt for WMD The Virginia Pilot has an excellent story about the end of …

Jan 13, 2005: How do you know? A question I’ve been pondering lately: How do I know? …

Jan 12, 2005: Confession of an X Files addict Okay, yet another non-political post and the second one in …

Jan 11, 2005: Republican Jesus Patriotboy

Jan 11, 2005: The new Mac mini It's been a while but I'm going to offer up a non-political …

Jan 10, 2005: The Salvador option and Iraq According to Newsweek the Pentagon may put …

Jan 8, 2005: January 6, 2005: Hey, hey Democracy, we never knew ya Ray Beckerman over at Ohio Election Fraud has something to …

Jan 7, 2005: Alternative Energy Blog We don’t have to depend on oil or any other fossil …

Jan 6, 2005: The Conyers Report: What Went Wrong in Ohio If you are one of those that voted for Kerry and one of …

Jan 2, 2005: Thoughts on the development of a community economy An essay written long ago… I thought I’d bring …

Dec 29, 2004: RealClimate: Blogging by climate scientists If you’re interested in reading what climate …

Dec 29, 2004: Is This What Democracy Looks Like? The folks that comprise the Why War? Wobbly Squirrel …

Dec 28, 2004: Self-determination More important than any other resource is the raw awareness …

Dec 27, 2004: Will Kerry Unconcede? More news regarding the democratic facade in America, some …

Dec 27, 2004: Grass now established in warmer Antarctic According to The Australian scientists with the British …

Dec 27, 2004: Bush ordered torture in Iraq The Irregular Times has a good summation of the recently …

Dec 23, 2004: Ohio and the crumbling facade of democracy Funny thing about the Ohio recount: John Kerry doesn’t …

Dec 22, 2004: Blogs: do we learn from disagreement? As I’ve been browsing through Blog Explosion sites …

Dec 22, 2004: Getting to know Direct Action Interested in fighting back? Check out Crimethinc’s …

Dec 22, 2004: Americans are killing their Christ My good friend Thom has a few thoughts about Bush and his …

Dec 21, 2004: German solar energy development shows the way While the U.S. resists the Kyoto Agreement and continues its …

Dec 20, 2004: Oil and Empire Jim Kunstler has written yet another great article about …

Dec 18, 2004: American Jesus The American Jesus will kick your ass. Via Mat. Technorati …

Dec 18, 2004: Thousands of U.S. troops have deserted since invasion of Iraq Jaded Reality offers a Disaster Alert - aka Iraq round up. …

Dec 16, 2004: Pentagon nervous about Germany's war crimes case against Rumsfeld This is as it should be. Let’s hope Germany moves …

Dec 15, 2004: Public life and public space: Europe and the U.S. Jim Kunstler over at Clusterfuck Nation discusses the …

Dec 14, 2004: Ohio Recount: Blackwell Locks Out Recount Volunteers This is going to get very interesting. Just how much …

Dec 14, 2004: What is before us? Understanding the complexity of the current moment is …

Oct 4, 2004: Iraq's destruction based on aluminum tube lies Mithras over at Fables of the Reconstruction writes about …

Aug 11, 2003: Killing the truth Very interesting article at the Washington …

Aug 10, 2003: Lilly We create each other. August 10, 2003 I don’t …

Aug 9, 2003: Moblog comment Okay, maybe it was too late at night for me …

Aug 9, 2003: Community Technology or How Do We Grow Our Tomatoes?  Much of this article is taken from my writings in 1994. If …

Aug 8, 2003: The President get’s his vacation, did you get yours? …

Aug 7, 2003: To TypePad, or not to TypePad Well, I guess I don’t …

Aug 6, 2003: Pixels and Paper Jason over at has some …

Aug 4, 2003: Executive Orders for big oil Ever heard of Executive Order 13303? Issued by Bush on May …

Aug 3, 2003: How Bush and Company support the troops Is this how a president should support the people he sends …

Aug 2, 2003: Current project So I thought it would be great fun to add a section about …

Aug 1, 2003: Why you want more Dubya in 2004 Originally posted by New Kojak at the Maccentral Forums. You …

Jul 31, 2003: Batman the way nature intended Oh yes. Batman: Dead End. If you are a Batman fan and you …

Jul 30, 2003: We're not liberators? But while the prince was taking the raid calmly, elsewhere …

Jul 29, 2003: Geneva Conventions. Protocol 1. Art. 75. 2. The following acts are and shall remain …

Jul 27, 2003: Photo's from the storm Okay, I did not take any photos but my good friend Mat sure …

Jul 24, 2003: Crazy in Memphis Few updates for the time being. Memphis had a crazy storm …

Jul 21, 2003: Homeland security USA Today: Microsoft acknowledges a critical flaw in nearly …

Jul 21, 2003: Zeldman interview Okay, for the Apple geeks and the web …

Jul 20, 2003: Earth to Bush... come in... George Bush would like us to forget certain inconvenient …

Jul 20, 2003: The downward spiral The situation in Iraq is apparently worsening day by day. …

Jul 14, 2003: t68i Review Geeky gadget review ahead. In December 2002 I switched from …

Jul 14, 2003: You won't see this reporting in a U.S. newspaper Red, white and worried Post-war euphoria gives way to new …

Jul 13, 2003: Hiding out Spent the past few days away from the keyboard. …

Jul 13, 2003: Bush's lies are catching up to him “The British government has learned that Saddam …

Jul 9, 2003: Aquarium Imagine Homer Simpson saying… “Oooohhhh, …

Jul 8, 2003: Going, going, gone? Steve Gilliard has yet again nailed it on the head: Time to …

Jul 7, 2003: You won’t see this reporting in a U.S. newspaper Red, …

Jul 6, 2003: Watching the Government “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people …

Jul 6, 2003: Presidential manipulation A couple days ago I mentioned this story over at The Nation …

Jul 6, 2003: The troops are frustrated Troop morale in Iraq hits ‘rock bottom’ In one …

Jul 5, 2003: Remember this? The Declaration of Independence Watch out, some folks might …

Jul 4, 2003: What a nightmare Steve Gilliard over at the Daily Kos has written an …

Jul 4, 2003: Cost of the war “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every …

Jul 3, 2003: Maybe it’s the heat? Boy, I’m slackin. I have …

Jul 2, 2003: Victims Thanks to Mike over at Tread lightly on the things of earth …

Jun 30, 2003: Normalcy? Democracy? I found this story over at the Daily …

Jun 29, 2003: Movie Madness I’m watching movies. Lots of movies. Film festival …

Jun 26, 2003: Mac OS 10.3 Panther I’ve been fortunate enough to have a chance to play …

Jun 25, 2003: Apple's Latest Okay, being an Apple geek I think it’s my duty to at …

Jun 25, 2003: Bush's Scam “The Selling of the Iraq War: The First …

Jun 22, 2003: Blogging and the new citizenship Tim Dunlop at the Evatt Foundation has written a really nice …

Jun 21, 2003: The Iraq Debacle Like Emma over at Notes on the Atrocities I’ve written …

Jun 20, 2003: I shouldn’t be at the keyboard You see, I’m a …

Jun 19, 2003: Warning: Sharp rocks It’s rare that I write about my personal muck here. I …

Jun 18, 2003: Democracy and Blogsville There’s a very interesting discussion concerning …

Jun 17, 2003: Shiny and pretty Yes indeedy, I took a leap into the New …

Jun 16, 2003: The American Empire Thanks to Blog Left for pointing out this articleby Eric …

Jun 14, 2003: Obligatory post about a soon to be dead web browser Microsoft’s Internet Explorer for the Mac is dead. …

Jun 13, 2003: The wrong direction 1908- Ford’s Model T averaged 25 …

Jun 12, 2003: Freedom or Fascism? Last week I mentioned an article, An Escape From Freedom*: …

Jun 10, 2003: The Gen3 iPod Being the ultimate out of control gadget geek that I am I …

Jun 8, 2003: Is the fabric of lies coming undone? Thanks to this post over at Counterspin Central I found this …

Jun 6, 2003: The folks over at Cyber Ecology are continuing the food …

Jun 5, 2003: More Georgie boy lies Nothing but lies. It is truly …

Jun 4, 2003: Still eating meat? Some days I am sooooo glad I’m a …

Jun 3, 2003: Conversations with my brother Iraq. War. George and Saddam. …

Jun 2, 2003: Calm today How sweet life can be… at least for some. This is the …

Jun 2, 2003: How we carry our music Todd Dominey, over at What Do I Know makes some interesting …

Jun 1, 2003: Saltwater spray Oh my. It’s been more than 10 years since I’ve …

May 30, 2003: Going out for vacation 05/30/2003 I’ll be on vacation till June 8 and …

May 25, 2003: Food and Health and Manipulation, er, Hope That phrase (minus the Manipulation) was a part of …

May 25, 2003: The obscenity of the Hummer Why in the world to these fucking things exist? Why do …

May 24, 2003: To benefit the Iraqi people? Help me out here. I’m trying to remember, trying to …

May 22, 2003: It's those little details... “When the guy from the White House tells you to take …

May 21, 2003: Scale of Democracy Thanks to Jon Lebokowsky I found Adina Levin’s post …

May 20, 2003: The FCC monster… Just a friendly reminder that on 2 …

May 17, 2003: George Bush went AWOL Okay, so Georgie boy waged a war against a nation that …

May 15, 2003: Playing Card Deck for U.S. Regime Change... This is great. A playing card deck which shows the way to …

May 14, 2003: My day job... Is painful. But damn, I guess it’s better than most …

May 14, 2003: The Matrix Okay, being the consumer geek that I am I went out last …

May 14, 2003: Frustrations with BellSouth FastAccess DSL It’s a real bummer that Directv DSL went out of …

May 14, 2003: Music Ah…. it amazes me how much music can shift my …

May 14, 2003: Nifty gadget software GSM remote is a nifty shareware program that sync’s up …

May 12, 2003: The FCC makes me sick According to Zeldman: “On 2 June 2003, the FCC …

May 11, 2003: In a funk I’ve been having a difficult time lately. Strange how …

Apr 29, 2003: Where have I been? Damn. Seems like it’s been forever. I’ve been …

Apr 11, 2003: There's something very, very wrong with this picture... So, here we are. The tail-end of a relatively one sided …

Apr 9, 2003: A tale of pies I love the Biotic Baking Brigade. There …

Apr 7, 2003: MLK March I was not there but I’m told it was a great march in …

Apr 6, 2003: God Talk Thanks to DruBlood for pointing me to a very interesting …

Mar 31, 2003: Check it out Blogs Against War, a new anti-war blogs/news …

Mar 30, 2003: Michael Moore Directed Anti-War Video Check it out: system …

Mar 29, 2003: What the world thinks? I’m question the accuracy of …

Mar 28, 2003: Now I'm pathetic? Heh. Just got off the phone with a friend who’s become …

Mar 27, 2003: Are Truth and consicence dead? Perhaps we should call it The Absurd War? Or, The Absurd War …

Mar 26, 2003: The worst of Memphis Gangs They wear blue and they move through the night, feared by …

Mar 26, 2003: Too much to do... What a crazy week. Of course, as I write that I laugh at …

Mar 23, 2003: Turn up your speakers to the highest level possible. Then go …

Mar 22, 2003: More anti-war protests downtown Memphis… In the past …

Mar 20, 2003: Regime Change in the U.S. I’m hoping this will be big. …

Mar 19, 2003: Sound familiar? “Why of course the people don’t …

Mar 18, 2003: Oh boy So, yes it’s off to war. I’m working on …

Mar 17, 2003: Oh, hey, there's good news... From CNN… “Stocks rally as war nears End of …

Mar 16, 2003: Inside and Outside Okay. It’s exactly 66 degrees today …

Mar 15, 2003: Anti-war protest downtown Memphis… We gathered in …

Mar 14, 2003: Goin it alone Christopher Allbritton, a former AP and New …

Mar 13, 2003: You’re kidding me, right? “His Lonely …

Mar 12, 2003: Cooperation and Communication I don’t think we know what we’re doing here. …

Mar 11, 2003: Reminds me more and more of Star Trek I have to wonder, if …

Mar 8, 2003: Blix and El-Baradei: Key points Key points of the weapons …

Mar 7, 2003: Disappointed I live in a co-op. There aren’t many of those so …

Mar 5, 2003: Weaving Community A documentary about what some folks in Memphis are doing to …

Mar 4, 2003: Oh what a splendid day Winters in Memphis, TN have there ups …

Mar 3, 2003: Think before I act, think before I act, think... Funny that today I read an article at daringfireball about a …

Mar 2, 2003: 03/02/2003 To be human What does it mean to be alive on this …

Mar 2, 2003: 12" Powerbook Review Note: Initially published in my 2003 era blog, "Where We're …