In a recent thread about Israel’s ongoing atrocities against Palestinians on Micro.Blog, these two excellent posts stood out to me. First, David Marsden offered this postwhich included a link to the history of the Palestinian slogan “from the river to the sea” . Then this:

For almost 20 years Hamas has repeatedly offered Israel a peace process and effectively a two state solution, based on an Israeli military withdrawal to its 1967 borders, the establishment of a Palestinian mini-state on the West Bank and Gaza, with a ten year truce to negotiate other outstanding issues, such as the right of return for refugees.

Then Samjc offered this:

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” ~ JFK

Without justifying the atrocities of Oct 7, the structural reality of Israel makes violence inevitable. You have one group who has taken the land of another to create an ethno-state, leaving most of the original inhabitants with no rights. Until that basic structure changes, we can expect outbursts of violence from both sides – for Palestinians as resistance, and perhaps also vengeance as you put it; for Israel, it is “security” (even though it is the structural violence of the situation that reproduces Israel’s vulnerability)