Micro Posts


# Today's afternoon food experiments. Dinner was my usual sweet rice which is simple, just a bit of sugar, cinnamon, salt and soy milk. I'm out of soy milk so I subbed in peanut butter and also added 1/4 cup of canned pumpkin pie mix. Oh my that was good! Then some hot chocolate and because I'm out of soy I subbed in peanut butter again. Might sound odd but I just blend up a bit of water and peanut butter to make a frothy, nutty milk that works great for hot chocolate.

# Morning breakfast that was so good it deserves a mention: Baked pumpkin oatmeal with walnuts. And coffee of course.


# Morning coffee and oatmeal while listening to Tech Won't Save Us podcast. An excellent podcast and this particular episode is especially worth a listen. They just dig right in. Accessible but really dense in history, the facts and narrative of the current moment. No doubt I'll give it a second listen.


# I've made a good bit of progress the past couple weeks getting my Images page setup. It's far from complete but I've got a good start. Each image linked to the matching blog post.

# Sitting on the porch listening to a flock of birds in a nearby tree. I've not identified them visually but Merlin suggests Common Grackel or European Starling. They're having quite the conversation and it is somehow very soothing.

# Should we act? The latest reporting from the Guardian suggesting that "humanity’s future is in balance".

Look. There will be no averting profound human suffering. Let's have some fucking straight talk. We have waited too long. Should we act? YES. But look around you. Look at yourself. What are you willing to give? If you're a typical middle class American the answer thus far is not a fucking thing. The middle class of the US is a significant driving force behind the climate emergency. And from my observation these folks could not care less than they do...


# A brief note of appeciation for Wikipedia. Such a gem. During a Facetime call with my folks this morning and I ended up down a rabbit hole about the history of race, relations, religion and language in the Middle East. In a very brief, lay-person sort of way of course. My poor parents. But Wikipedia got a donation out of the deal because I realized afterward that I needed to do a bit of follow-up reading and fact checking to confirm a few of the things I'd shared. After all these years I'm still amazed that a site like that came into existence and that it persists.

# Had an interesting five hour visit and conversation with a friend and fellow radical yesterday. One of the things discussed is our frustration with the lack of emphasis on, a commitment to, or even a notion of, daily citizenship. Trump succeeded in motivating half the country to anger and overt racism. But the other half of the country is still confined to the limited scope of electoral politics. That is a veneer of democracy, not the full depth and responsibility of meaningful democracy.

# One year later and Gaza is now reduced to rubble. 41,000 dead (likely 100,000 when those buried under the rubble are included). 100,000+ wounded. Settler violence has increased in the West Bank as land theft has accelerated. Israel has expanded the war to Lebanon.War Crimes and genocide continue.

Recent Posts

2024-10-18 Ta-Nehisi Coates

2024-10-14 Are climate delusions in Florida slowly breaking apart?

2024-10-11 Gaza Death Toll Perspective

2024-10-09 People working to build the personal web: Annie, Lou and Ela

2024-10-09 Foraging Walnuts

2024-10-09 Rabidosa rabida, rabid wolf spider

2024-10-07 A few thoughts on domain name-based identity being advocated by Jay Graber, Bluesky and others

2024-10-03 Apple, Capitalism and 13 years under Tim Cook

2024-10-01 Dal and naan: easy, simple home-cooked lunch

2024-09-30 The outlandish proclamations of the tech press

2024-09-29 Weaving the web but more like frogs visiting in a pond

2024-09-28 Want to help?

2024-09-25 Repairing rather than returning

2024-09-23 Pale Tiger Caterpillar

2024-09-23 Old man yelling at clouds

2024-09-22 Blue wax weed, Cuphea viscosissima

2024-09-18 Thoughts on single proprietor blog services and what if...

2024-09-18 Using devices as they were NOT intended

2024-09-17 RegEx and a stroll down memory lane

2024-09-14 20 years later

2024-09-12 Today's Mini-adventure in freelancing!

2024-09-12 Using the right tool for the job: Website coding, site management and blog posting from the iPad

2024-09-11 A break from my usual

2024-09-07 That time I resurfaced a gravel road by hand

2024-09-05 On doing things the "hard" way

2024-09-03 On canceling my Apple Music subscription

2024-09-03 Begin Again

2024-08-25 We belong to our ecosystem

2024-08-25 A new process for exploring blogs

2024-08-24 Iced sumac tea

2024-08-24 A new process for exploring blogs

2024-08-23 Cardinal Flowers

2024-08-21 Pawpaw Harvest

2024-08-20 Will Biden supporters ever acknowledge his role in genocide?

2024-08-20 Morning porch time

2024-08-19 I have a large forehead.

2024-08-17 Saturday critter time

2024-08-15 A view of the countryside from my morning ride.

2024-08-14 Adding dark mode to my sites

2024-08-11 Free time blog exploration

2024-08-11 The challenge of the mundane

2024-08-08 Lucky observation of a pair of Yellow-billed Cuckoos

2024-08-02 A quiet morning bike ride

2024-07-31 Individual action adds up to collective action

2024-07-25 A foggy morning sunrise

2024-07-09 Apple's marketing of the iPad as a general computing device

2024-07-02 Organizing and active citizenship

Autumn 2024

Now (and sorta now)

Sticky Note: As I'm self-rolling this site in html I don't have comments or fancy web mentions. If you mention or link to a post please let me know: I love email!


Site updates: Boy howdy, I've been making good progress on various site updates. I added a bunch of older posts, some of which I'd sort of "misplaced" several years ago when I switched from Blogspot to WordPress. For whatever reason they just didn't make the transfer. I happened to go look at what was on the Way Back Machine and discovered them. And I've got more images added in to the Images page and I've got them all linked up to their matching blog posts.

Fall Chores! The shorter days and cooler weather are coming so I'll be busy soon with the massive amount of leaves that will fall. I enjoy working outside and especially love playing in the leaves. Mostly, it's just raking them and running over them with the mower to mulch them up a bit and then making various piles in areas that I'd like mulch to suppress the growth of certain plants or where I want to hold moisture. Then in the spring I've got compost. Yay!

It's ridiculous that so many treat fallen leaves as waste to be bagged up for "disposal" rather than as the free, on-site, nature made organic matter it is. Then they'll pay to have shredded wood mulch brought in to landscape with. Waste upon waste.


I've been enjoying working on the site the past few days. Tidied up a bit of old code that made it into some pages, tweaked the nav bar with a background image and simplified the nav links. That's the kind of change I'll just do every so often as it involves a site-wide search and replace and upload of all the individual files. Pretty easy with an app like BBEdit.

Of course after doing that and uploading everything I then decided to add a new page for my images which is, as of this moment not added to the navbar. Lol. I'll get it linked in eventually and also plan to get each image linked to its matching blog post for anyone that wants to see a larger version or accompanying context.

Other changes over the past week:

  • A more efficient process for posting on the Linked blog.
  • Pulled over a lot of old posts. That will be ongoing, likely for the rest of the year. Lol. Perhaps it is self indulgent but I'm enjoying it as a life review.
  • Various tweeks to various Shortcuts used for posting. So much fun.

Featured Posts

2024-07-02 Organizing and active citizenship

2024-03-29 US History: We need to acknowledge the violence of white settler colonialism and slavery

2023-11-24 America as a failed democracy

2023-11-22 The precipice of authoritarianism: How and why did the US get to this?

2023-11-18 The soothing balm of minimalism

2023-11-07 Building on-the-ground community democracy

2023-11-07 This is our genocide too

2022-12-30 192 Square feet: Part 3

2016-08-04 192 Square feet: Part 2

2016-07-21 192 Square feet: Part 1