
Ta-Nehisi Coates

And so I think maybe we thought or we allowed ourselves to believe that somehow, you know, we had escaped the gravity of history, but no people, no country escapes the gravity of history. We live within it. We we are part of it. Source: Democracy Now!

A round-up of interviews with author Ta-Nehisi Coates on his recently published book The Message. I've not read the book but have been following his interviews with interest as he's a writer who is popular with mainstream liberals and has brought Israel's apartheid system into the discussion. In interview after interview he's offering the most accurate and honest framing of Israel as a violent occupier and perpetrator of genocide.

Also, as he was often accused of presenting only one side he repeatedly brings to light the systemic pro-Israel bias of the Western media. He repeatedly points out the extreme one sidedness of the coverage. In almost every interview sharpens that focus by pointing out that none of the corporate media networks employ a Palestinian as a bureau chief or correspondent. The Palestinian perspective and voice is deliberatly and completely omitted from the mainstream media coverage and discussion.

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