The pileated woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus. Pileated refers to the bird's prominent red crest, from the Latin pileatus meaning capped, is more prominent on the male. These are fairly common around here and I see or hear them a few times a month.

A large black bird is climing the side of a tree. The bird has a large beak, vibrant red feathering along the top of its head forming a tuft at the back of it's head. Under the red portion it's head and neck are white with a prominent black streak from the eye stretching to the back of its head.

A large black bird is climing the side of a tree. The bird has a large beak, vibrant red feathering along the top of its head. Under the red portion it's head and neck are white with a prominent black streak from the eye stretching to the back of its head.