Christiane Amanpour’s interview with Bernie Sanders is excellent and worth a listen. Sanders on the US media allowing Netanyahu to define anti-Semitism.

“What he has done is deflect attention, and the American media by and large has fallen for it, to say any protest against Israel, it’s anti-Semitic. If you’re talking about how the two-thirds of the people who have been killed or injured are women and children, not of us participants, women and children, that’s anti-Semitic. If you’re talking about 70% of the housing damaged, that’s anti-Semitic. If you’re talking about how the United Nations and humanitarian organizations are worried about famine, children right now, today, in Gaza, are dying of malnutrition. If you talk about that, you’re anti-Semitic. Well, I think the American people are not going to fall for that. Netanyahu is insulting the intelligence of the American people. He has got to be held accountable for the actions of his right-wing extremists and, by the way, racist government. And charging or claiming that everybody who is critical of him is anti-Semitic is really quite disgraceful.”

Excerpt above starts at 11:00.