2025-03-22 So, you're a frustrated Apple user looking for alternatives?
2025-03-17 Apple to Linux Journal - Linux troubleshooting successes!
2025-03-16 Apple to Linux Journal Series Home
2025-03-13 Apple to Linux Journal - Can I replace Affinity Publisher with Scribus?
2025-03-10 We need a global foundation for an open source web engine
2025-03-07 Apple to Linux Journal: Moving email from iCloud to my own domains
2025-03-06 Linux Utilities: Autokey, Diodon and Ulauncher
2025-03-04 Linux apps for notes, blogging, coding and remote file management
2025-03-01 Building a reliable local cloud replacement for iCloud or other corporate cloud-based computing
2025-02-26 Apple, big tech, lock-in and the corporate colonization of life experience
2025-02-25 Apple to Linux Journal - a Week of progress
2025-02-22 Apple to Linux Journal - First Days
2025-02-19 # Leonard Peltier is free. Democracy Now! post on YouTube
2025-02-19 Progress on migrating away from the Apple ecosystem
2025-02-17 When computing and tech are turned against us
2025-02-09 Becoming an Activist Part 2: The Memphis Social Ecology Project
2025-02-08 Becoming an "activist"
2025-02-07 Divided, we fall
2025-02-05 #Worth a watch given the current moment we are in. Democracy doesn't exist in the United States: Chris Hedges | UpFront
2025-02-01 I didn't expect to be importing CDs in 2025
2025-02-01 The flip side of crisis is opportunity
2025-01-24 Micro.blog is a business not a community
2025-01-19 # Listening to This Machine Kills podcast episode 390 "We all live in the firestorm". They do a fantastic job of exploring the interconnections of the global polycrisis. I know a lot more about how the system works having listened. Illuminating.
2025-01-16 #Liberals in the US rightly criticize MAGA folk as being delusional in regards to the truth of Trump. But when I see those same liberals praising Biden while ignoring his ongoing support of genocide in Gaza I feel the deepest disgust. History will remember Biden for his role in genocide. Why Aren't You In The Hague!: Journalists Dragged Out Of Blinken Press Conference
2024-01-15 Days of ice and snow
2025-01-12 #Reading folks' thoughts and reactions to the wildfires and connecting it to climate. I can't help but think most people are still pretty delusional about where we are at in this crisis and our chances for averting worst case scenarios. And, crucially, their lack of understanding of the steps we need to take. Uninformed and not at all serious.
2025-01-12 Wildfires in California explain the recent climate-art protests
2025-01-05 #I really enjoyed reading James Thompson's blog post about building the first pre-OS X Dock. Fun story and bit of Apple history. Also, Jason Snell's MacWorld article about OS X back in February 2000 where he highlights all of the big changes that were announced. I'm sure I read it back in the day, fun to re-read today on the 25th anniversary of the MacWorld reveal of OS X. I remember the excitement of the announcement and then installing the public beta. Good times.
2024-12-26 #Watched the ForeverNotes videos on YouTube and considering trying it out as a supplement to the OBTF that I've been happily using the past 9 months for a basic daily notes that primarily serves as a springboard for blog posting. A helpful minimal implementation of ForeverNotes might cover non-blog text for tracking projects that I would otherwise not add to Reminders app. Maybe deeper notes for nature studies like bird observations?
2024-12-25 Winter Fungi
2024-12-22 # So, Luigi Mangione is labeled a terrorist by the same government that deliberately carries out a War on Children?
"In November, over a year into Israel’s genocide in Gaza, a report by the Gaza-based Community Training Center for Crisis Management produced a grim statistic: “Nearly all children in the embattled Palestinian enclave believe their death is imminent — and nearly half of them want to die.”
That's interesting.
2024-12-22 #"What's the function of a galaxy? I don't know if our life has a purpose and I don't see that it matters. What does matter is that we're a part. Like a thread in a cloth or a grass-blade in a field. It is and we are. What we do is like wind blowing on the grass." - Ursula K. Le Guin, The Lathe of Heaven
2024-12-21 # Bernie Sanders: Elon Musk and US Oligarchy. The US has never been a real democracy. It is a thin facade of democracy with just enough social spending to maintain stability. From first days it has been governance by a tiny, wealthy elite. It's neoliberalism.
2024-12-21 # Enjoying my morning coffee and listening to an inspiring interview with Deenaalee Hodgdon, Co-Executive Director of Smokehouse Collective in the podcast Landback for the People. The SC is a collective of Indigenous people who are working to organize local solutions for self reliance and climate adaptation. They offer a sharp contrast to the privileged of white middle class America who claim to be powerless to affect change.
2024-12-20 # I'd started to write a post on the lie we tell ourselves about being a civilized nation that solves its problems through politics. LuckyBlackCat on YouTube has already taken care of it with their video "Violence Has No Place In Politics" OH REALLY?:
“Violence has no place in politics.” Politicians say this any time political violence is used by or on behalf of the victims of this violent system, and they’re saying it again after Luigi Mangione has been charged with the assassination of the CEO of United Healthcare, Brian Thompson. This video is a vehement response to that statement
2024-12-20 # Qasim Rashid on Mastodon:
Dylan Roof killed 9 Black people with the motivation to incite a race war—NOT charged with terrorism.
Luigi Mangione killed 1 CEO with the motivation to rebuke healthcare injustice—charged with terrorism.
Class warfare is when wealthy CEOs are a protected class but working Black people are not.
2024-12-19 Federico is rediscovering the joy of using the iPad
2024-12-18 #This guy is burning a righteous fire on the violence of economic class war. And another. Honestly, I don't see much evidence that America will correct itself. The foundational genocide and violence for white male privilege will continue.
2024-12-17 # Recommended: Vulture by Lee Weyland.
2024-12-17 # Recommended: United Health by Jessie Welles. Luigi Mangione, the surprise hero of 2024.
2024-12-17 Split gill mushrooms and other woodland treasures
2024-12-15 Sycamore Seed Pod
2024-12-15 #I'm too easily distracted. Reading Gurman's email about a foldable, mega large iPad Pro and now I'm experimenting with two iPads on my lap desk, side-by-side. With continuity and iCloud file sync, 2 iPads side-by side almost feel like one device. Handy for certain workflows/projects.
2024-12-13 #This post by Robert Evans about Luigi Mangione is worth a read. What sticks the most are the questions at the end. What comes next? Mangione may have changed the course of gun violence in the US. Will future shooters focus on corporate executives rather than school children?
2024-12-12 There is a use case for Apple's Image Generation
2024-12-11 #On the question of violence as a solution to our problems, I'm generally agreed with the Liberal Redneck's take that fits with many others: "You can only push people so far before they push back with the barrel of a gun, in broad daylight, to near universal acclaim."
2024-12-02 Update on using the OBTF and Textastic for publishing from the iPad
2024-12-01 # I've been listening to the From Under the Shadow podcast the past few days. I've long been aware of the broadstrokes of US policy in Central and South America. As I listen I think every US citizen should aquaint themselves with the details. This is the core truth of the US: It is an empire built on extreme violence in the name of democracy.
2024-11-30 #A local writer friend wrote this a couple days ago and I've found myself going back to it several times to enjoy the layers and tangles of it: Hachures.
2024-11-30 # Reading Molly White's post-election post Wind the clock and want to recommend it. She gets it.
2024-11-29 # I deleted my Facebook account nine years ago. I'd stopped using my Instagram account couple years ago, deleted it tonight. Done and done.
2024-11-29 #Other recent additions to my Blogroll:
2024-11-29 #Added the North American congress on Latin America to my Blogroll. They provide ongoing coverage and critique of US imperialism and political, economic and military intervention in the western hemisphere.
2024-11-28 #Thinking about Leonard Peltier this morning. I wonder how many Americans know his name? Do you know who he is?
2024-11-27 #I love the photo and explanation of the differences between the Hubble (visual light spectrum) and Webb (infrared spectrum) on yesterday's Astronomy Picture of the Day. NASA is such a gem.
2024-11-26 #It's 30°F this morning, 52°F in my cabin and I'm layered up to keep warm. I just finished homemade pumpkin butter on waffles for breakfast. Sipping coffee and reading about the flooding in the UK.
Living in the early days of the collapse.
2024-11-23 Getting there together
2024-11-16 Tech pundits don't understand the potential for Apple's Image Playground
2024-11-15 American empire, settler colonialism and indigenous resistance
2024-11-15 # Long overdue, I've begun updating my blog roll to include podcasts, blogs and websites by indigenous people who continue the struggle against the ongoing white settler colonialism rooted in the US.
2024-11-13 "This is not who we are."
2024-11-11 # Have we finished our mourning? Because we need to move onto community defense organizing. Don't be a "Good German". We can't be "Good Americans". Now is not the time to keep our heads down.
A lot of liberal folks spent the past few months warning that "democracy was on the line", that this was different, that Trump was an authoritarian. Well, I hope that they really understood what that meant. Authoritarians and fascists do not share power via elections. If you're holding onto "get through the next 4 years" drop that delusion now.
2024-11-10 # Reposting this: Community organizing and active citizenship. An introduction to what we can do today to get started in our community. Some nuts and bolts descriptions. We've got 2 months before the transition. Keep that in mind. After that conditions will begin to change.
Folks, our previous lives and norms are coming to an end. Some of us are safer than others. We can be "Good Germans Americans" which is to say, put our individual safety first and ignore the violence and breakdown going on around us or we can resist.
Commit and prepare.
2024-11-10 #
Thinking this morning about community mutual aid projects. What can we do, on the ground, in small groups, to quickly build short-term beneficial and protective action while also building meaningful, longer-term relationships? Act>Connect>Build>Help
Blogging and social media is great for sharing ideas but it should be leading to additional, on-the-ground action. If it doesn't we're stopping short.
2024-11-10 #If You Force Me to be Your Property I Will Become a Wood Chipper
Leslie J. Anderson
I've been many things in my life—
a scholar, a mother, a laborer, a love,
a singer of songs that are mostly puns,
a dancer with my dogs in the living room,
but if you force me to be an object
I will become very sharp—
A blender. A garbage disposal.
Arsenic served our ancestors well
but have you considered
that we are being threatened
with the room where the knives live?
Someone once told me
the best poems are threats.
so am I.
2024-11-08 # Perhaps I'm going too far off the deep end but I keep seeing people referring to the notion of getting through the next four years. My question is how realistic is it to expect an election in four years? It's become popular (and correct) to say "When they tell you who they are believe them" or "When they tell you what they intend to do believe them."
What they've been telling us is that there will be no election because fascists and Nazis in power don't take turns by allowing elections. People are still talking about this from the bubble of history and previous norms. That seems delusional, magic thinking. It's the same sort of pretend reality that ignores the climate emergency.
So, explain it in realistic terms, why should we expect an election in four years.
2024-11-08 Remain calm. But Prepare.
2024-11-06 #Went to bed early. Woke up early. Time for coffee and a double shot of Irish Cream.
2024-11-04 #Just some obvious examples and points of likely failure as citizens that actually take democracy as a responsibility rather than as an afterthought. A brief survey:
- When was the last city council meeting you attended?
- When was the last county commission meeting you attended?
- When was the last school board meeting you attended?
- Have you ever served on a local advisory board or a non-profit board?
- How often do you volunteer in your community?
2024-11-04 #There's a lot of anxiety and panic leading up to the election. Whatever happens, I hope it is understood that this election is just the most obvious, open fissure of very deep systemic problems and increasing pressure building up. We keep failing to learn the lesson that as citizens we have a full-time responsibility to be active participants in and watchdogs of "our" government. We abandoned our responsibilities long ago.
2024-11-04 # Spending this rainy morning watching The Cure. Their YouTube channel is a treasure of interviews, old videos and concerts. I'm on my second watch of their three hour long live stream from a couple days ago. What a show.
2024-11-03 # Out on a walk in the woods today I discovered a small patch of pawpaws on the trail and it occurred to me that now might be the best time to find them because their very large oblong leaves are currently pale yellow and stand out as most of the trees have already lost all of their leaves. I think there is a longer post to write exploring the different ways to learn to read nature. Trees, stars, birds, lichen all have their own language, their own patterns.
2024-10-31 Industrial battery recycling plant in nearby Fredericktown just burned down
2024-10-30 #I was sitting on my porch cracking walnuts and noticed a nasty smell. I couldn't see any smoke. Turns out the less-than-one year old battery recycling facility 3 miles south of me was on fire. I moved inside immediately but I'm guessing my 15 minutes of breathing in those particulates was a couple years worth of average exposure. Yay?
2024-10-29 Why Siri works for me
2024-10-28 Rocking the boat
2024-10-27 #Joe Biden has apologized to the indigenous people 'for what happened during the "Indian Boarding School era".
Now let's apologize and reckon with the rest. America has turned away from its foundational truth: It is a country built on white supremacy which is, even now, based in genocide, land theft, slavery and violence. In the years since its founding we've repeatedly and arrogantly pretended to be the champions of freedom and democracy.
The truth is we have become a violent empire with a thin veneer of democracy. The core is white supremacy, systemic violence and capitalism.
2024-10-25 The goodness of Walnuts
2024-10-25 # I'm happy to have been included in Manuel Moreale's ongoing People and Blogs series. You can read the interview here. There are 60 other interviews in his ongoing series. There are lots of interesting folks out there publishing blogs.
2024-10-24 The growing pains of the renewed small web
2024-10-22 #Watching season 2 of Pachinko and it's excellent. Also, I cannot resist watching the opening credits for this show. The smiles, the dancing, it's delightful.
2024-10-18 Ta-Nehisi Coates
2024-10-17 #Today's afternoon food experiments. Dinner was my usual sweet rice which is simple, just a bit of sugar, cinnamon, salt and soy milk. I'm out of soy milk so I subbed in peanut butter and also added 1/4 cup of canned pumpkin pie mix. Oh my that was good! Then some hot chocolate and because I'm out of soy I subbed in peanut butter again. Might sound odd but I just blend up a bit of water and peanut butter to make a frothy, nutty milk that works great for hot chocolate.
2024-10-17 #Morning breakfast that was so good it deserves a mention: Baked pumpkin oatmeal with walnuts. And coffee of course.
2024-10-14 Are climate delusions in Florida slowly breaking apart?
2024-10-13 #Morning coffee and oatmeal while listening to Tech Won't Save Us podcast. An excellent podcast and this particular episode is especially worth a listen. They just dig right in. Accessible but really dense in history, the facts and narrative of the current moment. No doubt I'll give it a second listen.
2024-10-11 Gaza Death Toll Perspective
2024-10-10 People working to build the personal web: Annie, Lou and Ela
2024-10-09 Foraging Walnuts
2024-10-09 Rabidosa rabida, rabid wolf spider
2024-10-08 #I've made a good bit of progress the past couple weeks getting my Images page setup. It's far from complete but I've got a good start. Each image linked to the matching blog post.
2024-10-08 #Sitting on the porch listening to a flock of birds in a nearby tree. I've not identified them visually but Merlin suggests Common Grackel or European Starling. They're having quite the conversation and and it is somehow very soothing.
2024-10-07 # A brief note of appeciation for Wikipedia. Such a gem. During a Facetime call with my folks this morning and I ended up down a rabbit hole about the history of race, relations, religion and language in the Middle East. In a very brief, lay-person sort of way of course. My poor parents. But Wikipedia got a donation out of the deal because I realized afterward that I needed to do a bit of follow-up reading and fact checking to confirm a few of the things I'd shared. After all these years I'm still amazed that a site like that came into existence and that it persists.
2024-10-07 A few thoughts on domain name-based identity being advocated by Jay Graber, Bluesky and others
2024-10-07 #Had an interesting five hour visit and conversation with a friend and fellow radical yesterday. One of the things discussed is our frustration with the lack of emphasis on, a commitment to, or even a notion of, daily citizenship. Trump succeeded in motivating half the country to anger and overt racism. But the other half of the country is still confined to the limited scope of electoral politics. That is a veneer of democracy, not the full depth and responsibility of meaningful democracy.
2024-10-07 # One year later and Gaza is now reduced to rubble. 41,000 dead (likely 100,000 when those buried under the rubble are included). 100,000+ wounded. Settler violence has increased in the West Bank as land theft has accelerated. Israel has expanded the war to Lebanon.War Crimes and genocide continue.
2024-10-03 Apple, Capitalism and 13 years under Tim Cook
2024-10-01 Daal and Naan: easy, simple home-cooked lunch
2024-09-30 The outlandish proclamations of the tech press
2024-09-29 # On a whim I started writing what I intended to be a quick response to Mark Gurman's comparison of Meta's Orion glasses to Apple's Vision Pro in his newsletter today. An hour later and I'm still writing, deleting, writing - something I may not even publish and don't care that much about. Stupid brain.
2024-09-29 Weaving the web but more like frogs visiting in a pond
2024-09-28 Want to help?
2024-09-25 Repairing rather than returning
2024-09-23 Pale Tiger Caterpillar
2024-09-23 Old man yelling at clouds
2024-09-22 Blue wax weed, Cuphea viscosissima
2024-09-18 Thoughts on single proprietor blog services and what if...
2024-09-18 Using devices as they were NOT intended
2024-09-17 RegEx and a stroll down memory lane
2024-09-14 20 years later
2024-09-12 Today's Mini-adventure in freelancing!
2024-09-12 Using the right tool for the job: Website coding, site management and blog posting from the iPad
2024-09-11 A break from my usual
2024-09-07 That time I resurfaced a gravel road by hand
2024-09-05 On doing things the "hard" way
2024-09-03 On canceling my Apple Music subscription
2024-09-03 Begin Again
2024-09-01 A blogging experiment that started with a bang of excitement but ends with a whimper
2024-09-01 Sunday morning health notes
2024-08-27 Covid finally got me
2024-08-25 A new process for exploring blogs
2024-08-25 We belong to our ecosystem
2024-08-24 Iced sumac tea
2024-08-24 A new process for exploring blogs
2024-08-23 Cardinal Flowers
2024-08-21 Pawpaw Harvest
2024-08-20 Will Biden supporters ever acknowledge his role in genocide?
2024-08-20 Morning porch time
2024-08-19 I have a large forehead.
2024-08-17 Saturday critter time
2024-08-15 A view of the countryside from my morning ride.
2024-08-14 Adding dark mode to my sites
2024-08-11 Free time blog exploration
2024-08-11 The challenge of the mundane
2024-08-08 Lucky observation of a pair of Yellow-billed Cuckoos
2024-08-07 Lichen
2024-08-06 Computer Chronicles on the Macintosh
2024-08-03 Cool morning conservation
2024-08-02 A quiet morning bike ride
The sense we have of ourselves as permanent beings is a delusion. Nothing is permanent.
The mistake we make, is that we see ourselves as the rocks and the ground underneath a river, rather then the water itself.
We are always in a state of change. We are changed by our senses and by our moment to moment interaction with the world around us.
It's when we create attachments, anchors to the self, it is then that suffering arises.
Accept change. Peace is found within the flow of the water.
2024-07-31 Individual action adds up to collective action
2024-07-27 Seeing this quote on social media recently, attributed to Hannah Arendt. Can’t find a source though. Ironic that it may not be an actual quote. 😂
"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.
A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.
And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."
Hannah Arendt
🔗 Lying in Politics: Hannah Arendt on Deception, Self-Deception and the Psychology of Defactualization
🔗 Disinformation and Democracy | Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities:
2024-07-25 A foggy morning sunrise
2024-07-19 Dancing in my tiny house to Footloose and various other cheesy hits from the 80s as one does on a Friday afternoon. Anything to avoid the existential dread that is now a part of daily life. And right on cue, the theme song to Ghostbusters pops up and seems appropriate to the moment.
2024-07-17 Flowers and little friends
"Life can be much broader, once you discover one simple fact, and that is that everything around you that you call 'life' was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use."
-Steve Jobs
"Your kind never sees us whole. You miss the half of it, and more. There's always as much belowground as above."
"That's the trouble with people, their root problem. Life runs alongside them, unseen. Right here, right next. Creating the soil. Cycling water. Trading in nutrients. Making weather. Building atmosphere. Feeding and curing and sheltering more kinds of creatures than people know how to count."
-Richard Powers, The Overstory
2024-07-11 Blackberries and friends
2024-07-09 Apple's marketing of the iPad as a general computing device
2024-07-02 Organizing and active citizenship
2024-07-01 Blackberry Lillies and Crab Spiders
2024-07-01 Tiny Life Journal - Waste Reduction
2024-06-30 The 2024 election is an opportunity for democracy
2024-06-29 Birdsong and Chicory
2024-06-28 Laundy day
2024-06-28 Birdsong and dewy grass
2024-06-28 The problem with American "democracy"
2024-06-28 The way forward in the US is not about a party or candidate or particular election, the way forward is about rediscovering democracy and redefining what democracy should be in America in 2024.
Democracy here is fundamentally broken at a systemic, foundational level and has been for many years.
2024-06-27 The middle class climate crisis
2024-06-27 Blackberry season has begun
2024-06-25 In a field of grass
2024-06-23 The Delight of the iPad
2024-06-22 Apple's LLM Training on the public internet
2024-06-21 Meadow grass and daisies
2024-06-20 Slime Mold!
2024-06-20 The sights and sounds of a morning walk
2023-06-17 Global perspective on income and climate
2024-06-13 Is Applebot a Problem?
2024-06-12 Mac Nerds: It's time for you to move on
2024-06-11 An interesting discussion of slavery in the movie Origin
2024-06-08 Caturday morning coziness with Rosie
2024-06-01 The myth of the over-powered iPad
2024-05-30 My Siri Confession
2024-05-27 The iPad is the touch first computer for the rest of us
2024-05-24 Collective delusions of humans in crisis
2024-05-23 Is Apple News a significant source of income for publishers?
2024-05-17 Concerning the state of iPadOS and a very tired Federico Viticci
2024-05-15 Federico's iPad confusion
2024-05-15 Life in the woods
2024-05-14 Tiny Fungi
2024-05-14 The perception of the iPad is stuck in a rut created by the Apple enthusiast community
2024-05-12 Apple’s iPad Pro Marketing Failure — They don’t even try
2024-05-10 Exploring how others use and view the iPad
2024-05-10 The Aurora in Missouri is looking spectacular.
2024-05-08 Why is Jason Snell so confused about the iPad use case?
2024-05-07 A few thoughts on Apple's "Let Loose" iPad event
2024-05-06 The next month of iPad punditry is going to be unbearable
2024-05-05 The iPad Pro is its own thing and should never be a Mac
2024-05-04 Flowers sparkling in raindrops
2024-05-03 Soft light and morning raindrops
2024-05-03 Speckled king snake
2024-05-02 Salt Marsh Caterpillar
2024-05-02 Cicada Hatch
2024-05-01 May Day 2024
2024-04-27 Writing and blogging from One Big Text File
2024-04-27 A brief exploration of alternative browsers on iPad
2024-04-18 Is text editing on the iPad a problem?
2024-04-17 Blogging from the OBTF
2024-04-17 A quick follow-up to my post earlier this morning about blogging from my OBTF. One issue I mentioned as a possible friction point was posts containing images. I solved it easily with a Shortcut that I’ll use for every post regardless of whether they contain images. It’s a simple Shortcut that shares the text as an individual file in Obsidian. This allows for the same, easy posting from iA Writer when I’ve got images in a post. I’ll go ahead and do this for every post as it will continue adding those individual files to the blog posts folder in Obsidian. If I decide in the future not to blog from OBTF all of my posts are still intact as individual files. I’ve also set the Shortcut to copy the post text and open a new post on the Micro.blog website. If you’re an Apple user and you’re not using Shortcuts you’re missing out!
2024-04-17 It was 85°F here yesterday (mid-Missouri). Forecast to be 83° today and 82° tomorrow. According to the Apple weather app this is 13° above average. Summer is going to be fun. 🥵
2024-04-14 A few spring 2024 iPad thoughts
2024-04-13 How do you define self?
2024-04-08 Clear skies for the 2024 Solar eclipse: totality
2024-03-31 I’ve seen it suggested that American billionaires should now be referred to as oligarchs. By the same logic, we should also now refer to the Republicans as Fascists, and the Republican Party as the Fascist Party. Call them what they are. Fascists.
2024-03-29 US History: We need to acknowledge the violence of white settler colonialism and slavery
2024-03-28 Rue Anemone on the trail today
2024-03-27 Pondering white supremacy in US society
2024-03-15 A review/check-in after 19 months of hosting on Micro.blog
2024-03-12 20 albums that stuck
2024-03-12 Plum tree bees
2024-03-11 Busy Bees
2024-03-10 A male relative today made a sexist, stupid comment, not for the first time. My reply, not for the first time: Your sexism isn’t funny and it’s never acceptable. Stop. I know that he won’t stop. I get the same from most of the other males in the family. Patriarchy has deep roots in our culture and in individual behavior patterns.
2024-03-06 My always evolving iPad set-up (and speculations on the iPad's future)
2024-02-29 A deeply broken country
2024-02-19 The Apple pundit club strikes again
2024-02-18 The iPad Pro, Mac and Vision Pro can all co-exist
2024-02-14 Apple getting weird?
2024-02-11 An easy hack for an ever present clipboard history for iPad!
2024-02-06 Reckoning with a storm
2024-02-05 Gaza Death Toll Perspective
2024-02-05 The ICJ ruling of plausible genocide
2024-02-01 Solidarity
2024-01-29 Happy Moss and Lichen
2024-01-26 Techbros are silent on the genocide
2024-01-25 Further explorations of Octavia Butler
2024-01-24 Hey Macintosh, happy 40th!
2024-01-21 Afrofuturism
2024-01-16 Thoughts on Octavia Butler's Parable series
2024-01-11 Lichen this take-over
2024-01-08 Four furballs on a futon
2024-01-07 What's a professional?
2024-01-04 iPad Case Study: Warner Crocker
2024-01-03 2023 Year in Review
2023-12-31 Feeding 8 billion humans in a climate crisis
2023-12-31 Parable of the Sower
2023-12-28 GoodLinks for "read it later?"
2023-12-26 As the world celebrates the holidays Gaza burns
2023-12-24 Gall Wasp
2023-12-23 Caturday iPad Set-up
2023-12-23 Wasp gall and lichen
2023-12-22 Thoughts Micro.blog and it’s place in the fediverse
2023-12-21 Apple’s machine learning feels like magic
2023-12-18 Unexpected App surprises of 2023
2023-12-17 Silent Sunday
2023-12-17 Waffles
2023-12-14 A Mac shaped elephant in the room
2023-12-12 Subbing in a 15" monitor as a primary display
2023-12-09 A Day in the Life of Working with an iPad
2023-12-09 Apple Pundit Dick Moves
2023-12-05 When the past meets the future
2023-12-03 Mosses
2023-12-02 Fungi
2023-12-01 Trail Fungi and Lichen
2023-11-29 Experiments with iPad Set-ups
2023-11-26 Fuzzy White Cutie
2023-11-26 Obsidian and Interstitial Journaling
2023-11-25 America as a failed democracy
2023-11-24 Fall gold
2023-11-22 The precipice of authoritarianism: How and why did the US get to this?
2023-11-18 The soothing balm of minimalism
2023-11-18 Trametes Fungi
2023-11-15 Trying Obsidian... Again
2023-11-13-2 The silence on genocide is deafening
2023-11-13 Burning Bushes
2023-11-12 The Apple update cycle
2023-11-09 My second purchase of gasoline in 2023
2023-11-08 New keyboard day
2023-11-07 Building on-the-ground community democracy
2023-11-07 This is our genocide too
2023-11-02 Defining Genocide
2023-11-02 #Solidarity
2023-10-30 Apple's confused Mac line-up
2023-10-28 These woods are home
2023-10-26 My three furry friends hanging out on the porch today
2023-10-25 The iPad: Modularity and flexibility
2023-10-25 From Saturday's morning trail ride
2023-10-25 Morning walk with a bit of side-eye
2023-10-19 The Mac lineup is so confusing!
2023-10-18 Using Freeform to process and note what I'm reading on the web
2023-10-06 Freeform Social Experiment
2023-10-05 Permacomputing and tech waste
2023-09-29 Apple's Freeform as Social Media Collaboration Space
2023-09-24 Experimental iPad Configurations
2023-09-23 Lots of wheel barrel action
2023-09-20 Pages and Publisher on the iPad Compared Pt 2
2023-09-17 Pages and Affinity Publisher on the iPad Compared Part 1
2023-09-17 Upcoming post preview: Comparing Apple Pages and Affinity Publisher
2023-09-16 iPad Stories Follow up
2023-09-12 Copperhead
2023-09-11 Some recent iPad Stories
2023-09-04 Gravel road work
2023-08-31 iPad goal posts and hand wavy things
2023-08-29 Stage Manager: One person's "wrong" does not apply to all
2023-08-26 The iPad Failing Again: Summer 2023 Edition
2023-08-25 Mouse test
2023-08-25 Full citizen participation is needed to solve the climate crisis
2023-08-23 The Mythic I Computer
2023-08-20 My take on a personal climate impact assessment and plan
2023-08-19 Greta
2023-08-19 Tiny Witch's Hat Fungi
2023-08-18 Gravel road work
2023-08-16 Multitasking and Windowing on the iPad Pro
2023-08-13 A return to the iPad Mini
2023-08-10 Personal responsibility and action during two crises: Covid and Climate
2023-08-10 Maui Burning
2023-08-07 Don't Let Them Bury My Story
2023-08-07 Campanula americana, American bellflower
2023-08-05 Adventures in RSS apps
2023-08-05 Love Notes to Newton
2023-08-04 A pillow stand?
2023-08-03 Splitgill mushrooms
2023-08-02 Secret Pawpaws
2023-07-31 Oh, this cute boy wants attention
2023-07-30 My difficulty relating to my fellow humans
2023-07-29 A new favorite Apple Nerd
2023-07-29 Carbon and perpetual growth
2023-07-27 Towhee songs
2023-07-26 The wealthiest 10% caught in the Greece wildfires they caused
2023-07-23 What one person can do
2023-07-23 Shortcuts for quick text templating
2023-07-21 Perspective
2023-07-21 Stage Manager App Expose on iPad
2023-07-19 Blackberry oatmeal
2023-07-19 The New Siri improvements
2023-07-18 The personal accounting of the top 10%
2023-07-17 Capitalism is not compatible with solving the climate crisis
2023-07-17 Country road sunrise
2023-07-16 Hazy Sunrise
2023-07-15 Reframing our dependence on the condensed energy of fossil fuels
2023-07-14 Moving Safari tabs into tab groups
2023-07-14 Photos from the archive
2023-07-13 Waste Reduction
2023-07-12 iPadOS 17: Improved file content indexing
2023-07-10 Easy low-tech, low cost climate solutions
2023-07-09 Sunday morning reflection on our moment in the cosmos
2023-07-08 Apple's Weather App
2023-07-07 Yes, the iPad can be used for SOME coding
2023-07-06 On having and "loving" children in a climate emergency
2023-07-04 Morning walk, birdsong and a meadow
2023-07-03 A check-in with Siri and Apple's Machine Learning
2023-07-02 Button bush and friends
2023-06-19 A few thoughts on WWDC23, the Vision Pro and iPadOS 17
2023-06-18 Purple Coneflower Buffet
2023-06-17 Some global perspective on income and climate
2023-06-02 Trail photos!
2023-05-31 Carl Sagan's 1987 testimony to Congress on climate change
2023-5-31 iPad Workflow: Using Shortcuts to process an image for the web:
2023-05-29 An iPad Pro Revival
2023-05-26 A few recent photos taken around the cabin and on the trail.
2023-05-17 Apple pundit clickbait
2023-05-17 Why are Mac users so unhappy with their Macs?
2023-05-16 Today's fat bike trail ride
2023-05-15 A few thoughts on FCP/Logic on iPad...
2023-05-12 Morning walk, trail ride and friend visit
2023-05-11 Ants and bees
2023-05-10 The beauty of early spring!
2023-05-06 Spring trail ride
2023-05-05 Mayapple Trail
2023-05-03 Mayapples and wild comfry
2023-04-30 The Gini Coefficient
2023-04-30 Larkspur
2023-04-28 Hmmmm. Day two with Day One
2023-04-28 Apple Notes for Journaling and Blogging?
2023-04-27 Mulching the blackberry bed
2023-04-27 I took the dogs out and was greeted by the spring peepers singing off in the distance. Closer to the cabin a whippoorwill calling. I do love the simple life in the woods.
2023-04-25 Spring birds!
2023-04-22 Spring Creek Ride
2023-04-22 Orange slime mold!
2023-04-21 Wildflower trail ride
2023-04-20 Spring Bluebird!
2023-04-18 Spring
2023-04-16 Early spring trail ride
2023-04-18 Stable Diffusion
2023-04-11 Reducing plastic packaging
2023-04-09 Redbud flowers
2023-04-08 Furballs
2023-04-08 Moft Snap Case and Snap Float Stand Review
2023-04-06 Reducing plastic waste - laundry detergent
2023-03-07 Easy scanning and OCR with Notes and Files with an iPad
2023-03-02 20 years of blogging
2023-02-27 A simple but effective iPad photography workflow
2023-02-25 Cyanocitta cristata, Blue Jay
2023-02-24 Three Lichens, posted together for easier comparison.
2023-02-23 The iPad works better if you learn how to use it
2023-02-22 Fun multitouch gestures on the iPad
2023-02-20 Fan club moss
2023-02-18 Late winter ride
2023-02-17 Easy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
2023-02-16 Lichen
2023-02-16 Exploring the Files App on iPadOS 16
2023-02-14 Cladonia, Pixie Cup Lichen
2023-02-12 Punctelia bolliana, Eastern speckled shield lichen
2023-02-07 The iPad, Apple pundits and reality
2023-02-04 Oh Rosie!
2023-02-02 Some iPad users really should just use a Mac
2023-02-01 Working with cats Part 2
2023-02-01 Cats are not compatible with working from home
2023-01-31 Winter blue jay
2023-01-30 Winter songbirds
2023-01-27 Snowy trail ride
2023-01-26 Snow Birds!
2023-01-25 Heavy snow!
2023-01-24 Eastern Towhee
2023-01-23 Whatever happened to the Apple oriented news media
2023-01-20 The Clickety Clack Magic Keyboard
2023-01-16 HashPhotos Review
2023-01-08 Celebrating 20 Years of Apple’s Safari and Keynote
2022-12-30 192 Square Feet: Part 3
2022-12-21 Weeping to the Cosmos
2022-12-19 Cup Lichen
2022-12-04 Ranking climate emitters
2022-11-26 American Winterberry
2022-11-20 Reduced emissions during Covid were a good start
2022-11-19 Lawfare podcast comparison of centralized and decentralized social media
2022-11-18 Rosie the lap cat
2022-11-17 Curry pumpkin coconut veggie soup!
2022-11-16 Afinity 2.0 Mini review
2022-11-12 Unexpected surprise
2022-11-10 Petunia
2022-11-08 Amanita muscaria
2022-11-06 Parosol Mushroom
2022-10-18 Volunteer Pumpkins
2022-08-04 Stage Manager
2022-03-25 Universal Control
2022-03-14 M1 Mac Mini and iPad Pro Set-up
2022-02-25 Modular Computing and the Mac I Want
2022-02-22 Extreme living
2022-02-06 Why I quit the Mac (Mostly)
2020-12-24 Gravity Bullseye Monster Long-term review
2020-12-21 2020 - My return to peddling
2020-12-14 Fat bike fitting: fixing a wide stance
2020-12-05 Gravel bike tires compared- WTB Nanos and Hutchinson Touaregs
2020-11-21 Comparing the fit and trail riding experience on the gravel and fat bikes
2020-11-08 Adventure Bike Wheel Sizes- 650b or 700c?
2020-11-02 2020: Ugly and Uglier
2020-09-13 Exploring on two wheels
2020-09-08 Poseidon X Review Follow-up
2020-08-24 Going Slow
2020-08-04 Poseidon X Review
2020-07-31 1,000
2020-07-14 Bike and Trail Updates
2020-07-10 4am
2020-07-06 Apparently my life now revolves around bikes
2020-06-21 A month of trail riding
2020-05-28 Ride, ride, ride
2020-05-16 Road Ride
2020-05-10 In the woods
2020-05-09 Riding the trails
2020-04-27 Gravity Bullseye Monster Fat Bike Initial Impressions
2020-04-17 Trail Building Fun
2020-04-11 Chunky gravel and punctured tube
2020-04-05 Outside for the season
2020-04-05 iPad and a Magic Trackpad 2
2020-03-31 iPad Journal: A Decade of iPad
2020-03-18 Some GoPro fun
2020-03-12 Back Country
2020-03-11 Busy on two wheels!
2020-03-09 Peddling Fool
2020-02-28 Rover Rides and more on Local Cycling Project
2020-02-20 Roving with the Rad Rover
2020-02-16 Ride Updates!
2020-02-12 Rad Rover First Impressions Mini Review
2020-02-06 Spokes and Folks
2020-02-06 Ride Updates
2020-01-25 Cycling Project Update
2020-01-25 400
2020-01-17 Next Stop, 400 Miles!
2020-01-17 Fredericktown Cycling Project
2020-01-15 One Hour Adventure
2020-01-12 240 miles
2020-01-12 20x4 Fat Tires
2020-01-10 Madison County Cycling Proposal
2020-01-05 1 Point 5
2020-01-05 14 Days of E-Bike Fun
2016-08-04 192 Square Feet: Part 2
2016-07-21 192 Square Feet: Part 1
2016-01-05 Discovery 12.5 Dobsonian: Initial Thoughts
2015-09-05 Space Exploration Themed Posters Part Two
2015-06-25 Pigweed!
2015-06-17 Video: Swale Update
2015-06-08 Permaculture Poster Design (and Affinity Designer First Impression)
2015-06-05 Ducks, the universe and turning 46
2015-06-03 The U.S. Political System is BROKEN
2015-05-04 Permaculture Progress
2015-04-19 Permaculture at Make-it-Do
2015-03-30 Busy Spring!
2015-03-04 Recycled Wood Shelving
2015-03-04 Staying Warm
2015-02-20 A Sentient Being
2015-02-16 Idealism, Diplomacy, and the Pale, Blue Dot
2015-02-12 Illustration: Common Components of Vaccines
2015-02-12 It Could Happen
2015-02-11 Apple and the environment
2015-02-10 Rough Guide to Spotting Bad Science
2013-02-06 Weeping to the cosmos
2009-01-26 Winter Business
2009-01-18 An animal walking in the woods
2009-01-18 Time stands still
2009-01-09 Want hands on experience with ecological gardening and permaculture?
2009-01-02 Climate change and the need for drastic action
2008-12-24 Coming together
2008-12-24 The right way to burn wood
2008-12-17 This small town
2008-12-12 Quiet days
2008-11-21 Understanding the Greater Depression
2008-11-17 Climate change, global depression and consumption
2008-11-11 Homesteading Self-reliance
2008-11-06 Living with a wood burning stove
2008-10-08 Forest Garden Update
2008-10-05 Autumn Olive Update
2008-09-29 Peeling the Onion: What’s Behind the Financial Mess?
2008-09-06 Autumn Olive!!
2008-06-30 Five gallons of water
2008-06-27 Our Missouri Permaculture Project
2008-02-21 An Aperture 2.0 mini review and my confirmed switch to Lightroom
2008-02-07 Switching from Aperture to Lightroom?
2007-12-23 .Mac and iWeb
2007-12-18 Growing Native
2007-12-14 Burden
2007-11-26 Fall Light
2007-11-15 Bento
2007-11-05 Leopard: Quick Look and Finder's Cover Flow
2007-11-03 A Flower
2007-10-10 Summer Ends
2007-10-08 An eco-friendly way of dealing with fall leaves
2007-10-05 New England Aster
2007-10-04 Gray Tree Frog
2007-09-27 Hey Buddy
2007-09-16 Chickory
2007-09-16 This is funny
2007-09-15 Yellow Wood-Sorrel
2007-09-10 Melting ice cap triggering earthquakes in Greenland
2007-09-08 An ice-free Arctic in just 23 years?
2007-09-04 Saddleback Buddies
2007-08-04 From iPhoto to Aperture: Saving Space
2007-05-27 Dictatorship Directives NSPD 51 and HSPD-20
2007-06-19 On giving up
2007-05-24 Bush Issues Directives Giving Bush Complete Power: NSPD 51 and HSPD-20
2007-05-21 Al Gore's climate change hypocrisy
2007-04-28 Cutting grass without gas
2007-04-23 Of bees and flowers
2007-04-15 Where Have the Honey Bees Gone?
2007-04-12 Climate Change Round-up
2007-04-11 Gray Tree Frog
2007-04-09 John McCain's Iraq Delusions
2007-4-09 Fly Away
2007-04-03 Climate Change Roundup
2007-03-22 Bloodroot
2007-03-21 Sea Level Rise Could Accelerate
2007-03-21 Arctic could have iceless summers by 2100
2007-03-20 One day a tomato
2007-03-14 Northern Spring Peeper
2007-03-13 The fish are dying
2007-03-13 Honeybees Vanishing
2007-03-13 Tree Bud
2007-02-26 Winter Sunset
2007-02-12 Climate change and the meat industry
2007-02-12 Recreating society for the new tomorrow
2007-02-02 Revisiting iWeb
2006-07-07 Where have all the butterflies gone?
2005-10-17 Apple Problems and AppleCare Problems
2005-08-09 Social Networking for the Uber Geek: O'Reilly Connection
2005-08-09 DTV: Internet TV via RSS
2005-06-08 Tagbag! - Dashboard widget utilizes Spotlight for GTD
2005-06-06 They did it-Apple is moving to Intel!
2005-05-28 Automator Action: Scale and Send via Bluetooth
2004-12-29 RealClimate: Blogging by climate scientists
2004-12-29 Is This What Democracy Looks Like?
2004-12-28 Self-determination
2004-12-27 Will Kerry Unconcede?
2004-12-27 Grass now established in warmer Antarctic
2004-12-27 Bush ordered torture in Iraq
2004-12-23 Ohio and the crumbling facade of democracy
2004-12-22 Blogs: do we learn from disagreement?
2004-12-22 Getting to know Direct Action
2004-12-22 Americans are killing their Christ
2004-12-21 German solar energy development shows the way
2004-12-20 Oil and Empire
2004-12-18 American Jesus
2004-12-18 Thousands of U.S. troops have deserted since invasion of Iraq
2004-12-16 Pentagon nervous about Germany’s war crimes case against Rumsfeld
2004-12-15 Public life and public space: Europe and the U.S.
2004-12-14 Ohio Recount: Blackwell Locks Out Recount Volunteers
2004-12-14 What is before us?
2004-11-16 Fuzzy Falluja Math
2004-11-16 Civillian deaths in Fallujah
2004-11-15 One of these things: Falluja, Ping Pong, Macs
2004-11-13 There is a secret world concealed within this one…
2004-11-12 War Corporatism and the New American Century
2004-11-11 If it’s not sexy: Freedom Journal
2004-11-11 Firefox Goodness
2004-11-09 Delicious Library, Quicksilver, Sorry Americans, and Polar Bears
2004-11-09 A human that is me: manifesto version .1
2004-11-08 The Arctic is warming at twice the global rate
2004-11-07 Black Box Voting Fraud
2004-11-06 Film Strip: Bush is an asshole… it’s educational… really!
2004-11-05 Post-election ramble
2004-11-04 George Bush loves Jesus
2004-11-04 100,000 Iraqi civilian casualties follow-up
2004-11-04 Tell us what you really think
2004-11-02 Terrorism and the illusion of democracy in the U.S.
2004-11-01 Freedom Journal - The podcast
2004-10-31 Freedom Journal is up
2004-10-30 Freedom Journal
2004-10-29 George Bush: International Terrorist and Lying Scumbag
2004-10-29 Everyday citizenship
2004-10-29 U.S. may have killed 100,000 in war
2004-10-27 Confounded by Christians
2004-10-26 Tuesday Randomness: Jon Stewart on C-Span, Cards vs Sox and more!
2004-10-25 Anarchism, part 3
2004-10-23 Cardinals vs the Sox
2004-10-23 Anarchism and Liberalism
2004-10-22 Anarchism, part 2
2004-10-09 The internets
2004-10-08 It must be said
2004-10-06 George, the voices in your ear are not divine
2004-10-03 Iraq's destruction based on aluminum tube lies
2004-10-01 Russia approves Kyoto, U.S. alone
2004-09-30 Why, Why, Why would anyone vote for George Bush?
2004-09-27 Global Oil Production
2004-09-26 Iraq out of control
2004-09-25 It's a snake eat frog world
2004-09-22 I'm ready for the fall
2004-09-22 The New Threat: Cat Stevens
2004-09-22 Anarchoblogs
2004-09-18 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
2004-09-16 Capsula Mundi, the biodegradable coffin
2004-09-14 What is real? (Iraq is just great. Really.)
2004-09-14 A little Jokey Joke on my friends at the MeDiA Co-op
2004-09-13 Bill Maher on the stupidity of treating symptoms
2004-09-04 MeDiA Co-op: Digital Film Fest
2004-09-02 From Republic to Empire, Give in to your hate, RNC Protest Photo
2004-08-30 Protesting the RNC Convention 2004
2004-08-29 Who's the terrorist?, Iraq News
2004-08-28 RNC roundup, Global Oil Reserves January 2002
2004-08-05 Lucky the Goldfish
2004-08-04 The Loss of Citizenship
2004-08-02 Changes
2004-07-31 Real Time with Bill Maher
2004-07-29 9-11 Commission Report
2004-07-28 Our decentralized future
2004-07-27 Repeat after me
2004-07-26 Mac App: Voodoo Pad
2004-07-25 The Boston Revolution? I don't think so
2004-07-25 Previously "Lost" Bush Nationl Guard Documents Found
2004-07-24 Torture of chickens
2004-07-24 Frogs
2004-07-24 Eye to eye with a dragonfly
2004-07-24 Why are humans cruel?
2004-07-23 George Bush does the perp walk
2004-07-22 Bush lied about mass graves in Iraq
2004-07-21 Bush's plan for perpetual war
2004-07-19 Imagine the sand is water
2004-07-19 Weekend Project - MeDiA Co-op Website
2004-07-18 George Bush: Son of God?
2004-07-17 This Land is Your Land starring Bush and Kerry
2004-07-16 Yet another prison abuse scandal: secret detention facilities
2004-07-15 US government has videotapes of children being sodomized at Abu Ghraib
2004-07-15 Condi Rice lying about the election delay dud
2004-07-14 Switch to Firefox
2004-07-14 George The War Criminal Bush
2004-07-13 Iraq Security to be headed up by private thugs
2004-07-12 Priming the public for a Delayed Election Day
2004-06-09 Airport Express rocks the house
2004-05-30 Missouri Countryside
2004-05-30 Visiting the Florida Coast
2004-05-24 At the ocean
2004-05-17 Don't Just Vote... No More Presidents
2004-05-13 Irregular Times
2004-05-13 The American Lawn
2004-05-02 A tent and.... stuff
2004-04-07 Small garden pond for habitat
2004-04-04 Fallujah, Iraq
2004-04-03 LaunchBar 4 - New and Improved
2004-03-31 Digital Garden
2004-03-30 January 03 Anti-War Demonstration
2004-03-28 Turning the Tide
2004-03-28 Ya gotta see this
2004-03-26 Military Government?
2004-03-26 Not so funny Georgie
2004-03-19 Perhaps Spain should be our next invasion?
2004-03-19 Donald Rumsfeld caught in the act
2004-03-19 Spain's rejection of the Iraq War
2004-03-19 Iraq on the Record
2004-03-16 Mac OS X 10.3.3 Update- networking finally fixed??
2004-03-14 Tip for Burning in iDVD to External DVD Burners
2004-03-13 The beginning of a life
2004-03-07 Mac OS X 10.3 Speech Recognition
2004-03-06 Need a database? Try FileMaker Pro
2004-02-28 Ralph Nader
2004-02-25 What am I doing?
2004-02-15 The war criminals on the defensive
2004-01-31 Apple’s iBook Logic Board Repair Program
2004-01-29 Airport Extreme and Linksys Wireless problems
2004-01-27 U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq: graphed
2004-01-25 The missing WMD
2004-01-24 Direct threats require ‘decisive action’
2004-01-24 What is CBS afraid of?
2004-01-19 A brown bird and memories
2004-01-18 Intellectual property and trade
2004-01-17 Apple iBook and PowerBook Problems
2004-01-15 George Bush’s space plans
2004-01-15 Top Ten Reasons George W. Bush Wants To Put A Man On Mars
2004-01-14 Panther Bugs!!!
2004-01-11 Home?
2004-01-08 Posting to a Moblog from Cingular MMS?
2004-01-07 The iPod mini and other Apple News
2004-01-06 No longer a volunteer military?
2004-01-05 Welcome to the U.S.
2004-01-04 It is the world around you
2004-01-04 Hollywood stars need more money
2003-12-30 $87 billion…
2003-12-24 An idea
2003-12-22 Mac DHCP “vulnerability”
2003-12-22 Take No Prisoners
2003-12-19 You know you are a geek if you get this…
2003-12-17 Our Frankenstein
2003-12-17 The Return of the King
2003-12-15 A bodysuit of horns
2003-12-14 Unelectable?
2003-12-13 Media Manipulation
2003-12-13 Moblog!
2003-12-12 Chaos Manor: an excellent blog
2003-12-11 Are you an unwitting Spammer?
2003-12-11 Anti-spam legislation may prove to be ineffective
2003-12-09 The Two Towers Extended DVD
2003-12-06 Heating with wood
2003-12-05 A very funny but accurate Googlism
2003-12-04 LaunchBar Rocks the House
2003-12-01 The EMBRIO: super Segway?
2003-11-29 Final Cut Pro 4 - A short review
2003-11-29 Screw you, I’ve got some shopping to do…
2003-11-28 Melting Glaciers
2003-11-27 Bush is a stand-up guy after all!
2003-11-26 9/11 : Interesting Connections
2003-11-25 iPod’s Dirty Secret
2003-11-25 Bushwacked 2
2003-11-24 Dixie Chicks' take on lies and the war in Iraq
2003-11-23 The FBI is watching
2003-11-22 Military Government in U.S.
2003-11-22 SubEthaEdit
2003-11-21 George and Tony
2003-11-20 Instanbul bombing
2003-11-20 FTAA IMC
2003-11-20 Why destroy homes in Iraq?
2003-11-19 What to do?
2003-11-19 Bill Joy interview at Wired
2003-11-18 Something about the weather
2003-11-17 Calling all Mac GUI freaks
2003-11-16 THE MEATRIX
2003-11-15 Windows XP, Longhorn, and OS X
2003-11-15 PNG and GIF
2003-11-14 Bush in UK
2003-11-12 Interviewing the Patriot Act
2003-11-11 A Directory of Wi-Fi Hotspots
2003-11-11 Veteran’s day
2003-11-09 We’re not innocent
2003-11-09 iPod problems
2003-11-06 Is the draft coming back?
2003-11-04 OS X 10.3 Has Built-in File Defragmentation
2003-11-03 They Hate Freedom
2003-11-02 Redesigning
2003-10-31 Network browsing in Panther
2003-10-30 Mozilla Firebird
2003-10-29 I couldn’t help myself
2003-10-26 Michael Moore on Troop Haters
2003-10-26 Search text of books at Amazon
2003-10-26 Melting the Arctic
2003-10-23 Leaves falling
2003-10-22 The new iBook G4
2003-10-21 Panther today or Longhorn in 2006?
2003-10-19 Here today, gone tomorrow
2003-10-18 Accomplish or experience?
2003-10-18 Webcam fun
2003-10-15 Fall
2003-10-15 Kill Bill
2003-10-13 Windows printer sharing via Panther
2003-10-12 Finger report
2003-10-11 Bush Defending the Iraq “War”
2003-10-09 Panther networking
2003-10-09 My documentary at Indie Memphis
2003-10-08 Kinda spooky
2003-10-08 Panther Part 2
2003-10-07 Zombo
2003-10-06 Panther
2003-10-05 Ouch
2003-10-01 Good times
2003-09-28 Goodbye ocean... for now
2003-09-27 Being human
2003-09-26 Dolphin Report
2003-09-25 Sunset
2003-09-25 There's something very wrong here
2003-09-24 Just a fish
2003-09-23 Dolphins: Part Two
2003-09-22 Life outside
2003-09-14 Bush pushes for revolution
2003-09-02 Not getting it
2003-09-02 Dolphins
2003-08-31 Labor Day
2003-08-29 False intelligence
2003-08-27 Dying in Iraq
2003-08-26 The Occupation
2003-08-24 Class, Race, and Community
2003-08-22 Cooperation
2003-08-17 Macs can do it... Really!
2003-08-16 Soldiers left in filth, heat, garbage?
2003-08-16 Why Windows or Linux when there is Mac?
2003-08-13 Speak out but be prepared to suffer
2003-08-12 Free so long as we agree?
2003-08-12 Crisis of Insecurity
2003-08-11 U.S. Income Astronomy
2003-08-11 Killing the truth
2003-08-11 Community and Democracy
2003-08-10 August 10, 2003
2003-08-09 Community Technology or How Do We Grow Our Tomatoes?
2003-08-09 First moblog!
2003-08-07 Ballot tampering in the next election?
2003-08-07 To TypePad, or not to TypePad
2003-08-06 Pixels and Paper
2003-08-04 Executive Order 13303
2003-08-02 New client site design: Simply Shutters