
Dixie Chicks' take on lies and the war in Iraq

The Dixie Chicks haven’t backed down:

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) – Dixie Chicks singer Natalie Maines, whose criticism of President Bush last spring led to boycotts of the group’s music, still has a lot to say about the war in Iraq.

“I think people were misled and I think people are fighting a war that they didn’t know they were going to be fighting,” Maines said Friday on NBC’s “Today” show. “And I think they were misled by people who should have been asking questions and weren’t.”

I disagree that the people who did the misleading were not informed. They lied and they did it deliberately. It’s not a question of whether they were informed. They wanted the war and did their best to convince people using information that they new was false. They knew what they were doing.

I’m glad to see the Chicks are still raising the issue when most artists and entertainers are not.