A quiet morning bike ride

Tiny Life Journal - Out on my morning bike ride and I’m thinking that there’s nothing better in the world than a slow bike ride on a quiet country road. It’s an old paved road, nearly flat with just a few gentle hills that curves several times through a mix of landscapes.

To my right a hayfield mowed just yesterday fills the air with it’s delicious, wholesome scent. The hay is still laying on the ground and in a week or less it’ll be bailed up. On my left there’s a woodland with its own scents and sounds. A mix of hickory, oak, cedar, walnut, and I’d guess quite a few other species in there. The road edges are a mix of shrubs and trees like paw paw and sumac with wildflowers like bee balm and blue lobelia mixed in. In the next half mile the road moves through a more open terrain of fields with cows on one side and a couple of horses on the other. Indigo buntings frequent the wire fencing along the road.

The return trip has me back on a mile-long shared gravel driveway. The neighbor is sitting outside and I stop for a chat.