Linux Utilities: Autokey, Diodon and Ulauncher
Upon switching to Linux I noticed there were three things missing that I was missing from the iPad: Text expansion, Clipboard history and Spotlight search. The iPad does not actually have a clipboard history but I was using a third party app for that function. These are the three I'm using on Linux.
Autokey is an easy to configure app for text expansions on Linux. In the Apple ecosystem these were built into Keyboard settings. On Linux Autokey offers this. I installed from the Linux Mint Software manager and upon starting the app it presents as a new item in the Panel. Getting started was as simple as opening the main window from the Panel then using the provided examples as templates. Great time saver!
Diodon is a clipboard manager that is accessible via the panel. Tapping previously copied text will insert it at the cursor into the current document. I installed this through the built in Software Manager.
Ulauncher is a Spotlight type launcher. Coming from the Mac and iPad I was missing this on Linux. It's not in the Software Manager so I downloaded the .deb file from the uLauncher website. Upon first run it informed me that it was using the hot key activation Ctrl+Spacebar. Like Spotlight on Apple's devices Ulauncher can be used to open apps, browse files, perform quick math calculations. It's also possible to download extensions but I've not explored that and may not. The basic functionality is what I wanted and I've got it. It's glorious.
I don't have comments but I love email or you can find me on Mastodon.