
Using devices as they were NOT intended

Reading a few blogs and having morning coffee I thought I’d post a photo of my current iPad set-up because it illustrates something I’ve noticed I do a lot which is use things in ways they were not designed to be used. This is most notable in the many ways I experiment with different iPad arrangements. Today has two accessories being used in ways not intended.

An iPad sitting on a lap desk cushion side up. To right of iPad is a flat gray board with a Magic Mouse. I thin foldable keyboard sits in front of iPad.

First, the lap desk upside down, cushion up. Why? I usually have a pillow in my lap to get a bit more height so the cushion isn’t necessary and the hard desk surface is slippery. When I move around things sometimes slide unless they have a grippy rubber contact point. The cushion is not slippery and, bonus, it’s soft so my wrists have a soft wresting point.

Second, I’m using the Logitech Combo Touch Keyboard. Sometimes I actually use the detatchable keyboard/trackpad. Today I’ve got that to the side flipped upside down as it provides the perfect surface for using a mouse. It’s not nearly as slippery as the lap desk would be if used on the correct side and it extends off the lap desk just a wee bit making the desk feel a bit bigger than it is. I can use this setup for awhile and if I’ve got hours of work and want to change things up for comfort I have the option to pop the keyboard on and use that.

Keyboard in photo is the foldable iClever BK06. Thin and light, it folds in the middle with a split layout that takes a bit of getting used to but after an afternoon it felt pretty good. Each side is angled outward a bit which aligns better with the positioning of arms and hands placed in front of a person. After I got used to the change that positioning felt more natural thanks to the angle. No backlight and using the top row of function keys requires use of the fn key. That aside I really like it.

Side note, I'm going to write a mini-review of the Magic Mouse in a separate post. Mini-mini review: I love using it with the iPad and it might be my favorite mouse ever. I wish hadn’t paid attention to all the reviews that said the ergonomics are bad. More later.

Second side note, there’s a little bug to the right of the mouse in the first photo above. I’ve been seeing them a lot lately on my porch. It’s a young Lady Bug, (genus Harmonia). Not at all recognizable as a Lady Bug! Very unfriendly looking when viewed up close.

A six legged spiny black insect with pale pink markings on its back with a bit of fuzz and hair stuck to its back

I noticed this one was moving strangely and looked closer to see its spiny little back had globbed onto a bit of cat and/or dog hair which was severely messing with its mobility. I gave the hair a tug and it pulled the whole bug along. I put my finger down to sort of brace the little critter and gently tried again and success. Critter was now free of fuzz and moving normally. Yay!