
iPod problems

I’m having issues with yet another iPod. Why don’t I start from iPod numero uno. First generation, 5GB. Worked fine for awhile but had to be exchanged after 11 months because the battery stopped charging properly. Got the replacement and sold it to a friend and purchased a 10 gig 2nd generation. I had to return that one after a month because the buttons were not working.

That brings us to the current iPod which I’ve had for maybe 5 months. It works and I seem to get 6–7 hours of battery time out of a full charge. The problem is the battery charge indicator. I’ve followed the recommended charging process. I’ve let the battery drain to empty and then charged it over night. Still, the charge indicator rarely goes above 50%.

It’s not the end of the world. It does work. I’m not sure if I’ll exchange it or not. I have to wonder though, are other people having as many problems with the iPod as I am?