
Previously "Lost" Bush Nationl Guard Documents Found

Over/Spun notes that not only have the missing documents been found, but also they indicate Bush is a deserter:

Bush's previously released National Guard records showed that there was an unexplained five month gap. Today we get a document dump (as usual, on Friday evening- hoping to miss the evening news and praying that this whole nightmare will blow over by Monday) with more records indicating that indeed he didn't show up.

So the White House spin I've been hearing so far is along the lines of, "There's nothing new here. Previous documents already showed that. He was honorably discharged."

Okay- there is something new here- previously the gap in service was blamed on incomplete documentation. The new documents just show that the gap in service was a gap in service.

Bush didn't show up for at least five months. Not showing up for more than 30 days is called desertion.

Can we put this guy in jail? Please.