
Macs can do it... Really!

Over at the Houston Chronicle, Bob Levitus writes:

While we Mac users know we don't catch Windows worms and viruses, and that there's an excellent Mac OS X version of Microsoft Office, many Windows users apparently don't.

One thing I've discovered in the past few years is that most users of the Windows platform did not choose it but accepted it as the default. Most of these folks also know next to nothing about Mac OSX or the software that is available for it. They usually have to be told two or three times that there is a version of Office that is made for the Mac... seriously. It's strange but when I say "oh, there's a version of Microsoft Office made for the Mac" I see this blank stare that indicates the listener heard "Oh, stanoheu sntaohte to ous hoseu Microsoft Office touh not eto sote." It's the strangest thing. Eventually they respond with something like "Oh, really. They make it for the Mac? It will run on a Mac?" Yes, it will.

Not only are there many fantastic apps by third party developers, but I have consistently observed Windows using family members and friends as they stare in disbelief at the ease in which I've just done something amazing with one of the free iApps.

Also, as I've mentioned before, Macs integrate seamlessly with any kind of network. In fact, it's as easy or maybe even easier for me to log onto a Windows machine than it is for a Windows machine to do it.

If you are in the market for a new computer or know someone who is, think about a Mac or recommending one. My brother just switched and I'll tell you, the only person not happy about it is his wife. Since switching he's probably tripled the time he spends using a computer. Jessie!! If you're reading this, put the iBook down and go take care of something you said you'd do twenty minutes ago! That's right, put it down... slow... now back away. You can do it.

Make the switch. You have nothing to loose but all your free time!! I'm not talking about time spent troubleshooting either. I'm talking about pure enjoyment and getting things done.

Where We're Bound: August 2003