
Post-election ramble

Save yourself the time and don’t bother. Now, if you are completely bored and want proof that you could be even more bored, then download and listen. Or, if you are depressed and would like to be more depressed, again, go ahead and download. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Last but certainly not least, if you are a republican, if you voted for George Bush, I don’t care what you do but know that I hate and despise you.meanface.jpg

Edit: Damn. I’m sitting here thinking about that last sentence. Do I really hate and despise these folks? I don’t want to hate. I think I’m also, er, well I’ll just say I hope the men in black don’t show up at my door. I mean, I’m not advocating violence here or in the podcast but sometimes I write or say things like “We deserve what we get” and I really do believe that. Can I get in trouble for that? I’m not advocating anything, just suggesting that if or when another attack comes, I think we should not believe ourselves to be innocent. One would think that would fall within the realm of freedom of speech but if George Bush could get re-elected, if giraffes are living in my underwear drawer, who knows what could happen.

littlepod.jpg More via the Podcast which is also available as a direct mp3 download runtime: 21’51, 3.7 MB.