
A tent and.... stuff

Ah yes, I finally ordered myself a new tent, specifically the Eureka Mountain Pass 2XT Tent. Julie B. (my ex of 4 years ago) and I had purchased one of these but when we split up she got the tent. I've been thinking of getting a tent for a couple of years now but did not really need one until now. The Mountain Pass is an excellent tent that comes in a two or four person variety. I'll be using mine a good bit this summer... finally! I have not really been camping since Julie and I parted ways nearly four years ago.

Life in the Missouri countryside is proving to be much better than I thought. Family stuff is good and relationships are, in my opinion, improving though it can be difficult at times. I'm also being reminded of just how beautiful the hills of Missouri are in the spring time! Bluebirds, hummingbirds, and wild flowers are a daily delight here.

I'm not connected to the net often and using my computer far less than I did in Memphis. I've used it less than an hour a day here. It is a healthy change which was long overdue- my friends in Memphis would find it hard to believe.

Now that I think of it, it is time to log off, get some coffee, and go outside!