
We’re not innocent

CNN.com - Poll: Majority of voters would not re-elect Bush - Nov. 8, 2003

In the Newsweek poll, 50 percent of registered voters who were queried said they do not want to see Bush re-elected, while 44 percent said they do.

The survey of 1,002 adults interviewed Thursday and Friday has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3 percentage points.

The president’s overall approval rating in the survey was 52 percent – the same it has been in previous polls by the magazine during the past two months.

But in the wake of more deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq and the rising price tag for occupation and reconstruction, 51 percent of the respondents said they disapprove of Bush’s handling of Iraq – the highest Newsweek’s polls have ever shown – while 42 percent said they approve.

Here’s the unedited chat I had after reading the above:

next time bush is here
maybe i should copy paste this ichat into my blog

i am going to go protest

i almost did last time

that would rock

but it was a waste
because they couldn’t get close


enough for bush to see them

freedom of speech right

so what the fuck is the point

yes… you can protest
but you’ll have to do it where we tell you to do it
15 miles away

fucking joke


this woman at work
was saying that american
people just want the luxery
of sitting back and letting our government make the decisions


and we should just trust them
that is truly what she said
we’ve forgotten what it means to be free
to be responsible for freedom
exactly what i told her
to be citizens
bunch of fucking idiots
if people are not involved in what’s going on then the gap between the government and the people keeps getting larger
like it already has
so then they just do what the fuck they want


we’ve lost control of this country
just as the iraqi’s had no control

exactly, it’s no different

i seriously believe that the world needs to unite against us
whatever it takes
to reign us in
cause the citizens can’t do it
cause they aint citizens anymore
they are shoppers

you are right
they don’t care i was one of them
my wife and parents still are
i guess i kinda still am
because i am stuck there is no turning back when you have a family the problem is, like this woman at work didn’t care to listen to me

well i agree and i don’t

she believes that bush and his people

family is no excuse
cause people have had families for a long time

that’s true

and 100 years ago

what can i do

if it were up to me
thousands …. millions … were taking over cities and starting general strikes

you already are doing
everytime you start a political conversation


that’s a part of it
but it gets frustrating when i’m talking to a bunch of idiots
back to that woman at work
she insisted that bush and his cabinet
are making the right decisions
because they have more information than we do
and we really don’t know what information they have
what a fucking idiot

go look at my blog

i will

end chat

Of course polls often just tell a part of the picture and can be way off. Nonetheless, I am amazed that so many still are not seeing reality for what it is. Matrix indeed…

“The stakes of this war are total liberation, or death by isolation and routine–for those not slated for starvation, extermination in factory farms, or slavery in privatized prisons, that is. We are expected to defeat ourselves by fighting against each other for little pieces of the world, rather than uniting to seize and share it.” –Harbinger Zine