
Bush lied about mass graves in Iraq

Yet more lies told to create a case for the U.S. aggression against Iraq. Bush and Blair lied about the atrocities committed by Saddam. Tom Negrino over at Backup Brain writes:

OK, so we all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator, and I agree that his country is better off without him. It appears that he wasn't quite as horrible as he was made out to be, though; that was just another bit of propaganda by the Bush and Blair governments.

How big of a lie are we talking about? Kevin Drum, writing for the Washington Monthly states that:

This was not a case of intelligence estimates, after all, it was a categorical statement that 400,000 bodies had actually been found by actual troops digging up actual graves. How could he have been off by a factor of 80x?

This pisses me off... not just because Bush lied. I've come to expect this from U.S. presidents. It's the rule not the exception. No. What really pisses me off is that the Democrats and most liberals went along with the war. They accepted that Bush and Co. were telling the truth. Perhaps it is the anarchist in me but I do not accept the lies of corporate media and the press briefings of the White House.

Funny thing, little old me... with very few resources at my disposal... I knew over a year ago (as did most anarchists in the U.S.) what is now coming out in the mainstream.

U.S. citizens apparently have not learned the important lesson that the mechanisms of the state and capital are not about helping humanity create a peaceful, rational, and balanced society. Take a hard, critical look at history and you'll get the idea.