RNC roundup
David over at hello, typepad has a nifty little RNC roundup. Activists are now using cell phone text alerts which is a damned good idea. I could see where that could go wrong but if they are careful it could be a great tool.
Also of note is this photoset on FlickR which documents last night's critical mass bike ride with over 5,000 cyclists! I'd heard of FlickR just recently and thanks to David's post I checked it out a bit and damn- pretty neat. Great for folks with a broadband connection.
Edit: Approximately 250 cyclists were arrested... we can't have that many cyclists in our streets... and to make matters worse they are protesting cars and reliance on oil. Damn them!
Global Oil Reserves as of January, 2002

How long will it last?
Using these data (estimated reserves: 800 billions of barrels, world consumption: 76 millions per day), it looks like planet Earth has have oil for about 10,000 days, i.e. about 27 years. Assuming that consumption does not increase... If consumption increases an average 5% a year, then we have oil for about 15 years. But the US Geological Survey estimates the amount of oil that is still to be found at about 3 trillions, three times the oil reserves known today (it is not clear if "all" that oil can actually be pumped to the surface and therefore used). The real issue is when will production be insufficient to cover demand? That largely depends on demand, not on reserves.
Hydrocarbons and the Evolution of Human CultureWorld oil consumption has remained constant at an average 4.47 barrels per capita between 1981 and 2001.
Strategic Oil reserves
USA: 658 millions of barrels
Japan: 321
Germany: 191
South Korea: 77
France: 71
Source: USA department of Energy