
Is the draft coming back?

Weblogsky writes:

Now that the U.S. is at war in Iraq and losing soldiers daily, it’s time to think about replenishment via the draft. The Defense Department is asking for draft board volunteers so that the infrastructure will be there when the time comes – probably after a Bush re-election. (Thanks to Pete Kaminski, who notes that the call for draft board volunteers is not getting coverage within the U.S.) We’re getting in deeper and deeper…

Tim Harper of the Toronto Star writes in this story:

But as debate swirls about the capabilities of the beleaguered U.S. military, the Pentagon is calling for volunteers to “Serve Your Community and the Nation.” It says the Selective Service System “wants to hear from men and women in the community who might be willing to serve as members of a local draft board.”

If conscription becomes necessary, it says, 2,000 local and appeal boards would need volunteers. The boards would decide who would go to war and who could defer their service in the event of a national call-up to boost the currently all-volunteer military.

Of course this would be a highly controversial move but it seems more obvious every day that the situation in Iraq is not improving. I don’t think this is something the dumb puppet in D.C. would do before the elections but it seems they are laying the groundwork.

Let’s see if I’ve got this right. A “president” who pushed his way into the White House then pushed his way into a war which was doomed to failure and protested by millions around the planet because it was not the right course of action… now wants to bring back a draft?

I’d love to know how they plan to hold on to power and proceed with their sick twisted vision of the world. I’m sure they have a plan and I’d guess that they will attempt to hold onto power at whatever costs.