Being human

I think we forget that we are animals. We are a confused as a species. Our societies are out of balance and we as individuals are often out of balance.

I wonder what this planet will look like in fifty years? 100? 500? 1000? Will humans still be here? What kind of life will be on this planet?

Why do we not ask the question: What kind of world do we want? As a species which is supposedly capable of some level of rational thought shouldn't we be thinking about this fundamental question? What are we doing together as a species? What are we creating on this beautiful planet?

Just as importantly, do we as individuals ask these questions? Do we think about how we want to contribute to the community around us? I'm not talking about the feel good charitable kind of contribution. I'm talking about the daily integration of our lives with others and the meaningful co-creation of one another.

How do I, as one organism, participate in this larger process and yet maintain my self? How can I be me in the context of this community? How can we be free within the daily relationships of community. Can I live responsibly but without guilt and obligation? Is it possible to live each moment more fully and in a state of expanding freedom?

I've lived with guilt and obligation too long. If my relationships are not based on love then I don't want them. I don't want to continue a single relationship out of habit or being comfortable. I don't want coercion, fear, or a sense of ownership to be elements of my social interactions.