
False intelligence

The Mad Prophet is pissed:

We know where the false intelligence came from! It came from the Bush [mis]Administration. Fuck.

Yes, George has created a nest of lies and misinformation. No WMD, no evidence to show any kind of buildup.

Now, here in the U.S., well, that's another story. We got WMD and we use them routinely on other nations. Who's the terrorist on this planet? I think people that fail to see the U.S. as the number one terrorist have lost perspective or never had it.

George apparently doesn't need to be concerned with accountability to the citizens of this or any country. In any "democratic" country, George and Dick would be shitting their pants right now. But they are not. We've lost control of this government (assuming we, the people, ever had control). What, if anything will we do to take it back?

What is democracy? What is citizenship? What is freedom? What is liberty? What is responsibility? What is justice?

August 29, 2003

Where We're Bound: August 2003