
Soldiers left in filth, heat, garbage?

It's all about the money of course.

I had no idea that this was happening. You know George, Dick, and Donald thought this one through. To sum it up: They pay private contractors (civilians) to provide logistical support to the military. These civilians cannot go into combat zones. Soldiers go to Iraq (or wherever) and logistical support stays behind. Er... hello, knock, knock... anyone home?

Soldiers have progressed from living in mud, then the summer heat and dust. One group of mothers organized a drive to buy and ship air conditioners to their sons. An Army captain ended up turning to a reporter to have him send a box of nails and screws to repair his living quarters and latrines.

Now that is how this president "supports our troops". Of course, this is also how the administration is wasting tax dollars and throwing money into the pockets of capitalists. Evidently it's created a mess of overlapping contracts. So let me get this straight. We're paying more money but the soldiers are not getting the support we pay for?

I have an idea. Let's pull the troops out of Iraq. Issue an apology to Iraq and the rest of the world for the mess we've created. To demonstrate that we truly acknowledge our mistake we should then fire the administration and but most of them in jail. All of the dipshits in congress that voted to support the war should be given jail time or mandatory community service. That's a start.

Found via Dru Blood.

Where We're Bound: August 2003