
Bush in UK

The BBC is reporting that
Bush unfazed by UK protest plans:

Mr Bush said he had not given the impending protests much thought…

Well, right. The puppet doesn’t give much thought to anything, others do that for him. They have shown time and again that they don’t think much about the protesters. That’s the problem, these dicks don’t give a shit about the opinions of the millions who have opposed this war.

US President George Bush says he will not be upset by mass protests planned for his visit to London next week.


Some of the families of soldiers killed have been invited to meet with puppet Bush. The father of 18 year old Andrew Kelly, a UK soldier killed in Basra had this to say:

For these people to meet families, it is only for their own gain.

What does George Bush care about our families and my family? He doesn’t care.

He’s right. Bush doesn’t care one bit about these soldiers. Support the troops? Right.

Bush is a war criminal. He should be taken out of office and put in jail.