

I've spent the past five years working to build co-ops here in Memphis. Dammit. I'm tired. I'm tired of trying to work with people. I'm tired of people who don't take themselves or their commitments seriously. Tired of people not communicating.

Dammit. I wish I could say to the world that there is another way. That capitalism and the hierarchical organization of capitalism were not necessary but I don't know that I can. A primary alternative to that model of organization revolves around the idea of the "cooperative". But I'm seeing serious problems with the process of co-ops. Currently, 3 of the 4 co-ops that I am aware of are staffed by volunteers. These co-ops suffer because volunteer staff often do not make volunteer-related activities a priority.

The latest failing in my experience with the co-op model pertains to the MeDiA Co-op. It's current endeavor, the 2nd Annual Digital Film Fest is looking to be a real mess. I think some are in denial. They'll say it's going to be okay. Maybe it will be okay.

But my experience is that the process has been far too haphazard. It's not okay for people to not communicate. It's not okay for people to drop responsibility. If someone takes on a position of importance that might make or break an event or organization, it's not okay for them to drop the ball.

Too often what I see in Memphis co-ops is folks who do not work methodically. They have no process and fly around by the seat of their pants. Details are forgotten. Decisions are made but not not followed through via necessary action.

I say all these things knowing full well that I've fucked up as well. But damn, I do believe I can say that as a general rule I've followed through with most of the things I've said I would. Why can't more people do the same?

Where We're Bound: August 2003