
A break from my usual

Over the past two weeks I've given myself a much needed break from reading and posting about climate and Gaza news. Actually, it's been a break from all news for two weeks. I can't remember the last time I just stopped reading the news every morning. I suspect that this is somewhat related to having my first encounter with Covid. I'm still feeling the remains of it with a head full of fluid and congestion in my chest but I feel fortunate to have avoided the more virulent strains of the first three years.

I've spent most of my non-work time just enjoying a casual exploration of people's personal websites. Going forward I'm going to make this a part of my daily routine. I have no goal other than to explore, enjoy, learn and experience what folks are up to. Just today I've come across this resource page at 32-Bit Cafe and it's a good example of the love for the small, personal web that people have. This is the early web of the late 1990 reborn and I love it.

And I've enjoyed rebuilding my own site. No hurry. I'm just writing and editing a few pages, adding to the Blogroll, pulling in markdown posts from my archive and running them through a Shortcut to wrap them up in my html template. I intend to keep my micro.blog account active so I'm in no hurry. All my previous posts are there for now.

Going forward I'm still not sure what it is I intend to post to Beardy Guy Musings. I know for certain that I am done with the feverish daily posting of news about Gaza and the climate emergency. For my mental health, that has to stop. I'm not a news service. I obviously continue to care deeply about those things and more. And I will post about the things that matter to me. But I need to find a slower, less compulsive way forward.