
An idea

During the four hour drive to visit family I got to thinking… there’s something about four hours in a car, alone, that seems to contribute to a state of mind I like to be in. Late last night, I couldn’t sleep so I wrote just the beginning of the idea I’m going to explore… not too developed, just a start:

Global village, global vision, global voice.

A video project by the planet earth for the planet earth.

Every human has truth.

What happens if we use the internet as a way to gather audio and video? Imagine a “documentary” which makes the world it’s crew. What do you want to say to your fellow human beings?

Not about art. Not about the artist. Not even about creativity. This is sharing. This is what we say to each other. It is our moment in the sun.

This is not a film by a filmmaker. This is an effort to make all of us filmmakers. Not one vision, but many. Not one voice, but many.

The idea. you say something to the world. Your truth. You record it. You mail it to us. We will gather the voices and put them together. Then we’ll throw them back into the world to be seen and heard.
**end late night meandering

I’ll be posting more about this as it develops into a project. I’ve got a bit of thinking to do about the infrastructure that will be required to support it. I’ve also got to explore out how this will figure into my life as I move away from my known life in Memphis. I’ll be back in Missouri as of February 15. After that, it’s up in the air.

P.S. I’m visiting family in Missouri till January 2 so I may be posting less.