
20 years later

As I've been working on tidying up and rebuilding my blog archive it was notable that in 2003 and 2004 most of my blogging was about the US war in Iraq. I was then, as I have been the past year, in a persistent state of frustration and anger in regards to the violence of US foreign policy in the Middle East. And, to be clear, it is also very much about war profiteering. Plain an simple. US capitalists make trillions as a direct result of US foreign policy. Not surprising given that they play a role in creating that foreign policy. We have a very twisted idea of "democracy" in the US.

It is one of the greatest perversities that Americans have long told themselves and the world that we are the great champion of freedom and democracy. That is a lie. The simple, brutal truth is that we are the purveyors of global violence for the sake of profit. If you think otherwise then you've not taken an honest look at what we've been doing for the past seven decades.