
Perhaps Spain should be our next invasion?

AP reporter Ed McCullough writes:

Top U.S. Republicans, however, accused the Spaniards of giving in to terrorist groups by turning out of office the party of Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, a close U.S. ally.

House Speaker Rep. Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., said Spain was "a nation who succumbed ... to threats of terrorism, changed their government.''

"Here's a country who stood against terrorism and had a huge terrorist act within their country, and they chose to change their government and to, in a sense, appease terrorists,'' Hastert said.

Added GOP Rep. Henry Hyde of Illinois, chairman of the House International Relations Committee: "The vote in Spain was a great victory for al-Qaida.''

Damn the cowards of Spain! They should not be giving in to the terrorists. Next thing they'll be allies and before you know it every citizen of Spain will be an al-Qaida operative. Enemies of freedom and democracy! I hope our brave Republicans are working with our esteemed president to plan the next phase of the war on terror: Operation Spaniard Liberation. It's becoming more and more obvious that this Prime Minister-elect needs to be rooted out... We gotta nip this in the bud!

We must step in and force a regime change in Spain. They must be liberated! We must have democracy in Spain!