
Bush Defending the Iraq “War”

So Bush and Cheney are getting defensive about the Iraq mess. Perhaps they just need to shut the fuck up and take it. They wanted a war and they lied to get it. Not only that but they have created a situation which is far, far worse. It’s worse for Iraqis, US taxpayers, US soldiers… Not only have they created a quagmire, they’ve created a powder keg of resentment and anger.

Cheney warns of a “nightmare attack”. Well, I don’t doubt the intentions of such statements: Be afraid, support us. It’s the same on the evening news every night where viewers are told to fear black men, black people, drug dealers. Fear is used to create insecurity. Actually, I’m surprised that there has not been a major terror attack in the US since 9/11. Bush reacted to 9/11 in such a way as to raise the level of resentment and anger that already existed. He attacked two nations that were not a threat to the US so that he could get at two people that he felt were. Of course it’s much, much more than that. Those were just the reasons put forth to the world.

The US is a bully. Eventually bullies get hit. We have a long history of meddling in the affairs of others. We create Osamas and Saddams and eventually they turn against us. No big surprise if you have much common sense. I think those in power know this and they figure it into the equation. They like war… they enjoy it.

Bush and Cheney don’t care about human life. Of course they have to pretend they do, but they don’t. It’s all about legislation, defense contracts…

Hey monkeyboy, where’s Saddam? Osama? The weapons of mass destruction? I’ve said it before, George and his buddies are war criminals. Can we put them in jail now? Or, better yet, can we send them to Iraq and leave them there?