
Torture of chickens

Eat Your Vegetables discusses where your food comes from and specifically mentions this article and this video by PETA:

A supplier for Kentucky Fried Chicken suspended a worker without pay and is investigating three others after an animal rights group released video of workers kicking, stomping and throwing birds against walls at a West Virginia plant.

PETA said its investigator at the West Virginia plant also obtained eyewitness testimony about employees "ripping birds' beaks off, spray-painting their faces, twisting their heads off, spitting tobacco into their mouths and eyes, and breaking them in half -- all while the birds are still alive.''

The video is really very, very difficult to watch but if you eat chicken you should watch it. Remember, this is just one plant. There are many others and you can bet that this kind of abuse happens regularly. In fact, I'd suggest that you should watch this if you eat any meat at all because it's not just chickens that are so cruelly treated.

For the second time today I have to ask, how and why are we humans capable of such torture?