
Ralph Nader

I'm glad to hear he is running. Will he contribute to a Bush re-election/re-selection? Frankly, I hope he does. Anyone who has ever read this blog knows how I feel about George Bush and his pack of criminals. But I despise this filthy rotten system even more. The Democrats offer nothing but band-aids. I don't want a lesser evil.

If U.S. citizens refuse the responsibility of citizenship then they deserve George Bush. Let him run the country into the ground. Let him kill freedom. Let him drill in the Arctic. Let him push the world into more wars. If the rest of the world disagrees then I hope we see the day that they unite against us. The U.S. is a rogue nation that needs to be put in it's place.

We must learn the lesson that this system, this so-called representative democracy, is a lie... it is not representative nor is it a democracy. It is, and has been, rule by the wealthy elite. Until our comfort zone is eroded away we will continue to seek the easiest, quickest fix that is no fix at all. We are not free nor do we deserve freedom. We have allowed ourselves to be redefined, manipulated through a well developed system of indoctrination into social roles which are best characterized as passive and consumeristic.

Freedom is nothing at all if it is not actively demonstrated on a daily basis as direct action. Freedom requires constant renewal and a practice of citizenship that goes far beyond the occasional voting for "representatives".

"Freedom is something we assume. Then we wait for someone to try to take it away from us, the degree to which we resist is the degree that we are free."