
Panther networking

An update regarding Panther and networks. One issue I’m seeing is that Panther doesn’t want to let go of a network it has connected to. With Jaguar one has to log onto a server and it appears on the desktop. When finished the user should eject the volume before disconnecting from the network. With Panther the volumes do not appear on the desktop. Instead they show up via the network icon in the Finder. Any attempt to eject seems to fail. Disconnection then results in 2–3 (for each connected computer) dialog boxes warning about the disconnection and asking if the user wants to stay connected. Not good.

Of course this is with b85 which may or may not be the version released on 10/24. If it is I hope Apple provides a fix. Of course it may be that I’m not doing something correctly when I connect to network volumes and attempt to disconnect/eject them. It’s supposed to be simple though and I’m pretty sure I’m doing it correctly.