
    Finished: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler 📚

    I finally read a book in 2023 and I’ve started the second in a series. A light-hearted read about life during the collapse of civilization.

    Feeding 8 billion humans in a climate crisis

    Something I often note in the ongoing discussion about the climate emergency is that many/most people seem to be underestimating the importance of a steady, predictable climate for the growing of food for 8 billion humans on the Earth. People do not grasp the fragility of agricultural systems nor do they grasp the resources required to grow, process and ship that food to 8 billion humans. It’s not something the media discusses unless it becomes a problem.

    I’ll get back to the issue of food production in a moment.

    I suspect that for those of us who have been thinking about this for a longer period of time, it’s more of an issue as we’ve allowed ourselves time to play out the details of various possible scenarios. But a large portion of the public have largely tuned out climate change until recently and even now I suspect many just dwell on it briefly, rarely digging into the details. For some it’s only just starting to click that climate change has quickly turned into a climate emergency. And even so, many are only getting that from increasing frequency of headlines and not real investigation into details or thoughtful consideration.

    In glossing over the real world effects that are happening now or likely to happen in the not too distant future, many people have just jumped to making statements in which they seem to embrace the darkest possibilities of what’s to come.

    It almost seems like until recently the popular opinion was, oh, yeah, the climate is a problem but we’ll fix it with technology like electric cars. Basically, a kind of hand-wavy dismissal. And now, suddenly, the popular consciousness has jumped from casual dismissal to it’s an emergency that it is too late to solve.

    In either case the convenient implication is that they have no reason to act. In scenario one of casual acceptance, a techno fix would present itself. In scenario two, ok, we’re now in a climate emergency the shrug-off is well, it’s too late, nothing to be done.

    Let’s get back to the question of food production. The past two to three years we’ve seen far more media coverage of the many and increasingly extreme weather events caused by climate change. From wild fires to extended drought to extreme flooding. We’re now seeing the headlines constantly as we should.

    But what is too rare are the stories that delve into the real-world implications of these events. Beyond the video of the events or the immediate aftermath, what are the mid and long-term effects? And, more specifically for this post, how is weather affecting our ability to grow food? The food system in general could do with far more attention from the media so that the public understands the full production cycle as well as sources and distribution.

    In general the public seems ignorant of how food gets to the shelves of their grocery stores. It’s just assumed that food will be there. The covid pandemic provided a brief glimpse into what a mild supply chain disruption would look like. But that was just a glimpse at a temporary disruption.

    Consider some of the variables that can disrupt farmers' ability to produce a crop in any given year. Just a tiny sampling:

    • Winter temperatures can impact the ability of fruit and nut trees to reliably produce a harvest. Often referred to as chill hours, a certain number of days below a certain temperature are required for trees to go dormant.
    • Late spring frosts can damage or destroy plants or the flowers of trees, bushes or plants thus reducing or eliminating production.
    • Too much rainfall in the spring can delay and disrupt when a farmer can plant seed for a crop. Too little rainfall after seed is planted can delay germination. Too much can cause rot of seed or young plants.
    • Too much rainfall during the growing season can cause more disease. Too little and plants will die or underproduce.
    • Or, a one-two punch, a period of drought followed by a period of excessive rain. First plants are stressed by too little water and then become water logged inducing growth of disease.
    • In late summer and early fall when crops are to be harvested farmers need to be able to operate tractors in fields. Too much rain can inhibit this.

    The above is just a tiny glimpse of the weather related variables that farmers contend with in planting, growing and harvesting crops. These are problems even when the climate is relatively stable. Global warming is increasing the extremes of drought and flooding as well as reducing the predictability of frost dates, growing zones and is, in general, increasing the probability of lower food yields.

    It’s important to also consider that the industrial agricultural system that is the basis of feeding 8 billion humans and is the primary mode of global food production, is built upon a foundation of fossil fuels. Fertilizers and pesticides along with the mechanized systems on fields as well as after harvest processing, shipping, etc. all contribute carbon to the atmosphere.

    Not only that, industrial agriculture contributes to the ongoing, catastrophic biodiversity crisis.

    Humans v nature: our long and destructive journey to the age of extinction

    Although the debate is far from settled, it appears ancient humans took thousands of years to wipe out species in a way modern humans would do in decades. Fast forward to today and we are not just killing megafauna but destroying whole landscapes, often in just a few years. Farming is the primary driver of destruction and, of all mammals on Earth, 96% are either livestock or humans. The UN estimates as many as one million plant and animal species are at risk of extinction.

    It’s the last day of 2023 and we humans are at a crossroads. We’re in the midst of many inter-dependent crises that are leading us to a future that is difficult to imagine and comprehend. Our ability to feed 8 billion humans should no longer be taken as a given and the human population is still rising. Predictably there will be a crash and we shouldn’t act surprised when that crash happens.

    Humans v nature: our long and destructive journey to the age of extinction

    Although the debate is far from settled, it appears ancient humans took thousands of years to wipe out species in a way modern humans would do in decades. Fast forward to today and we are not just killing megafauna but destroying whole landscapes, often in just a few years. Farming is the primary driver of destruction and, of all mammals on Earth, 96% are either livestock or humans. The UN estimates as many as one million plant and animal species are at risk of extinction.

    Readers have told me they like to build small-scale photovoltaic installations like those that power Low-tech Magazine’s website and office

    This guide brings all the information together: what you need, how to wire everything, what your design choices are, where to put solar panels, how to fix them in place (or not), how to split power and install measuring instruments. It deals with solar energy systems that charge batteries and simpler configurations that provide direct solar power.

    How to Build a Small Solar Power System | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE

    For anyone interested in taking personal action on climate change, highly recommend this article. The main point: our understanding of climate solutions are wrong. Let the actual data guide you.


    Your Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Is a Big Lie

    In 2021 the polling firm Ipsos asked 21,000 people in 30 countries to choose from a list of nine actions which ones they thought would most reduce greenhouse gas emissions for individuals living in a richer country. Most people picked recycling, followed by buying renewable energy, switching to an electric/hybrid car, and opting for low-energy light bulbs. When these actions were ranked by their actual impact on emissions, recycling was third-from-bottom and low-energy light bulbs were last. None of the top-three options selected by people appeared in the “real” top three when ranked by greenhouse gas reductions, which were having one fewer child, not having a car, and avoiding one long-distance flight.

    The war on Palestine and Gaza: Link Roundup

    I’ve fallen a bit behind so some of these are a few weeks old. That said, for the purpose of bearing witness it’s not about the most recent news. I just want to note and share what’s happening.


    Dozens of Elderly Gazans ‘Executed’ by Israeli Troops: Monitor

    “Alarmingly, however, dozens were targeted in killings and field executions,” the NGO alleged. “These incidents included soldiers shooting elderly people immediately after ordering them to evacuate their homes, and in some cases, executing them just moments after their release from hours or days of arbitrary detention.”

    CNN Film Shows Horror of Israel’s War on Gaza… Finally, CNN gets a film crew on the ground in Gaza.

    What to know about U.S. aid to Israel

    What the U.S. provides

    **Most U.S. assistance comes in the form **of weapons grants, and more than 80% of Israel’s weapons imports came from the U.S. between 1950 and 2020.

    • Israel is also given access to the most advanced military equipment in the world, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

    What to know about Israel’s military strength

    Israel has for decades established itself as one of the most formidable and technologically advanced military powers in the Middle East.

    Why it matters: With an annual military budget exceeding $20 billion and access to some of the most advanced U.S. military hardware, Israel controls the skies and much of the sea around its territory, and it has superior cyber capabilities.

    • The military arm of Hamas has for more than three decades relied on a guerrilla-warfare-style strategy using rockets, snipers, improvised explosive devices and underground tunnels in attacks against Israel.
    • The Israeli military has maintained near total control over the borders and movement of people, goods and security in Gaza since 2007.

    I’ve long avoided all the “read it later” apps preferring to just get stuff read in Safari but have found I let tabs pile up. New process: send tabs to GoodLinks and then force myself to spend time in GoodLinks to read and blog. I’ll keep a semi-permanent workspace with GoodLinks and Obsidian.

    As the world celebrates the holidays Gaza burns

    Spent the past few hours reading and watching the most recent Gaza news. While much of the world has been happily celebrating the holiday, the dehumanization and brutality being visited upon the Palestinians has continued, by some accounts the intensity has actually increased.

    In two months 10,000 children and more than 20,000 Palestinians of all ages, have been killed.

    And if you’re been tuning it out because it’s ugly and hard to watch I’d ask/urge you to not turn away from it especially if you are a citizen of the US. This is the direct result of US foreign policy, being done with US funds and weapons. The least we can do is bear witness to it. That’s the very least we can do. Any mental or emotional reaction we have pales in comparison to what our fellow human beings are enduring every moment of every day.

    The US is Israel’s number one supporter and funder and have been for decades. Many decades. All that has been happening there in recent weeks is the culmination of those decades. Thus far it is rightly being described as: war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and in the near future will very likely be classified as genocide.

    So while we have been enjoying feasts of food, comfortably visiting with friends and family, they have been going without basic nourishment and being thirsty every hour of every day. Watching the world around them be blown apart. Daily watching people be shot, blown apart or crushed under buildings that have been blown apart.

    I cannot begin to imagine the daily horror of it. And so I watch and read to try to witness it. It’s truly the least I can do and only the bare minimum.

    We in the US have got to stop turning away from the horror we create in the name of our strategic positioning and security. The citizens of the US turn away from the truth of our foreign policy and have done so for many decades. We live in a permanent state of denial of our violence and our responsibility for atrocities.

    We need to own it because turning away from it allows it to continue. Decades of brutality and dehumanization against the Palestinians explain what we see in Gaza today. And by turning away we ensure that it will continue.

    #Gaza #WarCrimes

    Everything we know about Joe Biden’s 50-year history of supporting and facilitating Israel’s worst crimes leads to one conclusion: He wants Israel’s destruction of Gaza — with more than 7,000 children dead — to unfold as it has. When will it stop? Intercept co-founder Jeremy Scahill and journalist Sharif Abdel Kouddous discuss the U.S. role in Israel’s scorched-earth campaign to annihilate Gaza.

    #Gaza #Palestine #WarCrimes #Genocide

    A Conversation on the Horrors in Gaza with Jeremy Scahill and Sharif Abdel Kouddous - YouTube

    Still no peace in Palestine.

    People are desperately searching for survivors after Monday’s attacks by Israeli forces. One man said five of his family members were trapped under the rubble, including his two-month-old child. He said there had been no ambulances or members of the civil defence present since Sunday so he had resorted to digging with his hands. It smells like blood, we see shattered bodies, and we just saw them remove a baby from under the rubble.

    #Gaza #Palestine

    Many people under the rubble after Israel’s air attacks on central Gaza - YouTube

    A gall induced by Atrusca quercuscentricola, Spotted oak apple gall wasp. An egg is laid and after hatching the larvae signals the tree which produces a protective gall which contains a nutritious food source. At maturity in late November to early December it cut's a tiny hole and exits the gall.

    A small, light orange sphere with many dark red circles sits on a brown leaf in a forest. It is made by a gall wasp. The sphere has a small hole in the top right that reveals that the sphere is a very thin material.

    The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in the occupied Gaza Strip, which is a war crime, Human Rights Watch said today. Israeli forces are deliberately blocking the delivery of water, food, and fuel, while willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, apparently razing agricultural areas, and depriving the civilian population of objects indispensable to their survival.

    #Gaza #WarCrimes

    Israel: Starvation Used as Weapon of War in Gaza | Human Rights Watch

    My current favorite iPad set-up, the work-around-the-cat configuration. My futon, placed on the floor with shelves on both sides in easy reach. iPad is snug in adjustable stand clamped to shelf and floats above pillows in my lap. Rosie is about to take the place of the keyboard.

    An iPad in a an adjustable stand floats above pillows in my lap. A keyboard on the pillows. Just behind the iPad, sitting on the shelf is a cat looking at the photographer. Moments after photo she took the place of the keyboard on the pillows. In The near background just behind the cat a speaker and plant sit on the shelves. Further in the background is the photographer's tiny house. Wood plank walls and colorful string lights.

    #Caturday #iPad

    Seen on my morning trail walk. From top to bottom: The gall of a Atrusca quercuscentricola Spotted oak apple gall wasp.

    Cladonia portentosa Lichen

    A small, light orange sphere with many dark red circles sits on a brown leaf in a forest. It is made by a gall wasp. The sphere has a small hole in the top right that reveals that the sphere is a very thin material.
    pale green lichen with many very tiny branches that looks like a kind of sponge. The lichen grows atop a darker green patch of lush moss on the forest floor with a background of winter woodland
    pale green lichen with many very tiny branches that looks like a kind of sponge. The lichen grows atop a darker green patch of lush moss on the forest floor with a background of winter woodland

    When a government is guilty of war crimes when does its citizenry also become guilty of war crimes? Climate crimes?

    When is the citizenry to be held responsible for its inability or unwillingness to check the crimes of its government?

    We the people.

    #genocide #gaza #warcrimes #climatecrime

    Thoughts Micro.blog and it's place in the fediverse

    Out on my trail walk this morning I was listening to a recent episode of Dot Social , a podcast about the fediverse hosted by Mike McCue of Flipboard. (Sidenote: Really enjoying this podcast.) In this episode he’s interviewing a co-founder of WIRED, John Battelle. Something in the discussion set my mind to thinking about two recent posts by Manton at Micro.blog, both of which resulted in excellent conversations.

    In mentioning recent coverage of the fedivese and ActivityPub Manton wrote:

    I don’t mind flying under the radar. There are benefits for a product to start small and grow slowly. But I’m still kind of puzzled why Micro.blog is rarely mentioned when articles talk about platforms that support the fediverse.

    And a day later:

    As the year winds down, thinking about the fediverse, I want to do a better job in 2024 of making the case for independent blogs. Lots of platforms with thousands of users on each server talking via ActivityPub is great, but more blogs also helps with portable identity and a more distributed web.

    I chimed in a bit in the responses to the first post. And similar conversations have been revisited by micro.blog folks often over the past couple of years. Questions about how micro.blog fits into the larger fediverse often followed by folk asking for a variety of features found on Mastodon and other, older corporate social media, namely boosting/re-posting, favoriting and the option for better searching and discoverablity via hashtags.

    Thus far these are all features that Manton has repeatedly stated will not be added to micro.blog. And many micro.blog users are satisfied by that decision. But some are not. My ongoing frustration has been that within the micro.blog community I cannot find others with similar interests. Search and discovery are so limited by the human curation of a community timeline that it is basically useless. It will likely remain so given the deliberate limits currently in place.

    But I’ve also realized that discovery and search of micro.blog from the fediverse is also completely broken. I think many of us that are excited about having a blog that is also connected to the fediverse assume that there is at least some cross platform search functionality. As far as I’m aware the only search that works is specific username search. The text of posts and profiles is, in terms of search and discoverability from Mastodon, invisible.

    And so I’ve been considering the place and benefit of Micro.blog as an ActivityPub service/client. It’s one of several fediverse communities outside of Mastodon but connected to all others via ActivityPub. One of the recurring questions in the micro.blog timeline and help forum is “Can I just use my micro.blog account as my only ActivityPub account?” And the companion question: “Do I also need a Mastodon account?”. The answer is always along the lines of it depends on what you want to do. When compared to the Mastodon experience you’ll be missing certain features. And that shouldn’t be ignored because Mastodon (and older social media) has set the bar and expectations.

    So, today, listening to the above linked podcast and thinking about these questions I asked myself, what is it that I really want from an ActivityPub connected blog? How well does the current micro.blog app and website hold up? What is the ideal that I’m looking for? I’m taking the time to write this because I see it come up quite often, often enough to know I’m not the only one.

    What I want is a paid, hosted ActivityPub blogging service that offers a website/client app that:

    • Allows me to write/publish posts in markdown
    • Allows me to follow other ActvityPub accounts
    • Lets me organize the accounts I follow into lists based on interests. I do the same with my RSS reader.
    • Supports searching tags in posts and users as Mastodon does
    • Supports searching of keywords in users' posts.
    • Supports boosting, favoriting of others' posts as well as viewing boosts/favorites of ones own posts

    Micro.blog has no problem with the first two but falls flat on the last 4. Due to the limits of search within the micro.blog community timeline I’ve largely accepted that it’s not for me. And I’ve confirmed that my site is properly indexed by search engines so that’s not an issue. I can add hashtags and will start doing so to all my posts going forward will be more searchable in the Fediverse. It’s something that’s frowned upon by many micro.blog users because it’s “unsightly” and clutters up the timeline. Frankly, that’s not a take I agree with. It’s a degradation of function and search. And search on micro.blog is already terrible.

    Which brings me to the next point, whatever is going on behind the scenes, posts hosted at micro.blog are not indexed or searchable in the larger fediverse. If hashtags are added they do seem show up as expected. But just doing a keyword search provides zero results from Mastodon accounts.

    The end result is that as a micro.blog user I know that my blog is connected to the fediverse and yet it’s only a partial connection. I can function within the fediverse, but only half way. Yes, I can find, follow and engage with other fediverse folk with comments. A big thanks to Manton on this because to my knowledge there is no other blogging platform that has this level of ActivityPub support. Write.as offers blogging and ActivityPub support but does not support commenting. WordPress has a plugin but the last I tried it was less than optimal and had far less functionality.

    But the culture of the fediverse includes boosting and showing appreciation with favoriting/liking and I miss out on all that. Those are real interactions that just disappear for micro.blog users. They’re not even an option. It feels like a high-minded, ethical choice that I’m subjected to.

    What perturbs me is that it just feels like stubbornness to not offer as options some of these features that are considered by many to be core features. A choice and limitation is made for me based on values that are not mine. It’s a degradation of user experience that causes more friction as it requires me to have a second ActivityPub account at Mastodon. Which is to say, it feels not just limiting but somewhat broken.

    And that brings me back to Manton’s posts linked above. I know and appreciate that Manton has worked hard to make micro.blog a first class citizen of the fediverse with full ActivityPub support. He was on it from early days. I know he has plans to improve that support. Based on his recent posts above it seems he thinks there’s still room for micro.blog to grow and that it deserves more recognition for its ActivityPub support. I don’t disagree. But I do think that at least some new users and journalists that spend time getting to know micro.blog as an AcivityPub client will rightly question the lack of features that many expect. And I think it’s a safe assumption that there are users that don’t stay on micro.blog because of these misses.

    I plan to stay because the hosting is good and because I know that Manton deeply cares about and loves blogging. It’s easy to see. Manton and micro.blog perfectly demonstrate a slower, more human and social web. But a part of the social web is, you know, to be social. For some that is a comment. For others it’s a quick “favorite” and for still others it’s a repost/share. Not knowing when people have done those things means I’m in the dark about possible connections.

    Let me underscore a thought here: there are people on the other side of those non-comment interactions. People that are expressing appreciation, thank you or wow, I like this enough to share it. Manton and others here seem to have a cynical take on these things. And I get that Facebook and other corporate social media have set a precedent for a kind of crazed, out of control, keep them hooked on the likes dopamine fest.

    But the flip side of this is that I’m missing connections with people that might mean something. It may be that such shows of appreciation are from people I might be interested in getting to know. On Mastodon when someone likes a post or reshares it or follows me I go to see who they are. And often I find someone that interests me. I follow them back and am now regularly interacting and conversing with several people that I likely would not be if I had relied on my Micro.blog account as my only fediverse account.

    Republican front-runner Donald Trump is escalating his racist rhetoric, repeatedly saying in recent days that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” drawing comparisons to Hitler. Journalist Jeff Sharlet explains Project 2025, an agency-by-agency plan backed by a coalition of conservative groups for implementing fascism if Trump regains power, and how the former president is giving the far right the national stage they’ve always wanted.

    “Fascism Out Loud”: Trump’s Escalating Racist Rhetoric & the Far Right’s Plan for a Slow Civil War | Democracy Now!

    Apple's machine learning feels like magic

    Over the past year one of the tech stories that I've seen pop up numerous times is that Apple has fallen behind on AI. The general idea being that AI is now to be measured in terms of ChatGBT which has come to represent AI. And, according to this narrative, it follows that since Apple has not produced a similar offering it is behind.

    It's a convenient narrative to fall into but it indicates a lack of awareness of what Apple has been doing over the past several years with machine learning. And yes, Apple uses the term machine learning rather than AI. And Apple's offering does not come in the form of a chatbot but rather as a myriad of features to be found throughout its operating systems.

    An example that prompted me to start this post. Just moments ago I began watching a video from one of my regular YouTube channels. In it Paul Beckwith is discussing a book synopsis. As he often does he zooms in on his screen and spends time on browser pages of graphs and text. He highlights text as he discusses it. Not for the first time I've wanted to open urls he is discussing. With Apple's machine learning I pause the video, tap/click the url that is visible on the screen in the video: A screenshot of a youtube video paused in an open Safai window. The url field is pretty small. A pencil is best to select. I not, a trackpad/mouse with cursor also works well the select. In either case a pop-up menu is presented for me to open the url. This is all via Apple's text recognition that now works on any image or paused video.

    A screenshot of a youtube video paused. In it text has been selected in the url bar of web browser and a contextual menu is available to open the url.

    Not all AI looks like a chatbot! This machine learning feature saves me a great deal of time and is a feature I use several times a week.

    Another fun and useful example is Photos' machine learning ID feature. Animals, insects, trees, flowers, food items and more. When viewing an image swipe down to get the info panel. If the app recognizes something you'll see a couple of little stars next to the circle i or it will have a tiny little overlay indicating some sort of ID. If it's a bug you'll see a little bug overlay. If it's a plant you'll see a leaf. tap the circle and you'll see a field to tap for more information. If it's a food item you'll get suggested recipes. A screenshot of the Photos app showing an image of waffles indicating a recipe

    Machine learning also powers language translation throughout the system. I use the excellent Mona app for browsing Mastodon and that developer takes advantage of the feature:

    A screenshot of the app mona shows translated text

    Not only does it work in text areas but I can tap into the image where foreign language is presented in a screenshot. A pop up offers to translate that text as well.

    Another recent example is are the new features around scanned forms and pdf forms that don't have form fields. As of the new OS releases in September 2023 Apple devices will now auto-detect form elements from such sources allowing users to type in new data. Take a paper form, scan it and type in your field data. Dictation, voice to text, is another example. Machine learning is everywhere in the OS and the processing is largely on-device rather than cloud based.

    Ars Technica has an excellent but somewhat dated article from 2020. Still an interesting read and underscores the point that Apple's been incorporating this tech into both the OS as well as in the processors for years.

    Of course much more is coming and in the not too distant future we'll begin to see more obvious features and improvements that people have begun asking for. Most notable, thanks to the visibility of ChatGBT will be improvements to Siri and similar kinds of contextual interactions be they voice or text in nature.

    #Apple #iPad #MachineLearning

    Climate Link Roundup

    The flow of articles reporting on the climate emergency is impossible to keep up with at this point. One after the other as one might expect. My one link per post sampling is far too little and even so tends to fill my blog. Going to shift to a less frequent round-up style with many links per post.

    Also, I’m aware that anyone that cares about this is easily able to keep up on their own. And the people that don’t care by now, well, they can go fuck themselves. Nothing I say or share will help them see what is now plain to see. So, at this point my links on the topic are more for my own purposes as a witness to what’s happening.

    Life on Earth Is in Danger – New Report Reveals That Earth’s Vital Signs Have Deteriorated to Levels Unprecedented in Human History:

    An international team of climate scientists has recently published a paper warning that the Earth’s vital signs have deteriorated to levels unprecedented in human history, to the point that life on the planet is imperiled.

    William Ripple, a distinguished professor in the Oregon State University College of Forestry, and former OSU postdoctoral researcher Christopher Wolf are the lead authors of the report, and 10 other U.S. and global scientists are co-authors.

    “Without actions that address the root problem of humanity taking more from the Earth than it can safely give, we’re on our way to the potential collapse of natural and socioeconomic systems and a world with unbearable heat and shortages of food and fresh water,” Wolf said.

    Climate tipping points are nearer than you think. Our new report warns of catastrophic risk

    It’s now almost inevitable that 2023 will be the warmest year ever recorded by humans, probably the warmest for at least 125,000 years.

    Multiple temperature records were smashed with global average temperatures for some periods well above 1.5°C. Antarctic sea ice loss is accelerating at frightening rates along with many other indicators of rapid climate change. Does this mean 2023 is the year parts of the climate tip into a much more dangerous state?

    Most people expect that if a system, like someone’s body, an ecosystem, or part of the climate system, becomes stressed, it’ll respond fairly predictably—double the pressure, double the impact, and so on. This holds in many cases, but is not always true. Sometimes a system under stress changes steadily (or “linearly”) up to a point, but beyond that far bigger or abrupt changes can be locked in.

    # Earth will soon cross a scary climate change threshold. What happens next?

    Month after [record-breaking month](https://www.noaa.gov/news/topping-charts-september-2023-was-earths-warmest-september-in-174-year-record#:~:text=Year%20to%20date%20(YTD%2C%20January,Africa%20seeing%20its%20second%20warmest.), 2023 is on track to be the hottest year measured in human history

    It has been a year of extraordinary droughtdeadly rainfall, and searing heat waves. Extreme temperatures even reached underwater. Much of the southern hemisphere basked in summer-like weather through its winter, reaching all the way down to Antarctica

    Particularly notable is that 2023 may mark the first time global average temperatures have risen above a critical line, providing a glimpse into a world where humanity fails to get climate change under control. By the end of the year, some datasets may show the earth’s temperature on average was 1.5 degrees Celsius, 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, warmer than temperatures before the Industrial Revolution.

    Despite climate pledges, Canada and other fossil fuel producers set to scale up production: report

    Canada is among a group of top fossil fuel-producing countries on pace to extract more oil and gas than would be consistent with agreed-upon international targets designed to limit global warming, according to a new analysis.

    The report, released on Wednesday by the United Nations in collaboration with a team of international scientists, found that countries still plan to produce more than double the amount of fossil fuels in 2030 than would be required to limit warming to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels.

    Fossil fuel lobbyists pour into COP28

    [2°C is too high for the world’s ice #COP28](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yJKdQZJ30Hw)

    “We can’t negotiate with the melting point of ice”. A sobering new report shows that warming of 2 degrees above pre-industrial temperatures will spell disaster for the world’s frozen cryosphere. But as the world’s leaders meet in Dubai to discuss climate action, it’s clear there’s a huge gap between what needs to happen, and what countries are committed to delivering. In this video, I meet Dr James Kirkham, Chief Scientific Advisor for the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative, who is working hard to translate the science in this report into real-world policy

    Winter isn’t coming: climate change hits Greek olive crop

    3 climate impacts the U.S. will see if warming goes beyond 1.5 degrees

    Brace for a potentially record-breaking winter after sweltering summer and autumn, say researchers

    Chris Hayes: The war in Gaza must end - YouTube

    Difficult to watch but more of the same of what we’ve been seeing the past 2+ months.

    The US and Israel are partners in war crimes, genocide and apartheid.

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