Unlawful occupation and apartheid: The ICJ rules in favor of Palestinian right against Israeli might - YouTube

Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara highlights that the recent ruling represents a corner-stone and game-changer in legal terms. He emphasizes that, while the ruling may not be surprising, it builds upon and extends the 2004 decision concerning the illegality of the apartheid wall in the West Bank. Bishara suggests that the significance of today’s ruling lies in its damning and detailed nature.

Dancing in my tiny house to Footloose and various other cheesy hits from the 80s as one does on a Friday afternoon. Anything to avoid the existential dread that is now a part of daily life. And right on cue, the theme song to Ghostbusters pops up and seems appropriate to the moment.

Yes, they knew. And most US law makers also knew but denied it. And not long after the public knew. You know who still isn’t acting? MOST OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC.

We don’t get a pass. The 10% of the Global North, especially in the US, continue to live lifestyles of over-consumption, air travel, maximum heating/cooling comfort, oversized houses, oversized vehicles. TODAY. WE KNOW.

US oil company ran 1977 article predicting climate crisis could cause starvation | The Guardian

Marathon Petroleum predecessor warned of potential for ‘social and economic calamities’ in decades-old publication

The sooner the better.

When is the global population expected to peak? And how will we adapt? - Vox

The headline was clear: We are well past the days of worrying about having more people than the Earth can handle. The UN’s demographers now expect the number of people on the planet to peak at a bit under 10.3 billion in 2084.

That’s two years earlier than the UN was predicting peak population as recently as 2022, and considerably earlier than forecasts from just a few years before, when population wasn’t expected to peak until the 22nd century.

I’m pretty sure these people have lost their minds. If this isn’t the road to Dear-Leader style authoritarianism I don’t know what is. Gross.

Trump fans wear bandages on ears to show support – in pictures | US news | The Guardian

Some people plastered over ears at Republic national convention, in solidarity with Trump after assassination attempt.

The Only Antidote To Election Anxiety Is Training To Confront Trump’s Threat - ZNetwork

Whether he emerges a victor in November or a defeated candidate claiming he was robbed, movements for justice and peace need to offer something more specific than what they’re presently doing in order to take account of the deepening anxiety around how to deal with Trump.

While issue-based organizing campaigns need to continue, our climate, economic and racial justice work don’t sufficiently address this rising anxiety.


Tinged with Fantasy, Phyllis Shafer’s Plein Air Paintings Twist the Serene Beauty of the American West — Colossal

For Phyllis Shafer, space and time are inextricably tethered. “The longer I’ve painted, the more I’ve extended my focal range. A spatial stretch in my paintings relates to time and maybe the progression of my life,” she says. “Space is a way of laying out time.”

Tiny Life Journal - On my morning walk with Cosmo I stopped to enjoy the smell of a button bush and noticed a little Flower Crab Spider perched on one of the spheres of flower clusters tucked under a leaf. A lone bindweed flower softly lit by from behind was also worth a stop!

A small white ball-like cluster of small white flowers under green leaves. A small greenish-gray flower crab spider is perched on the top center of the sphere.

A whiteish flower with a yellow center is softly backlit by the morning sun and it seems to glow. Small dew droplets are visible on the petals.

"Americans tend to think about the loss of electricity as something infrequent and temporary. For most, it is a rare inconvenience stemming from a heat wave or storm.

But for millions of U.S. households, the risk of losing power is a constant concern. According to the most recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 1 in 4 American households experience some form of energy insecurity each year, with no appreciable improvement over the past decade."


A deeply disturbing and truly dystopian story playing out in the US.

Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested - Raw Story

“This is a deadly serious report,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told Raw Story. “A retired U.S. military officer has drawn up a ‘Deep State target list’ of public officials he considers traitors, along with our family members and staff. His hit list is a vigilante death warrant for hundreds of Americans and a clear and present danger to the survival of American democracy and freedom."

Don’t mourn, Organize! This is how it’s done.

Heather Cox Richardson Talks Project 2025 - YouTube

Now is the time for action, not distraction! Project 2025 threatens our democracy. While we know that Project 2025 will destroy civil rights, reproductive freedom and turn our country towards extremist Christian Nationalism – too many of our friends and family are completely unaware. But we can change that together! Join us to hear from Heather on what we can do together to win this battle in November. More Info & Resources: https://redwine.blue/project2025/

Truthout reports that Israel Has “Flattened” UNRWA HQ in Gaza:

After months of successive attacks on humanitarian aid facilities, Israeli forces have now “completely destroyed” the headquarters of the primary aid group for Palestinian refugees in Gaza, the agency reports.

Israeli forces attacked the facility as they carried out their horrific raid of Gaza City last week, leaving nothing but rubble in its place. … UNRWA Commissioner Philippe Lazzarini said that Israel’s attack on the facility represents a “blatant” war crime.

From the very beginning US political institutions concentrated power in the hands of the elite, propertied white male minority. White supremacy by design.

"More than 200 years later, the series of compromises the founders made have increasingly vested the majority of political power in the hands of a minority of the population—a reactionary conservative white minority that is seeking to entrench and hold onto power through a wide variety of anti-democratic means."


A brief video with Ari Berman on the constraints built into American “democracy”. From the very beginning US political institutions concentrated power in the hands of the elite, propertied white male minority. You know, white supremacy by design.

More than 200 years later, the series of compromises the founders made have increasingly vested the majority of political power in the hands of a minority of the population—a reactionary conservative white minority that is seeking to entrench and hold onto power through a wide variety of anti-democratic means.

Blue Maga: we need to talk about the cult-like turn of the Democratic Party | The Guardian

Is the Democratic party, the self-proclaimed party of liberal values and scientific data, morphing into a Maga-like cult in front of our eyes?

Over the past few weeks, the calls for Joe Biden to step aside have been met not with thoughtful critiques or reasoned counter-arguments but with furious accusations of treason, disloyalty, and betrayal.

Whatever happened to the importance of voicing dissent? Of speaking truth to power? Weren’t liberals supposed to be the folks who value open debate and discussion?

The US is a circus of white supremacy. The violence of today rooted in the violence of yesterday. There is a thru line from our foundation in settler colonialism to economic gains based upon slavery to this moment. Today our domestic violence is exported as war profiteering and a foreign policy rooted in constant interventions. A repeating cycle of violence with the goal of resource extraction, resource theft. It is fundamental to America.


The US is a circus of white supremacy. The violence of today rooted in the violence of yesterday, a thru line from our foundation in settler colonialism to economic gains based upon slavery to this moment. Our domestic violence is exported as war profiteering and a foreign policy rooted in constant interventions. A repeating cycle of violence with the goal of resource extraction, resource theft. It is fundamental to America.

Brother Ali - Uncle Sam Goddamn (Official Video) - YouTube

Smoke and mirrors, stripes and stars Stolen for the cross in the name of God Bloodshed, genocide, rape and fraud

The Real Gaza Death Toll - Susan Abulhawa - YouTube

While the official death toll stalled at 30,000 for months before climbing to 37,000, they grossly underestimate the true death toll. These figures only account for identified victims of ‘direct fire’. Hundreds of thousands more remain uncounted—unidentified bodies or body parts, those who died due to a lack of medicine and healthcare, those buried by their loved ones without getting to hospital, those who starved to death, those trapped under the rubble, those who succumbed to torture while abducted by the IOF and/or those missing.

“The scope of the problem is vast.”

Even that is an understatement. We cannot be ready because this is now an existential crisis for civilization as we know it. It’s that simple.

The U.S. is nowhere near ready for climate change » Yale Climate Connections

The situation has now reached the point where the government can’t possibly make whole all those wiped out by a disaster, let alone buy out all of the properties that have flooded repeatedly or finance all the beach nourishment projects that could defend coastal property against sea level rise and stronger storms.

Brutal truth.

Listen to this conversation with Saul Williams about the historical and ongoing colonialism by the Global North of the Global South. It’s white supremacy in service of resource extraction, plain and simple.

"Legendary artist Saul Williams joins Empire Files to discuss the overlap of high technology with medieval barbarism in Israel’s genocide."
