Beardy Star Stuff, Late Summer 2024

Current Notes, my "Now" Page

Rather than a separate page, just gonna put this here.

Sticky Note: As I'm self-rolling this site in html I don't have comments or fancy web mentions. If you happen to mention or link please let me know: I love email!


Time flies! I've spent much of my free time the past week moving posts over to the new site. Really enjoying it. Also refining my process with improved shortcuts now using RegEx which I'd never used before. It's far from easy. Just finding the expression I needed for two steps in a shortcut took hours. Lol. But the final result is very cool as the Shortcut finds the title of the post and inserts it into the metadata. Woot! And the Shortcuts finishes by copying the date and title of the post into a new line of html then opens up my posts.html so I can just paste it in. Those two additions will shave a minute off of the time it takes to add in a post from the archive.

I also cleaned up the Google Font mess I had in the head. Embarrassing but fixed.


Still dealing the fluid in my ears, especially in the left ear. That was a lingering issue from the labyrinthitis that started 2 years ago but it's increased dramatically as a result of Covid 3 weeks ago. I feel it and notice the impact on my hearing.


Work: I've been busy doing design and layout for of several annual reports and newsletters.

Tiny house and Land: I've just finished mowing lespedeza, an invasive plant in our area. It's an ongoing effort to remove it and allow for growth of our native plants.

Health: It took five years but Covid finally caught up with me. 14 days after infection I've still got a cough and sinus congestion but feel fairly well recovered. Yuck. I'm thankful I was able to avoid the first 3 years of the more virulent strains.

Free time: I've moved the site from its previous home at and I'm excited to be rebuilding it from scratch. Going forward these pages are my own, all hand coded html and css with files uploaded the old fashioned way. This means I have complete freedom to organize the site and pages as I see fit. I've been enjoying spending time looking at how others have organized their sites and am considering options. Rather than continue thinking of the site as a blog I'll consider it more as a digital garden that includes a blog. There are a few longer blog posts that I'd like to feature. I've also been expanding the Blogroll and adding a links/bookmarks blog.

I've not quite got it all sorted yet. Likely a permanent work in progress as these things usually are.

Featured Posts

2024-07-02 Organizing and active citizenship

2024-03-29 US History: We need to acknowledge the violence of white settler colonialism and slavery

2023-11-24 America as a failed democracy

2023-11-22 The precipice of authoritarianism: How and why did the US get to this?

2023-11-18 The soothing balm of minimalism

2023-11-07 Building on-the-ground community democracy

2023-11-07 This is our genocide too

Most Recent Posts

2024-09-23 Pale Tiger Caterpillar

2024-09-23 Old man yelling at clouds

2024-09-22 Blue wax weed, Cuphea viscosissima

2024-09-18 Thoughts on single proprietor blog services and what if...

2024-09-18 Using devices as they were NOT intended

2024-09-17 RegEx and a stroll down memory lane

2024-09-14 20 years later

2024-09-12 Today's Mini-adventure in freelancing!

2024-09-12 Using the right tool for the job: Website coding, site management and blog posting from the iPad

2024-09-11 A break from my usual

2024-09-07 That time I resurfaced a gravel road by hand

2024-09-05 On doing things the "hard" way

2024-09-03 On canceling my Apple Music subscription

2024-09-03 Begin Again

2024-08-25 We belong to our ecosystem

2024-08-25 A new process for exploring blogs

Linked Posts

2024-09-22 Building the World Wide Web with hypertext – Tracy Durnell's Mind Garden

2024-09-22 Water use literacy | Thought Shrapnel

2024-09-22 Israeli Minister of Education Suggests Lebanon Will Be “Annihilated”

2024-09-11 HathiTrust Digital Library – Millions of books online

2024-09-09 Emily Howard on picky eating