
    I rearranged and refreshed the hugelculture beds in my garden a few days ago and found these under a half rotted log. Not sure about the white ones but the other is Sarcoscypha coccinea, commonly known as the scarlet elf cup, or the scarlet cup. A cluster of very tiny, bright red-pink-orange cup shaped mushrooms growing from rich soil and organic matter.

    Very tiny white mushrooms growing in soil and organic matter

    An interesting patch of moss and lichen near the trail on my morning walk. The lichen appears to be taking over the moss.

    A patch of moss and lichen. A small purplish leaved plant is growing in the bottom right corner.
    A patch of moss and lichen, the lichen seems to be covering the moss, growing over it
    A patch of moss and lichen, the lichen seems to be covering the moss, growing over it

    I almost missed this fallen branch covered in Luminescent Panelus, Panellus stipticus. Such a fascinating world if we take the time to see it.

    A macro side view of cluster of Orangish cream colored mushrooms grow from a fallen tree. In the background green moss and more mushrooms are visible.
    A Top down view of a cluster of Orangish cream colored mushrooms growing from a fallen tree. The mushrooms are in the shape of a Half circle and are irregular in texture and variations of color. In the background green moss, lichen and more mushrooms are visible.
    A bottom up view of a cluster of Orangish cream colored mushrooms growing from a fallen tree. The mushrooms are in the shape of a Half circle and are irregular in texture and variations of color. As the photo is taken from below the underside of the mushrooms with gills or ridges are visible. In the background green moss, lichen and more mushrooms a

    With last night’s rain and the soft light this morning the fungi, lichen and moss really popped out at me during my morning trail walk.

    Luminescent Panellus, Panellus stipticus and Eastern speckled shield lichen, Punctelia bolliana Small off-white to peach colored fungi near a cluster of cup-like lichen and green moss

    Sternum ostrea, false turkey-tail Fungi, dark brown at the center attachment to a tree. Rings outward gradually become lighter with the outer edges a light orange and white. They are in the shape of a semi-circle, somewhat resembling sea shells

    Tremella mesentercia, witch’s butter A bright yellow, semi-translucent, gelatinous fungi grows from a tree branch. Pale green lichen are also growing on the branch.

    From my morning walk. I almost missed this branch hosting tiny Trametes fungi.

    Primarily white fungi grow from a fallen tree branch. They are a half circle shape with a stem attachment to the branch on the flat side of the fungi. The have faint orangish brown rings dispersed across the surface. The branch and fungi are resting on a backgound of green moss and brown leaves.

    Tiny little fungi! Witch's Hat, Hygrocybe conica.

    a very small, glossy red mushroom pushes through moss. Its cap is conical as it has not yet opened.

    two mushrooms, growing near each other. They have orangish, stems and red caps. Surrounding the mushrooms is a mix of forest floor debris, including small steaks, and leaves. 

    Unidentified mushrooms  two very thin and small white mushrooms

    Tiny little Splitgill mushrooms, Schizophyllum commune. So tiny but both the top and bottom sides are full of texture.

    The underside of several very small, cream colored fungi growing on a branch. The underside consists of deeply lined gills

    The top of side of very small, cream colored fungi growing on a branch. The texture seems fuzzy or spongy. The outer circumference is not smooth but rather looks like a bunch of small toes.

    Trail photos!

    Hydrastis canadensis, Goldenseal

    A white-cream flower with very thin string-like petals and yellow-green center grows from strongly textured green flowers

    Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae, the fungi that causes apple cedar rust. Such a strange and beautiful fungi! An alien looking orange fungi that has a circular core with many orange tentacle looking growths

    A few recent photos taken around the cabin and on the trail.

    Camonotus castaneus, chestnut carpenter ant

    A semi translucent orange ant, perched on a green bulb flower bud

    Arilus cristatus, Wheel Bug Nymph. This one was tiny and moving quickly hard to capture up close.

    a very tiny assassin bug with an orange abdomen, black legs, and black head

    Ramaria caulifloriformis, coral fungi

    a cream colored coral fungi, which resembles coral found in the ocean, some think it resembles cauliflower hence the name

    From today's trail ride.

    Ramaria caulifloriformis, coral fungi

    A pale yellow fungi that looks like a coral or califlower growing in the woods

    A fat back leaning against a very large tree near a creek in the woods

    Cortinarius distans or Laccaria, not sure!

    A orange-brown mushroom grows out of decomposing leaves in the forest

    Auricularia americana, jelly tree ear or Auricularia auricula, wood ear. According to Wikipedia the first grows on broadleaf trees but is confined to Europe. The second grows on conifers and can be found in North America. These were found on the trunk remains of a broadleaf tree in North America.

    A rainy day yesterday but there was a break just long enough to enjoy a ride on the trail. A fat tire bike leans against the tree next to a trail

    Creamy colored fungi grow on a tree Creamy colored fungi grow on a tree

    A mix of moss and lichen, with small funnel cups growing out of the lichen Pixie cup lichen, Cladonia

    A cluster of dark orange mushrooms growing out of soil, Unidentified mushrooms

    Possibly Bark Bonnet, Phloeomana speirea?

    Cream colored mushrooms growing from the side of a moss covered surface Cream colored mushrooms growing from the side of a moss covered surface Cream colored mushrooms growing from the side of a moss covered surface Cream colored mushrooms growing from the side of a moss covered surface

    Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric or fly amanita. #mushtodon #sporespondence

    a red mushroom with a white stem growing out of the forest floor a red mushroom with a white stem growing out of the forest floor a red mushroom with a white stem growing out of the forest floor

    Pleurotus ostreatus, the oyster mushroom, oyster fungus, or hiratake, is a common edible mushroom. #mushtodon #sporespondence #edible

    creamy white mushroom grows out of a tree in the forest creamy white mushroom grows out of a tree in the forest creamy white mushroom grows out of a tree in the forest

    Macrolepiota procera, the parasol mushroom, is a basidiomycete fungus with a large, prominent fruiting body resembling a parasol. #mushtodon #sporespondence

    a white, cream colored mushroom

    a white, cream colored mushroom

    Mycena galericulata is a mushroom species also known as the common bonnet, the toque mycena, the common mycena or the rosy-gill fairy helmet.

    A small cluster of white to cream colored mushrooms growing from a moss covered log Two small brownish cream mushrooms growing from a log small brownish cream mushrooms growing from a log

    Galerina marginata, known as funeral bell, deadly skullcap, autumn skullcap or deadly galerina, is a species of extremely poisonous mushroom-forming fungus.

    orange-ish brown mushrooms, growing from a  log  orange-ish brown mushrooms, growing from a  log orange-ish brown mushrooms, growing from a  log

    A group of orange, gilled mushrooms growing from the forest floor Omphalotus olearius, the jack-o'-lantern mushroom. A group of orange, gilled mushrooms growing from the forest floor A group of orange, gilled mushrooms growing from the forest floor Omphalotus illudens, commonly known as the eastern jack-o'lantern mushroom.

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