
These woods are home

I’ve been enjoying my time on the trails this past week. So much color and the fragrance of autumn is overwhelming at times. Fantastic. These woods are home.

A fat tire bike leans against a tree in the woods. To the right is a leaf covered dry creek. The leaves in the trees are mostly yellow.

A leaf covered woodland trail passes under trees one of which is dominated by bright yellow leaves. Most of the other trees in the image have brown leaves in their branches

A fat tire bike leans against a tree in the woods. The leaves in the trees are a mix of green and yellow

A large cream colored fungi grows from the side of a fallen tree. The image is taken from directly over the fungi and it has a half moon shape. The texture of the fungi is highlighted by light orangish-brown that faintly extends as barely definable concentric rings from the center connection at the tree to the outer edge. The center stem connection is more solidly orange-brown. Below and around the fungi and tree are brown and orange leaves on the forest floor