
Automator Action: Scale and Send via Bluetooth

If you have Tiger and a Bluetooth phone that you sometimes like to send images to... say for attachment to one of your contacts, here's a handy Automator Action: Scale and Send via Bluetooth. You will also need to download and install Bluetooth Object Push 1.0 which is available via Apple (Download).

Open it in Automator and save it as a Finder Plugin. Now when use your Finder to select an image of any size and Control Click to bring up your contextual menu. Navigate to Automator and select your new plugin. After Scaling it will ask you to select the file you want to send to your device. Note: this will not copy or duplicate your current image but will replace it with the smaller, scaled image! Your original will be replaced with an image 150 pixels wide so duplicate it before using this script if you want to keep the original intact.