
Terrorism and the illusion of democracy in the U.S.

U.S. Population (July 2004): 293,027,571

Iraq Population (July 2004): 25,374,691

In terms of population the U.S. is 11.5 times larger than Iraq. Let’s assume for this post that 100,000 Iraqi civillians have died as a result of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Adjusting for the difference of populations, what we’ve done to Iraq would be the equivelant of 1,150,000 dead U.S. civillians.

Now contemplate that number. Close your eyes and let your mind rest on that: 1,150,000.

That is what we have done to Iraq. That is the war on terror. Explain to me how the deaths of the 9/11 attacks justify this? Now add to the equation that there was absolutely no connection between Saddam and Iraq with the attacks of 9/11 committed primarily by Saudis directed by Osama bin Laden, also a Saudi. Also, add to the equation that the facts clearly show that George Bush repeatedly lied in making his case for war and that there was no credible case at all. John Kerry has said that the war was/is mismanaged but that it was justified.

I hear both U.S. presidental candidates talking about the hunt for Osama bin Laden and the war on terror. Repeatedly they talk about hunting down the terrorists. I read what Osama bin Laden said in his latest video. I ask myself, what is the truth? What is going on? I ask, who is the terrorist? I ask, how have our actions and policies of the past 30 years angered people like bin Laden? Is their anger justified? I ask, are we any better than bin Laden? Are we worse?

I look at the numbers and I look at our conduct and I can only conclude that it is the U.S. that started this fight. It is the U.S. that is the real terrorist. The fact that our terror is better financed and delivered by a sanctioned military does not change the fact that it is terror. I ask, why do the people of this nation refuse to see what is before them? Why do they cooperate with the illusion?

On this election day I did not vote. I refuse to choose one evil instead of another. I refuse to participate in a sham process that only serves to misdirect by illusion. The U.S. is not a democracy, not even a democratic republic. No, it is a nation of many who do not understand what the few who rule do in their name. It is a nation of many that do not understand the history or design of “their” government.

This election day should not be the end of a process. Americans should not hope for a “return to normal life” after the rude intrusion of the “democratic process” into their normal tv viewing habits. This day should be the beginning of a movement to create real democracy. Our time is running out. We are not innocent and I believe that the time is coming that we will learn that our ignorance will not protect us.