
Freedom Journal

I couldn’t go to sleep last night and I had an idea. Perhaps it is a terrible idea… perhaps not. I’ve often thought and suggested that the people of this country do not think or talk enough about the fundamental concepts that are supposedly very important to us. Specifically I’m thinking of: freedom, democracy, and citizenship. My idea: Freedom Journal or maybe Democracy Journal… A citizen’s movement for democracy. The home base, at least initially, would be a website with 2 component parts. The first would be a simple pledge along the lines of:

I agree to participate in the discussion of the fundamental components upon which the United States is built: freedom, democracy, and citizenship.

I will encourage this discussion in my home, neighborhood, workplace and any available public forum.

The second would be a blog. Every week a simple topic would be posted and then discussed in the comment section. The site/blog would be set up with no external links to any organization. It would have no party or philosophical affiliation at all. The point would be to discuss the topics without the baggage of already existing entities. We would also ask that participants consider posting a linked badge on their website/blog and that they advocate discussion by posting, on their own blog, the weekly topic of discussion. We would also post downloadable graphics with a logo, the pledge, and the website address. Folks could print these out and distribute them in their community.

I think the power comes from the simplicity. We as a “nation” are in a crisis moment. I have yet to see any real discussion of these fundamentals. I don’t think I’ve ever really seen such a discussion. Many folks are thinking right now about their country but all the energy has been directed to Kerry/Bush, Democrat/Republican. Seems to me that in a time of crisis it is critical that one step back and look at the fundamentals.
