
George Bush: International Terrorist and Lying Scumbag

Dave over at the Scripting News knows why we should throw Bush out:

Here’s why we must throw Bush out of office. The big moment came when Colin Powell went before the UN to explain why it was time to go to war with Iraq. That’s when the impeachment proceedings should have started, in hindsight. Unfortunately we didn’t know then that they were lying. Blame us for believing that our President wouldn’t unilaterally go to war based on a lie. That’s criminal. He should go to jail. Sorry Republicans, you nominated the wrong guy."

Yup. I’ve been saying that for nearly two years. These guys are war criminals and as far as I’m concerned everyone that continues to support the war is a criminal. Hell, I think people that supported the war in March 2003 are criminals because they were negligent. Folks say they were lied to and that is true but you know, it was pretty obvious to the millions of protesters around the planet that Bush was lying. Americans are far to quick to believe their president and their government in general.

Actually, I’ll go another step and suggest that not only is George Bush a war criminal, he is a terrorist. Seriously. Why is it war and not terrorism? Have we not terrorized the people of Iraq? If it proves true that over 100,000 civilians have been killed by this war I’d suggest they were murdered and I’d suggest that the world community needs to do something about it. It’s way past the time that the U.S. be on the receiving end of economic sanctions. We parade around the world accusing others of developing nuclear weapons even as we do the same. Over and over we prove ourselves to be a rogue nation.

The reality of the U.S. is becoming increasingly bizarre. The fact that Bush could still be president and that he actually may win again? That just… you know, I mean, I’ve got giraffes living in my underwear drawer and I’m a unicorn. Help me understand.