
Tuesday Randomness: Jon Stewart on C-Span, Cards vs Sox and more!

Jon Stewart on C-Span Very funny but the most serious interview I’ve seen with him yet. Must see!

Cardinals and Red Sox tonight if the rain doesn’t postpone the game. Go Cards!

It’s raining. I love rainy fall days. Best music for days like this: Shellyan Orphan’s Century Flower, REM’s Fables of the Reconstruction, any Godspeed, Portishead. Loverly.

I saw a turkey in the backyard today. The first turkey I’ve seen in a long while.

A few days ago we had a fox visit us. It was sad though because it was a very sick fox and probably died. She was at our front door for over an hour… actually had her nose up against the glass. I took some pictures.

I’m totally in love with the Dawn and Drew Show.