
Real Time with Bill Maher

I never watched Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect" but in recent months I've enjoyed seeing him as a guest on a few shows and last night on his own HBO show,Real Time. Excellent.

I think they spent too much time talking about the 7 minutes that George Bush read My Pet Goat and not nearly enough time with Ralph Nader. The former Canadian Prime Minister made an excellent point regarding the power of proportional representation in Canada. Michael and Bill got on their knees to beg Ralph not to run for president which was quite funny, if not misguided. Run Ralph Run!

The Democratic convention, at least what I saw of it, was a shallow, heavily produced brain-fart with zero content. I get more substance in hearing Ralph Nader speak five sentences than I get with twenty minutes of Kerry or any other Democrat. Seriously. I couldn't believe how empty those speeches were. Until we get up off our asses and organize for real change, perhaps starting with proportional representation, I hope we get four more years of Bush. Run it into the ground George... into the ground.