
George The War Criminal Bush

It could not be more obvious at this point that Bush and company fucked up. In fact, their war of aggression against a relatively defenseless nation should, at the very least, land them all in jail. Of course Clinton and daddy Bush should also be in jail though they were better at hiding or justifying their crimes.

As has been widely reported, Bush visited Oak Ridge Tennessee on Monday. He continues his defensive strategy of repeating lies in the hopes that the repetition might some how magically make us forget:

But Saddam refused to open his country to inspections, Bush said.

"So I had a choice to make: either take the word of a madman or defend America. Given that choice I will defend America."

Bush has used similar rhetoric in speeches for months, but the words took on added significance in light of the latest report condemning the Iraq intelligence.

I have to wonder about this prick and his fellow fuck-ups at the White House. Do they really think they can just recreate history by changing it in their speeches? It might fool a few people but I'd bet the vast majority remember very clearly that in this plane of existence Saddam did not refuse to open his country to inspections. In fact they were there for months. Remember Hans Blix George? Come on, try real, real hard. Hans Blix. You can do it.