
The missing WMD

CNN is reporting that Colin Powell unsure whether WMD will be found in Iraq:

On Friday, the Bush administration’s former top weapons investigator, David Kay, told the Reuters news agency he had concluded that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had no stockpiles of weapons.

Responding to the remark, the secretary of state said it was not clear who was right.

Last year, Powell presented evidence to the United Nations that Saddam had such weapons. President Bush used their alleged existence as the primary rationale for the U.S.-led war on Iraq.

So, we got Saddam but no weapons of mass destruction. What right did we have going into Iraq? Do defend ourselves? To defend freedom? Bullshit. Complete bullshit. It is the U.S. that has a vast stockpile of such weapons. It is the U.S. that is a threat to other nations. It still boggles my mind that so many people refuse to acknowledge this fact. I also do not understand why so many U.S. citizens refuse to accept the truth of our conduct not just in regards to Iraq. The history of U.S. foreign policy is littered with the overthrow of governments we did not like and the support of dictators that were not interested in democracy.

It has never been about freedom and democracy. Those are lies that we let ourselves believe and in so doing we have let “our” government commit war crime after war crime in our name. We’ve become a nation of war criminals because we refuse to act responsibly. We’ve refused to step out of our zone of comfort: jobs, homes, SUVs, white picket fences. The American Dream is a nightmare built upon the bloodshed of millions around the planet.

One day, our history will bury us.