Posting to a Moblog from Cingular MMS?
Grrrr. I’m moving to Missouri for a while and so I just switched to Cingular and bought a Sony Ericsson T616. The phone is good and so far the service is too. But as of now I cannot post a photo to my Textamerica blog or to my typepad moblog. For some reason the MMS-based images, which worked fine coming from T-Mobile won’t show up. I can send them to the Textamerica blog as an email via the phone and it works but that costs per email and I’m not going to spend 50 cents to post an image to a blog.
Anyone know anything about this?
Edit: Well, I’ve discovered that when sending via MMS jpgs are sent as mime attachments rather than jpg which is how they are sent when I send via email. I’m betting that is the problem though I have no idea how to deal with it. I thought I could set up a filter in OSX Mail so that I could send to a Mac with a full time connection and have it redirected but that does not work because the attachment will be in the same format. I’d bet it is possible to write an applescript that would save and open the attachment and save as a jpg and resend via mail but I do not know enough about applescript to write it. Perhaps Textamerica or the folks at Typepad will care enough to fix it. I wonder how many other folks are having the same problem.