
Mac DHCP “vulnerability”

The Bynk Zone details the huge holes in recent commentaries regarding Mac OS X “security flaws”: Networking: What happens when you don’t understand the problem

Well, thanks to William Carrel, and his advisory, the Mac community is now getting slings and barbs from the PC community, who are now starting to say “See…Macs are vulnerable too, ha-ha!” In fact, there’s been one article in PC World that has almost that exact title: Eureka, Mac’s are not invulnerable, by Lance Ulanoff. Lance has a fine time dishing up all the crow he expects Mac users to eat. In fact, he ends his article with “…How cocky are you feeling now, Mac elite? Hmm. Suddenly it’s gotten pretty quiet around here.”

Not only is Ulanoff’s article childish, but it is not accurate. I have to wonder if he knew the article he was publishing was misinformation or did he just not do his homework?