
What to do?

Our home, the deCleyre Co-op has now been broken into at least two times in thirty days. Yesterday a housemate’s truck was stolen during the day sometime. Bikes have been stolen off of the front porch.

Unfortunately we helped create the problem. The bikes stolen off the porch were not locked up. Both times the house was broken into it was actually walked into because a door was unlocked (there are six doors to the outside in this crazy old house!) So, needless to say we are now getting very, very good at keeping all the doors locked.

Nonetheless, we know that our neighborhood has it’s share of break-ins. Being a bunch of anarchist types we’ve tended to avoid calling the cops but we have filed reports with the last two incidents. We’d rather be able to take care of the problem without them but that’s not easy.

Heh. I think that starting this evening we will be sitting on the roof watching.