
Panther today or Longhorn in 2006?

MacMinute: Longhorn delay has Windows users considering OS X

MacMinute reports that Longhorn delay has Windows users considering OS X: Microsoft Watch has posted a number of e-mails from readers who say they are considering switching to Mac OS X due to the delay of Longhorn, Microsoft’s next major version of Windows. “Apple is already many years ahead in several areas compared to Win XP (Quartz Extreme),” writes PHP programmer Adam Chaney. “And with Panther less then 10 days from release. It will make Apple look even better because they can ship an OS with real reasons to upgrade while MS cannot for three years. Three years is an eternity in computer time. By the time MS gets its act together, people may have gotten tired of banging on MS’s door and have gone across the street to the open door with the big sign that reads ‘Come on in!, No Worms in this Apple.’”

I am amazed that people are not flocking to the Mac at this point, especially those who are at the point of purchasing a new computer. I’ve used Windows 98 and XP and the word I’d use to describe the experience: clunky.